Layers Quotes

Quotes tagged as "layers" Showing 31-45 of 45
Ashim Shanker
“Never miss an opportunity to be truly and deeply humiliated! The shame will carve you down to an individual of exquisite layering, and in the process, etch within you the arcs of exceptional narrative.”
Ashim Shanker, Sinew of the Social Species

“To write poetry, like sincere poetry, it is like performing heart surgery on yourself without anesthesia…in public…You are peeling back layers. You are dissecting yourself…You do not know what they [the audience] is going to do when you reach into yourself and rip out your organs to be displayed”
Amir Sulaiman

Pamela Erens
“In the spring and summer I watched my plants flower, but it was, perhaps, in winter that I loved them best, when their skeletons were exposed. Then I felt they had more to say to me, were not simply dressing themselves for the crowds. Stripped of their leaves, their identities showed forth stark, essential.”
Pamela Erens, The Understory

Munia Khan
“What can we expect from an empty shell
Where many hearts of pearl once beat to dwell
Waves fail to break hard layer's bond of love
Wailing shore sends memoir to the sky above”
Munia Khan

Shannon L. Alder
“Judgement is always based on experience and sometimes you will battle a person's history first, before commonsense will ever win the war.”
Shannon L. Alder

“We live beneath many layers. Some are for our protection, and some are for our control.”
Russell Eric Dobda

Jay Woodman
“... as we travel again between life and death,
Waking and dream, blinking, while layers within layers,
None better, none worse, unravel and knit up before us . . .”
Jay Woodman

Colum McCann
“She would want, instead, to recall him in the air, between layers of cloud. To give him back that ancient dignity.”
Colum McCann, TransAtlantic
tags: layers

Glenn L. Pace
“The memories seem to come in layers. For example, the first memory might be of incest; then they remember robes and candles; next they realize that their father or mother or both were present when they were being abused. Another layer will be the memory of seeing other people hurt and even killed. Then they remember having seen babies killed. Another layer is realizing that they participated in the sacrifices. One of the most painful memories may be that they even sacrificed their own baby. With each layer of memory comes another set of problems with which they must deal.

— Glenn L. Pace; "Ritualistic Child Abuse," memo”
Glenn L. Pace

Shannon L. Alder
“But here is the thing about anger: People hold onto it because letting go means dealing with pain. It is a coping strategy that seems to show strength and confidence, but in reality it shows how much you care about someone's actions, which leads to this question: Why is this person's respect so important to you?”
Shannon L. Alder

“I'm like an onion. You can peel away my layers, but the further you go, the more it'll make you cry.”
Laura Carstairs-Waters

“. . . I'm not pretty, not close up anyway. Generally, the closer people get to me the less hot they find me.”
Margo Roth Spiegelman

Luke  Taylor
“Writers are like onions, layers upon layers upon layers.”
Luke Taylor, The Quiet Kill

James C. Dobson
“When you strip away all the layers one by one, not much remains to “discover.” You will never find real meaning among your selfish interests, feelings, and aspirations. The answers do not lie within you.”
James C. Dobson, Life on the Edge: The Next Generation's Guide to a Meaningful Future

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