Improvement Quotes

Quotes tagged as "improvement" Showing 91-120 of 768
“Tomorrow is another opportunity to improve yourself”
Scott A. Reighard

Toni Sorenson
“I should learn from today and make tomorrow better.”
Toni Sorenson

Jaachynma N.E. Agu
“God is a God of purpose. He doesn't wake-up and start dabbling into things; He doesn't practice trial and error. His ways are sure, they may be low but they are always sure.”
Jaachynma N.E. Agu, The Prince and the Pauper

Jaachynma N.E. Agu
“We cannot prevail by our own might or strength, we need to plug on to the source of our strength so that we will remain resourceful always.”
Jaachynma N.E. Agu, The Prince and the Pauper

Toni Sorenson
“We are in God’s hands. We can’t come up with a surprise big enough or a sin vile enough to thwart His plan. If we allow Him to refine us we will inevitably end up free from the impurities that separate us from Him.”
Toni Sorenson

Jarod Kintz
“There's a thought process that says if you don't use every club in your golf bag every round, you're doing your game a disservice. Bryson DeChambeau could use every club in a golf bag from the 1800s and still make you look like a beginner.”
Jarod Kintz, To be good at golf you must go full koala bear

Jaachynma N.E. Agu
“It doesn't matter how wealthy you may be in material things, what matters is do you know what to do with those wealth?”
Jaachynma N.E. Agu, The Prince and the Pauper

Jaachynma N.E. Agu
“The Prince came to give life unto those whose lives were almost being snuffed out by the devil via the cares of this world.”
Jaachynma N.E. Agu, The Prince and the Pauper

“The art of staying motivated, being happy, and continually improving oneself is a dynamic interplay that shapes a fulfilling life journey. Motivation is not a fleeting emotion but a sustained commitment to finding purpose and inspiration in daily pursuits. Happiness, the compass of well-being, emanates from a life aligned with personal values, while self-improvement serves as the engine propelling you towards your best self. To be better and stronger necessitates resilience, a dedication to continuous learning, and the wisdom to discern toxic individuals and political ideologies that may hinder your progress. Surrounding yourself with positivity and steering clear of toxicity is not just a lifestyle choice; it is a deliberate strategy for crafting a life of fulfillment and purpose.”
James William Steven Parker

Barbara Oakley
“Many ordinary and extraordinary people have made fantastic changes in their lives by keeping
themselves open to learning.”
Barbara Oakley, Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential

“Achieving personal growth is a journey that intertwines with staying motivated, embracing happiness, and constantly striving to be better. The key lies in understanding that motivation isn't a constant, but a flame that can be kindled through a clear vision of self-improvement. Happiness, the ultimate pursuit, is not a destination but a byproduct of aligning your actions with your authentic self. To be better and stronger requires a commitment to continuous learning, resilience in the face of challenges, and the wisdom to discern toxic influences that hinder your progress. Surrounding yourself with positive individuals and steering clear of toxic people and political ideologies is not just a choice but a necessity for creating a fulfilling and purpose-driven life.”
James William Steven Parker

“The pursuit of personal development is a tapestry woven with threads of motivation, happiness, and self-improvement. Staying motivated is an art, requiring the cultivation of a mindset that finds inspiration in every challenge. True happiness springs from aligning your pursuits with your passions, and self-improvement is the compass guiding you towards the best version of yourself. To be better and stronger involves a commitment to continuous refinement, learning from experiences, and embracing resilience in the face of adversity. A crucial aspect of this journey is the discernment to distance yourself from toxic people and political ideologies that threaten your well-being, ensuring a path of positive growth and fulfillment.”
James William Steven Parker

“In the grand tapestry of personal development, motivation acts as the driving force, happiness as the destination, and self-improvement as the transformative journey. Staying motivated demands a conscious effort to find inspiration in the mundane, creating a reservoir of energy that propels you forward. Authentic happiness arises from living in alignment with your values, and the pursuit of being better and stronger necessitates a commitment to continual growth and learning. Recognizing toxic individuals and political ideologies as obstacles to your progress is essential; distancing yourself from negativity is not just an act of self-care but a strategic move towards fostering a life of purpose and positivity.”
James William Steven Parker

“The intricate dance of motivation, happiness, and self-improvement defines the path to being better and stronger. Motivation, the initial spark, requires a constant feed of inspiration, drawing strength from your goals and aspirations. Happiness, the ultimate goal, is a reflection of a life lived authentically, while self-improvement serves as the compass guiding you through the journey. To be better and stronger, one must embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, learning, and resilience. Recognizing and avoiding toxic influences, whether in personal relationships or political ideologies, is a pivotal step in cultivating a positive environment conducive to genuine self-discovery and improvement.”
James William Steven Parker

“The symphony of motivation, happiness, and self-improvement orchestrates a harmonious life where each note contributes to the melody of personal growth. Staying motivated requires the cultivation of a mindset that draws inspiration from challenges, transforming adversity into opportunities for learning and advancement. Happiness, the crescendo of a life well-lived, unfolds when one aligns their actions with their authentic self. To be better and stronger involves a commitment to continual self-discovery, learning, and growth, while navigating away from toxic influences—be it toxic people or political ideologies—ensures a path of positive transformation and genuine fulfillment.”
James William Steven Parker

“Embarking on the journey of personal development involves a delicate balance of motivation, happiness, and the commitment to continuous self-improvement. Staying motivated demands a conscious effort to find inspiration in everyday moments, creating a reservoir of energy that propels you forward. True happiness arises from living authentically, embracing your values, while self-improvement acts as the compass guiding you towards becoming the best version of yourself. To be better and stronger necessitates resilience, learning from setbacks, and the discernment to distance yourself from toxic influences, ensuring a path of positive growth and fulfillment.”
James William Steven Parker

“The essence of personal growth lies in the interconnected principles of staying motivated, cultivating happiness, and committing to ongoing self-improvement. Motivation, the fuel for progress, thrives on a mindset that seeks inspiration in challenges, transforming adversity into stepping stones for growth. Happiness, the ultimate destination, blooms when your actions align with your authentic self, fostering a sense of fulfillment. To be better and stronger requires a dedication to continual learning, resilience in the face of setbacks, and the wisdom to recognize and avoid toxic influences, whether in personal relationships or political spheres, ensuring a journey marked by positive transformation and genuine well-being.”
James William Steven Parker

“Navigating the path of personal development involves an intricate dance between motivation, happiness, and the pursuit of continuous self-improvement. Staying motivated is an art that requires finding inspiration in both triumphs and challenges, sustaining a passion for growth. True happiness emanates from living authentically, in harmony with one's values, while the journey of self-improvement serves as a guiding light towards becoming the best version of oneself. To be better and stronger entails a commitment to resilience, learning, and the discernment to distance oneself from toxic influences, be they individuals or ideologies, paving the way for a life marked by positive evolution and fulfillment.”
James William Steven Parker

“The symphony of motivation, happiness, and self-improvement weaves the fabric of personal growth, creating a life rich in purpose and fulfillment. Staying motivated is an ongoing pursuit that draws strength from resilience and a profound connection to one's goals. Authentic happiness emerges from a life aligned with personal values, and the journey of self-improvement serves as the transformative vehicle towards continual growth. To be better and stronger necessitates a commitment to learning, the fortitude to navigate challenges, and the wisdom to recognize and distance oneself from toxic individuals and political ideologies, ensuring a trajectory of positive evolution and authentic well-being.”
James William Steven Parker

Miguel Ruiz
“Therefore, to adopt the Four Agreements, you need to put repetition in action. Practicing the new agreements in your life is how your best becomes better. Repetition makes the master.”
Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements

“When better doesn't work anymore it's time to switch to new.”
Gijs van Wulfen

“In spiritual and shamanic traditions, every trial is seen as an opportunity for purification and learning. Stagnating in pain dissipates vital energy that could otherwise be channeled toward personal improvement and service to the community. These moments of pain become rites of passage toward a deeper understanding of our place in the universe.”
Marie Chieze, Words of the Shaman: 50 Quotes from Paching Hoé Lambaiho

“A running person is usually running away from something or running towards something, but good planner can do both as the same time.”

“A running person is usually running away from something or running towards something, but a good planner can do both as the same time.”

J.T.  Wright
“There's always more to learn lad, perfection is a dream for the uninspired.”
J.T. Wright, The Land of the Undying Lord

Richelle E. Goodrich
“So you want a genuine, positive, effective change in your life? Then repent, repent, repent.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Hope Evermore: Quotes, Verse, & Spiritual Inspiration for Every Day of the Year

Richelle E. Goodrich
“If you think there are convincing-enough excuses to justify sin, you are wrong. God will not—by His own words, He cannot—look upon sin with the least degree of allowance.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Hope Evermore: Quotes, Verse, & Spiritual Inspiration for Every Day of the Year