Love And Hate Quotes

Quotes tagged as "love-and-hate" Showing 61-82 of 82
A.S. King
“They don't know what love is. Here they learn what hate is, and I am so sad that they might never know love because hate came first.”
A.S. King, Everybody Sees the Ants

Jessica Shirvington
“We love the ones we hate”
Jessica Shirvington, Emblaze

Dan Pearce
“So many people hate me and love me for the exact same reasons. This is all the proof I need that my opinion about myself is the only opinion I should ever care about.”
Dan Pearce, Single Dad Laughing: The Best of Year One

Seanan McGuire
“We hated each other so well and loved each other so badly...”
Seanan McGuire, Rosemary and Rue

C. JoyBell C.
“When people begin to define the things that they believe in, based upon the exclusion of all the things that they hate, all that does is eat away at the soul. Define the things that you believe in based upon the pursuit of the the things that you love and then that love should be able to override all those things that you hate.”
C. JoyBell C.

Emily Brontë
“I wish I could hold you," she continued bitterly, "till we were both dead!”
Emily Brontë

“So help me, if something crawls out of one of these bags, I will castrate you.”

“I bet you’d love that.”

-Emma and Jackson”
Rachael Wade, Love and Relativity

Barbara Blatner
“I could simply
kill you now,
get it over with,
who would
know the difference?
I could easily
kick you in, stove you
under, for all those times,
mean on gin,
you rammed words
into my belly. (p. 52)”
Barbara Blatner

Rosemary Sutcliff
“Here is one with a gift for loving and a gift for hating, and when he hates, God help the man who earns his hatred.”
Rosemary Sutcliff, Tristan and Iseult

“People are fascinating. Especially the ones who hate me.”
Rebecca McKinsey

Kelly Milner Halls
“I opened my mouth to exclaim about the puppies. They were beauty and joy and innocence made of flesh and fur, in an ugly time when fear and sadness and mistrust hung over the world like a sickly green tornado sky.”
Kelly Milner Halls, Girl Meets Boy: Because There Are Two Sides to Every Story

Amos Oz
“L'amore è una faccenda intima strana e piena di contraddizioni, visto che non di rado amiamo qualcuno solo perchè amiamo noi stessi, per egoismo, avidità, desiderio fisico, brama di dominare l'oggetto d'amore e asservirlo; o al contrario, per desiderio di asservirci e essere dominati dal nostro amante, e in fondo l'amore assomiglia all'odio e gli è più prossimo di quanto non si pensi normalmente.”
Amos Oz, Giuda

Eduardo Galeano
“Porque los rayos del amor y del odio atraviesan de un salto la más espesas selvas y los ríos más hondos.”
Eduardo Galeano

Nikhil Kushwaha
“As the best wine makes the sharpest vinegar, truest love can turn into truest nemesis.”
Nikhil Kushwaha, Heart of Bullets

W. Somerset Maugham
“... I was perturbed by the suspicion that the anguish of love contemned was alloyed in her broken heart with the pangs, sordid in my young mind, of wounded vanity. I had not yet learnt how contradictory is human nature; I did not know how much pose there is in the sincere. how much baseness in the noble, nor how much goodness in the reprobate.”
W. Somerset Maugham

Toni Morrison
“The best hiding place was love. Thus the conversion from pristine sadism to fabricated hatred, to fraudulent love.”
Toni Morrison, The Bluest Eye

George Steiner
“El amor más intenso, quizá más débil que el odio, es una negociación, nunca concluyente, entre soledades.”
George Steiner, Dix raisons (possibles) à la tristesse de pensée

Beth Lyon Barnett
“I can't find who wrote this (it was't me)but I think it is great.

Before I was your mother, I was a girl.”
Beth Lyon Barnett, Jazz Town

Awdhesh Singh
“Love can be simply stated to be the desire of the human being to integrate oneself with other selves in such a way that one starts feeling the pain and pleasure of another person as if of one’s own. Hatred can be defined as just the opposite – to derive pleasure in the pain of others, while feeling unhappy seeing others happy”
Awdhesh Singh, Good and Evil: Two Sides of the Same Coin

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