
Inlove Quotes

Quotes tagged as "inlove" Showing 1-21 of 21
Keisha Blair
“If grief is the presence of love without a place to go, then being in love is the presence of mutually reciprocated love that is all encompassing and grabs the attention of every atom of your being. It captures all our senses, and everything comes to a screeching halt. The world slows down, and we are in a state of bliss. It hijacks our thoughts and impulses.”
Keisha Blair, Holistic Wealth: 32 Life Lessons to Help You Find Purpose, Prosperity, and Happiness

Keisha Blair
“Love is something that firmly grounds us in the present. I don’t know if you can get more mindful than when you are in a state of being in love.”
Keisha Blair, Holistic Wealth: 32 Life Lessons to Help You Find Purpose, Prosperity, and Happiness

Zadie Smith
“Here lie a man and a woman. The man is more beautiful than the woman. And for this reason there have been times when the woman has feared that she loves the man more than he loves her. He has always denied this.”
Zadie Smith, NW

Christina Lauren
“Pippa was different. She was an electric charge, a flash of light. Falling in love with Pippa and watching her walk away would be like watching someone extinguish the sun.”
Christina Lauren, Beautiful

K.A. Tucker
“Because you´re not a one night girl Irish.' Leaning in to place a kiss on my jawline he whispers, 'You're my forever girl.”
K.A. Tucker

Jandy Nelson
“I have to go," I say, helpless.
What makes you say the opposite of what every cell in your body wants you to say?”
Jandy Nelson, I'll Give You the Sun

“The people that really love you are the people who will never hurt you”
tags: inlove

Truth Devour
“Lightening struck leaving its effects to course through her veins fusing him into the essence of her life force.”
Truth Devour, Wantin

Cleo W. Robinson Jr.
“She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in his young life… In the few seconds, that he stood there––dumb-struck, taking in her beauty. Will Wilson, fell, totally, hopelessly, in love with Mary.”
Cleo W. Robinson Jr., Trails to and Tales of Sanderson, Texas

“love is a choice between heart and mind.”
justan edelito

Shaun David Hutchinson
“Doodling the variations of your combined names on the cover of your notebook.”
Shaun David Hutchinson, We Are the Ants
tags: inlove

Anthony T. Hincks
“You see brighter colors when you're in love with someone special.”
Anthony T. Hincks

John Green
“Okay,” he said after forever. “Maybe
okay will be our always.”
“Okay,” I said.
It was Augustus who finally hung up.”
John Green

“Sunlight on orchids
Lightning on water
Twilight calls your name
I have searched for you for centuries
I am the woman who fell in love by accident-
Virtual love- who would have thought, is it even possible? ( I believe so )
I raise my white flag and listen for your echo in my dreams
I'm walking backwards to find you in my past
I'm entangled in your fate~

~Lady A~”

Lauren Blakely
“I'd never forget how it felt to say those words. To be in our place. In love with you, in love with us, in love with our secret, with the island we were building, keeping out the whole wide world.”
Lauren Blakely, 21 Stolen Kisses

“LOVE, is the most powerful thing that makes my world turn upside down.”
Bernie Yaras

Shaneika Marie
“I'm in love with
Your smile
Your laughed
You voice
Your personality
Your eyes
Your heart
An every part of you”
Dianerste Ross

Claudia Pavel
“I shall crave for love at the bottom of the abyss,
until I find you...

(fragment from "Awaiting your arrival", chapter Hope)”
Claudia Pavel, The odyssey of my lost thoughts

Giorgia Penzo
“Bisogna imparare ad amare prima se stessi, poi gli altri. Così la seconda parte verrà meglio. Perchè prima di salpare per il mare aperto occorre saperla governare, la propria barca. Se no guai a colare a picco!
In fondo, il succo è tutto qui: chi sa amarsi ha già addosso il salvagente.”
Giorgia Penzo, Ogni giorno come il primo giorno

Leonie H. Mattison
“I rise fully awake, aware, and appreciative of how to bless I am to have you in my life. Your very existence is enough for me. I love you!”
Leonie H. Mattison, BESIDE STILL WATERS: Finding Rest, Refreshment, and Restoration for Your Soul: A 21-Day Devotional for Survivors of Abuse

Colleen Hoover
“Hold on,” Amber says, holding up a finger while she pulls off her shoe. “I’m not finished.” She takes her shoe in her hand and glowers at Theodore, then rears back and throws it across the sidewalk, hitting him square between the legs. “I hate your stupid pants, asshole!” she yells. “Fallon deserves better than you, and SO DOES NANTUCKET!”
Colleen Hoover, November 9