
Life Balance Quotes

Quotes tagged as "life-balance" Showing 1-30 of 74
Susan C. Young
“There will be times in your life when things simply have to be replaced because they are tired, broken, worn out, harmful, outdated, or irrelevant. Take an inventory of the things that no longer serve your best and highest good so you can replace them with things which do.”
Susan C. Young

Susan C. Young
“Reconnect to what makes you happy and brings you Joy. If there is something that used to make you happy which you have stopped doing, do it again. Seek to find deeper meaning and significance rather than living on the surface.”
Susan C. Young

Susan C. Young
“Connecting with others gives us a sense of inclusion, connection, interaction, safety, and community. Your vibe attracts your tribe, so if you want to attract positive and healthy relationships, be one! Staying connected and getting reconnected feeds the flow of goodness which empowers our humanity.”
Susan C. Young

Susan C. Young
“Did you once have a grand plan which has become obsolete and no longer serves you? If there are areas in your life which must change to help you create better results, a redesign may be in order. Consider going back to the ‘drawing board’ to deconstruct what isn’t working and start anew.”
Susan C. Young

Susan C. Young
“Rejoicing is grounded in gratitude, with a keen appreciation for yourself, others, your abundance, and the beauty around you.”
Susan C. Young

Susan C. Young
“A diamond’s creation requires immense pressure and intense temperatures to reach its highest potential. Without enduring the adversity and pressure of its environment, the diamond would never become the treasure it was meant to be. May the changes you grow through bring incredible value in helping you forge a remarkable and multi-faceted life.”
Susan C. Young

“The Internet doesn’t love you or need you – but your family does.”
James Chartrand

Susan C. Young
“Be a life-long learner. Whether you are seeking to achieve peace and harmony, learn a new technology to do your work faster, or design a strategy to blow your competitors out of the water, retraining is a pivotal way to strengthen your knowledge and realize your goals”
Susan C. Young

Susan C. Young
“As a pearl is formed and its layers grow, a rich iridescence begins to glow. The oyster has taken what was at first an irritation and intrusion and uses it to enrich its value. How can you coat or frame the changes in your life to harvest beauty, brilliance, and wisdom?”
Susan C. Young

Susan C. Young
“Like the butterfly, you will also go through stages of change, rebirth, and new beginnings for transformation and renewal. Use these changes to create a clarity of purpose for a personal renaissance. Break out of your comfort zone, shed old layers, and stretch in your potential to become your best self. Be free of outdated limitations, experience rebirth and take flight.”
Susan C. Young

Susan C. Young
“Are you comfortable and willing to be of service to others, but find it difficult to receive the same in return? Why are people so quick to resist receiving, even when they need the help? Your ability to receive not only opens the space for great things to enter your life, but it returns a gift of grace to the giver.”
Susan C. Young

Susan C. Young
“A life lived well, or poorly, uses our resources to such an extent that it can weaken many areas which were once strong. Simply from wear and tear, we may tire and need to be re-fortified. Seek ways to re-strengthen so that you may perform at higher levels and increase your endurance to enjoy a life you love.”
Susan C. Young

Susan C. Young
“Reconnect with who you truly are and what you really want rather than letting the outside world determine it for you. Reconnect with your purpose and your passion to know if your actions are helping you to achieve it.”
Susan C. Young

Susan C. Young
“It is impressive to see how people work hard to transform their lives, their bodies, and their relationships to become the best version of themselves. Release the layers that weigh you down and hold you back. Release the past and re-emerge to begin your next chapter.”
Susan C. Young

Susan C. Young
“To build up your speed and create momentum, do you need to be pushed or pulled? Successfully shifting gears requires synchronization, coordination, and a sense of speed, whether fast or slow. Sometimes it is simply a matter of shaking up your routine to get things rolling in the right direction.”
Susan C. Young

Daniel Z. Lieberman
“There’s only one thing that will save us: the ability to achieve a better balance, to overcome our obsession with more, appreciate the unlimited complexity of reality, and learn to enjoy the things we have.”
Daniel Z. Lieberman, The Molecule of More: How a Single Chemical in Your Brain Drives Love, Sex, and Creativity—and Will Determine the Fate of the Human Race

Rasheed Ogunlaru
“Your well-being must never become an afterthought. It must be your first act.”
Rasheed Ogunlaru

Susan C. Young
“Have you ever made a commitment for which you felt conviction or passion at the time in which it was made, yet as time went by, you lost interest, lost passion, got distracted, or found something else which would result in a greater reward? If your commitments have wavered, recommit yourself to fulfill your promises and do the right thing.”
Susan C. Young

Susan C. Young
“When you hit hard tough stuff, do you feel flattened because of it or rebound in a new direction to keep living, loving, moving, and growing? Improving your bounce-ability factor will help you rock your resilience to handle setbacks, adversity, and challenges with confidence.”
Susan C. Young

Susan C. Young
“Re-imagination is the birthplace for vision and change. Your imagination is one of the most valuable talents you have and deserves your full attention. Imagining how you want to live your life is one thing, but connecting your imagination to a visual representation will give you exactly the traction you need to make it a reality.”
Susan C. Young

Adrianna Stepiano
“Here’s to the “so-so-ing” it.
Here’s to the working since I was 14 in a smoke clouded day.
Here’s to saying I could stay until the forms were faxed.
Here’s to driving home past dark and dozing off the road.
Here’s to no over time.
Here’s to the long line to management.
Here’s to quitting, saying I’m through, saying I can’t compete for your leftover lean cuisine. Here’s to art. Here’s to freedom. Here’s to saying God gave me every penny and knowing it’s true. Here’s to the next 40 years with you.
Here’s to the new.
— Adrianna Stepiano”
Adrianna Stepiano

Banana Yoshimoto
“Especially not something like abandoning my professional standards, because that would throw the rest of my life out of balance.”
Banana Yoshimoto, The Lake

Richie Norton
“Work-life balance is a fallacy. Work-life freedom is the goal.”
Richie Norton

Gail Armatys
“In the end, maybe what you really seek is not so much balance but a calming of the storm in your soul.”
Gail Armatys, Your HeartSong Journey: Discovering and Living Your Inspired Dream and God-Designed Purpose

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“If there are not times in our life when we laugh so hard that we cry, we have become far more serious than life ever asked us to become.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Donna Goddard
“Simple honesty about our physical bodies, how they function, and what they need to be balanced and healthy gets rid of so many unnecessary problems.”
Donna Goddard, Nanima: Spiritual Fiction

Avijeet Das
“Your positive energy and warm vibes are like sunrays on a cold, winter morning.”
Avijeet Das

“Before you dash away to shop, take a moment to stop and smell the gingerbread.”
Suzanne Schwalb

Manuel Corazzari
“Simplifying life is not about having less, but about making room for what matters most”
Manuel Corazzari

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