Key Quotes

Quotes tagged as "key" Showing 31-60 of 216
“It would need a primordial key to be twisted and turned, going through several moments of mechanical trouble until the old lock opens. Good luck if you can do that without breaking the key.”
Misba, The Oldest Dance

Laura Chouette
“Lies built cages and truths create the keys - and yet each of us is locked inside one's own mind.”
Laura Chouette

Anthony Liccione
“The key was in his hand, but she found a way to unlock herself.”
Anthony Liccione

“As we grow up our sense of reality begins to change. How we used to perceive things as a child, fades away like a distant dream. And you are introduced to a bizarre idea of the never ending race for survival.

They tell you "survival is key", "survival of the fittest", "you have to survive", " keep surviving", so on and so forth.

But let me ask you a basic question.

Survival from what? My dear, there is no apocalypses you have to overcome its just life and life is beautiful no matter what set colors you hold in your hands.

So, live with all your heart, and dont just survive.”
Bushra Zainab

Jazz Feylynn
“Itchy fingers scratching keys.”
Jazz Feylynn

Sapan Saxena
“Lateral Thinking is key to all the secrets in the world”
Sapan Saxena, The Tenth Riddle

Brajesh Kumar Singh
“Skill-sets are the key of success.”
Brajesh Kumar Singh

Brajesh Kumar Singh
“Improvements are the key to achieve your goals.”
Brajesh Kumar Singh

“Forgiveness requires a lot of strength and faith. But it’s the key to unlock the door that sets us free from our anger and resentment.”
Nadine Sadaka Boulos

“Realization is the key to everything.”
Baibhabi Nayak

“Understandings your soul is the key”
Nkahloleng Eric Mohlala

“We should learn to communicate a feeling the same or better way we convey a fact. If we can learn to respond rather than react, then we would have mastered the key to communication.”
Kabelo Mabona

Arian Adeli Koodehi
“The number one key to success: learn to learn.”
Arian Adeli Koodehi

“Consistency is the x to every y.”

Anthony T. Hincks
“Being faithful gave me the key to open your heart.”
Anthony T. Hincks

“Communication is the key that opens the secret treasures of the heart and pass them to the faculty of the great minds.”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua

“I have devoted myself to solitude.
Strangely enough I never get lonely but instead I found myself!
I’m in love with the woman I’m becoming.
I still have a far way to go but I’m getting there.
Growing is key!”
Tiwana Dacres

Steven Magee
“Why go to war when you can assassinate the key players of your enemies.”
Steven Magee

“Parce que nous sommes nos propres barrières. Notre propre ennemi. Cette cage dans laquelle tu te crois parfois enfermé, tu en détient la clef.”
Nine Gorman, Mathieu Guibé

Anthony T. Hincks
“A smile can be the key to the door of your dreams.”
Anthony T. Hincks

“Racism is a lock without a key, it may be opened only by being broken.

-To be tried as a Jew-”
Jeyhun Aliyev Silo

“The blindly in love that forgive me,
But self-love is fundamental.”
Augusto Branco

Hadinet Tekie
“A new world opens when you see words as more than just letters joined together.

Words are the key to new possibilities and adventures.”
Hadinet Tekie

Steven Magee
“B vitamins are a key component of my nutritional supplementation protocol.”
Steven Magee, Pandemic Supplements

“People who ignore,
take you for granted,
say them 'Goodbye,'
meet me another day;
when your key's expired.”
Supratim Das

Anthony T. Hincks
“And he said...

...vibration is the key to existence.”
Anthony T. Hincks

Anthony T. Hincks
“And he said...

...know that if I am the way, then you are the key.”
Anthony T. Hincks

“A philosopher who does not believe in God does not believe in the key (God) that opens the wealth of true knowledge.”
Vladimir Živković, A Guide to the Psyche of Atheism, Religion and Philosophy and Their Impact on Contemporary Spirituality

Richard Osman
“Ibrahim presses play, and they all watch as the figure in the motorcycle helmet walks down the row of lockers and stops in front of 531. The figure inserts a key.
'Looks like he's having trouble with the lock too,' says Joyce.
'Or she,' says Ron. Ibrahim notes that Ron is getting much sharper on his gender neutrality.”
Richard Osman, The Man Who Died Twice