
Lgbtq Literature Quotes

Quotes tagged as "lgbtq-literature" Showing 1-30 of 39
“Me? I had no dreams. No longings. Dreams only set you up for disappointment. Plus, you had to have a life to have dreams of a better life.”
Julie Anne Peters, Luna

Tomasz Jedrowski
“I tried not to think of all the things I had imagined we would do together — return to our lake next summer, move in together someday.”
Tomasz Jedrowski, Swimming in the Dark

C.A.  Conrad
“In a world of watered-down bestsellers and formula novels, Hitching to Nirvana eases back just enough to show the blade which cuts the real open, then bolts forward again, giving us a charged, swerving dance to self-actualization. Hitching to Nirvana is a magnetic forcefield, not just pulling us beautifully into the story, but into our own lives. It's rare when a writer can open the shared world with such a deft, personal touch. Janet Mason is a genius.”
CAConrad, The Book of Frank

Tomasz Jedrowski
“My heart stopped. I didn’t dare breathe. Your head was heavy, like warm marble, and your hair brushed my cheek. I was paralysed by possibility, caught between the vertigo of fulfilment and the abyss of uncertainty.”
Tomasz Jedrowski, Swimming in the Dark

Shaun David Hutchinson
“That's the problem with memories: you can visit them but you can't live with them.”
Shaun David Hutchinson, We Are the Ants

Mary Renault
“Just lately I have been happier than I ever had the right to expect, and as one goes around the world one sees that happiness is hard to come by and seldom lasts for long.”
Mary Renault, The Charioteer

Mary Renault
“Laurie stood casting his long shadow on the room behind him, silent in a grief and wonder too deep for tears, that life was so divided and irreconcilable, and the good so implacably the enemy of the best.”
Mary Renault, The Charioteer

Michael Cunningham
“She will write and write. She will finish this book, then write another. She will remain sane and she will live as she was meant to live, richly and deeply, among others of her kind, in full possession and command of her gifts.”
Michael Cunningham, The Hours

“Of course, every time you have sex, it will not be identical: moods, spaces, times, touches, intentions all drift and mingle, forming new pathways, reflecting and drawing from past journeys, and ending somewhere that may look similar. But isn’t.”
Uvile Ximba, Dreaming in Colour

E.M. Forster
“Begun 1913
Finished 1914
Dedicated to a Happier Year”
E.M. Forster, Maurice

Ian McDonald
“Najia can feel yts subdermal activators against her forearm. Not man not woman not both not neither. Nute. Another way of being human, speaking a phsyical language she does not understand. More alien to her than any man, any father, yet this body next to hers is loyal, tough, funny courageous, clever, kind, sensual, vulnerable. Sweet. Sexy. All you could wish in a friend of the soul. Or a lover.”
Ian McDonald, River of Gods

Mary Renault
“I now know something about myself which I have been suspecting for years, if I had had the honesty to admit it. I ought to be frightened and ashamed, but I am not.”
Mary Renault, The Charioteer

Jeanette LeBlanc
“I sometimes wonder if straight people have any idea that getting to read books with queer sex scenes isn’t just erotic. It’s life-giving.”
Jeanette LeBlanc

Yukio Mishima
“Habit is a horrible thing. I repeated the kiss for which I had so repented.”
Yukio Mishima, Confessions of a Mask

“There are others too.
You just can’t run away from Cecil John Rhodes.
Not even impepho works for this fucker.
It’s hard.
We come back home to him, sit in all our classes with him, witness his vices reincarnate in the powers that bring us to still-Grahamstown for our degree.
We are there when the protests erupt.
Not front and centre, but there.
So is he.
And when the protests die down he is stronger, a demon that terrorises even in our sleep.
Rhodes and a system that molests and cons us into believing we are helpless, that we cannot overcome. But we also try to remember that in protests there is revelation, an exposure of truth, a coming out.”
Uvile Ximba, Dreaming in Colour

“I tried not to think of all the things I had imagined we would do together — return to our lake next summer, move in together someday." - Swimming in the Dark”
Thomasz Jedowski

Antonio  Heras
“Dos palabras que podrían haber significado mi felicidad, mi sueño cumplido; pero no supe aprovechar el momento, no acerté a adivinar en ellas lo que ahora distingo con nitidez.”
Antonio Heras, El beso de Judas

Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
“If you want to really hurt you parents, and you don't have the nerve to be gay, the least you can do is go into the arts. I'm not kidding. The arts are not a way to make a living. They are a very human way of making life more bearable. Practicing an art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow, for heaven's sake. Sing in the shower. Dance to the radio. Tell stories. Write a poem to a friend, even a lousy poem. Do it as well as you possible can. You will get an enormous reward. You will have created something.”
― Kurt Vonnegut, A Man Without a Country”
Kurt Vonnegut, Förvandlingen, 2 B R 0 2 B och Legenden om Slummerdalen: Tre klassiska noveller av F. Kafka, K. Vonnegut och W. Irving.

Abhijit Naskar
“Amor Apocalypse is headed our way,
Now that Roe vs Wade is overturned.
Love is where the scrotum-brain scotus,
Will lay next their filthy hand.

First they came for our choice,
Then they'll come for our love.
Soon they'll go for good old lynching,
Land of the free will be land of the shrubs.

Straight and queer are products of a bipolar world,
In the sanctuary of love there's no straight, no queer.
In love's domain queer is straight, straight is queer,
A heart full of love and light is radiantly nonpolar.”
Abhijit Naskar, Amor Apocalypse: Canım Sana İhtiyacım

Kate Rounds
“I’d watched women in dressing rooms, hips like curio shelves, fashion falling from their bones. This woman dared clothes to protect her.”
Kate Rounds, Catboat Road

Kate Rounds
“… It was the safest place to be … on Catboat Road and on Scrimshaw Street with shopkeepers hosing their little sections of sidewalk and goring everyone with small talk while the Frigate exposed our broken bonds.”
Kate Rounds, Catboat Road

Ryan  Lawrence
“These were the nights Chloe Morrison dreaded the most--when the stars filled the sky and shone vigorously down on her family's farm like countless police interrogation lamps. On these nights, she believed the sky became conscious, aware, and sought to act. Chloe understood what the twinkling expanse endevoured to do. It was a desperate attempt to illuminate the hidden depravities practiced on the farm.”
Ryan Lawrence, Vindictive Too

Celyn Kendrick
“I don’t care for labels because far too often, too many apply, and none of them is precisely right.”
Celyn Kendrick, Green Hills and Dragon Tales

E.S. Fein
“Back to the original reality we left somehow?” Amero said, hoping Yang really would leave him in this moment. Every second spent wasted talking about the Points and the damn machines was time he could be lapping up sunlight. But Amero admitted to himself that it was worse than just a mere loss of time; talking about such matters felt like the grating of steel on steel repeatedly echoing in the unreachable depths of his mind.

“We never left the original reality, Amero. We changed it. We reshaped our reality like a potter heating and reshaping a previously completed clay vase. I go now to the world outside the clay vase...to the world of the very intentions which guide the potter’s hands.”

Amero thought of Dave suddenly. “Outside the universe?”
E.S. Fein, Points of Origin

Kae So Bu
“If only I had known those trusted moments would be so few, I would have given voice to my unspoken promises, and shouted my unintended secrets to the sky. That my love for you extended far beyond our bed, and our island. That from the first time you told me you loved me and I let myself believe it, I was no longer shipwrecked on an island. I was where I was meant to be. With you.”
Kae So Bu, The Gardens of Yes and No

John Steven Welch
“GJ, you is blessed. . . .You got Daddy! Your momma ain’t no different than Ida upstairs or me down here, she just can’t ’cept it. But your daddy, your Daddy ‘gonna see you through.”
John Steven Welch, The One Who's Gonna See You Through

“I told Khwezi that I didn’t tell my family about uChris. Because I didn’t know if I was lying to myself. Because why must you cause more pain to others over a loss you can’t remember? How does anyone begin to explain how “nothing” looks?”
Uvile Ximba, Dreaming in Colour

“He knows that one day it will all be worth it. One day he will find his true love, and although it will take a multitude of errors, mistakes, and pleasant
surprises, he knows that at the end of the day, he will win...”
Emir Darlov, London Heights & Angelo: A play by Emir Darlov

“He reminded me of a scene from a movie, any movie: men standing in doorways, filling the space with their silence.”
Craig Willse, Providence

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