
Idiot Quotes

Quotes tagged as "idiot" Showing 1-30 of 178
Cassandra Clare
“It isn't against the Law to be an idiot.”
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Angel

Jerry Lewis
“I've had great success being a total idiot. ”
Jerry Lewis

William Blake
“To generalize is to be an idiot.”
William Blake

Leigh Bardugo
“I can’t decide if you’re a fearmonger or a coward.”
“And I can’t decide if you’re an idiot or an idiot.”
leigh bardugo, Siege and Storm

Terry Pratchett
“Twoflower was a tourist, the first ever seen on the discworld. Tourist, Rincewind had decided, meant 'idiot'.”
Terry Pratchett, The Color of Magic

Franz Kafka
“One idiot is one idiot. Two idiots are two idiots. Ten thousand idiots are a political party.”
Franz Kafka

Vera Nazarian
“To every rule there is an exception—and an idiot ready to demonstrate it. Don't be the one!”
Vera Nazarian, The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration

Derek Landy
“Don’t kill me,” he sobbed as he lay there. “Oh God, please don’t kill me.”
“If you had let me finish,” Skulduggery said, slightly annoyed, “you would have heard me say, ‘Come out, we’re not
going to hurt you’. Idiot.”
“He probably wouldn’t have said idiot,” Valkyrie told the sobbing man. “We’re trying our best to be nice.”
The man blinked through his tears, and looked up.
“You’re... You’re not going to kill me?”
“No, we’re not,” Valkyrie said gently, “so long as you wipe your nose right now.”
Derek Landy, Mortal Coil

Brent Weeks
“Elene gasped and sat up. "Kylar Thaddeus Stern!"
Kylar giggled. "Thaddeus? That's a good one. I knew a Thaddeus once."
"So did I. He was a blind idiot."
"Really?" Kylar said, his eyes dancing. "The one I knew was famous for his gigantic-"
"Kylar!" Elene interrupted, motioning toward Uly.
"His gigantic what?" Uly asked.
"Now you did it." Elene said, "His gigantic what, Kyler?"
"Feet. And you know what they say about big feet." He winked lasciviously at Elene.
"What?" Uly asked.
"Big Shoes," Kylar said.”
Brent Weeks, Shadow's Edge

William Paul Young
“Did I hear God call me an idiot? ”
William P. Young, The Shack

“Which is when I decided I would never love anyone again because you just felt like an idiot when you put love out there and it didn't come back your way.”
Karen Tayleur, Love Notes From Vinegar House

Amy Garvey
“I am the kid who sticks her finger in the light socket. I am the person who doesn't check the expiration date on the milk. I am the idiot who has never looked before she leaped. I am the girl who is falling apart, right now.”
Amy Garvey, Cold Kiss

Marissa Meyer
“Everyone always underestimates the idiot.”
Marissa Meyer, Heartless

Anthony Liccione
“Foolishness sleeps soundly, while knowledge turns with each thinking hour, longing for the dawn of answers.”
Anthony Liccione

Lois McMaster Bujold
“Miles exhaled carefully, faint with rage and reminded grief. He does not know, he told himself. He cannot know... "Ivan, one of these days somebody is going to pull out a weapon and plug you, and you're going to die in bewilderment, crying, "What did I say? What did I say?"

"What did I say?" asked Ivan indignantly.”
Lois McMaster Bujold, The Warrior's Apprentice

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Every single person is a fool, insane, a failure, or a bad person to at least ten people.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
tags: airhead, aphorism, aphorisms, aphorist, aphorists, around-the-bend, ass, bad, bad-people, bad-person, bananas, batty, birdbrain, blockhead, bonkers, boob, bozo, brainless, buggy, bushed, certifiable, chowderhead, chowderheaded, chump, clod, coot, crack-brained, cracked, crackers, crackpot, crazed, crazy, cretin, cuckoo, daft, dead-loss, demented, deranged, dim, dimwit, dimwitted, dingbat, dipstick, disappointment, disturbed, ditz, dolt, donkey, dope, dork, dud, dullard, dumb, dumb-ass, dumb-cluck, dumbhead, dumbo, dumdum, dummy, dunce, dunderhead, fail, failure, fathead, flake, fool, foolhardy, foolish, funny, galoot, goat, goober, goof, goofball, goofus, goon, half-baked, halfwit, halfwitted, harebrained, hilarious, humor, humorous, humour, idiot, idiotic, ignoramus, ill-advised, ill-considered, imbecile, impolitic, imprudent, incautious, informal-no-hoper, injudicious, insane, insanity, jerk, joke, jokes, jughead, klutz, lamebrain, loco, loony, loopy, loser, lummox, mad, mad-as-a-hatter, meatball, mentally-disordered, mentally-ill, mindless, moron, nerd, nincompoop, ninny, nitwit, non-compos-mentis, not-all-there, numbnuts, numbskull, nuts, of-unsound-mind, pea-brained, peabrain, psycho, psychotic, putz, quotations, quotes, rash, reckless, sap, satire, schizophrenic, schlemiel, schlep, schmuck, screwy, silly, simpleton, stark-raving-mad, stupid, thick, thickhead, thoughtless, turkey, twerp, twit, unbalanced, underachiever, unhinged, unintelligent, unstable, unwise, wacko, witless, wooden-headed, write-off, zombie

George W. Bush
“It will take time to restore chaos”
George W. Bush

Melina Marchetta
“We're so different. You're an intellectual. I'm an idiot."
"Don't say that," I yelled. "You're not an idiot, you stupid idiot.”
Melina Marchetta, Looking for Alibrandi

Jenny Valentine
“Everything is going to be fine.”

I hate it when people say that, people who have absolutely no idea of what’s coming next. They turn you into an idiot for even asking.”
Jenny Valentine

Richard K. Morgan
“You smoke?”
“Smoke? Do I look like a fucking idiot?”
Richard K. Morgan, Altered Carbon

William S. Burroughs
“Squatting on old bones and excrement and rusty iron, in a white blaze of heat, a panorama of naked idiots stretches to the horizon. Complete silence - their speech centres are destroyed - except for the crackle of sparks and the popping of singed flesh as they apply electrodes up and down the spine. White smoke of burning flesh hangs in the motionless air. A group of children have tied an idiot to a post with barbed wire and built a fire between his legs and stand watching with bestial curiosity as the flames lick his thighs. His flesh jerks in the fire with insect agony.”
William S. Burroughs, Naked Lunch

Lauren Oliver
“My boyfriend's an idiot," I say as soon as he lurches away.

"A cute idiot," Ally corrects me.

"That's like saying 'a cute mutant.' Doesn't exist.”
Lauren Oliver, Before I Fall

Fyodor Dostoevsky
“The Idiot. I have read it once, and find that I don't remember the events of the book very well--or even all the principal characters. But mostly the 'portrait of a truly beautiful person' that dostoevsky supposedly set out to write in that book. And I remember how Myshkin seemed so simple when I began the book, but by the end, I realized how I didn't understand him at all. the things he did. Maybe when I read it again it will be different. But the plot of these dostoevsky books can hold such twists and turns for the first-time reader-- I guess that's b/c he was writing most of these books as serials that had to have cliffhangers and such.
But I make marks in my books, mostly at parts where I see the author's philosophical points standing in the most stark relief. My copy of Moby Dick is positively full of these marks. The Idiot, I find has a few...
Part 3, Section 5. The sickly Ippolit is reading from his 'Explanation' or whatever its called. He says his convictions are not tied to him being condemned to death. It's important for him to describe, of happiness: "you may be sure that Columbus was happy not when he had discovered America, but when he was discovering it." That it's the process of life--not the end or accomplished goals in it--that matter. Well. Easier said than lived!
Part 3, Section 6. more of Ippolit talking--about a christian mindset. He references Jesus's parable of The Word as seeds that grow in men, couched in a description of how people are interrelated over time; its a picture of a multiplicity.
Later in this section, he relates looking at a painting of Christ being taken down from the cross, at Rogozhin's house. The painting produced in him an intricate metaphor of despair over death "in the form of a huge machine of the most modern construction which, dull and insensible, has aimlessly clutched, crushed, and swallowed up a great priceless Being, a Being worth all nature and its laws, worth the whole earth, which was created perhaps solely for the sake of the advent of this Being." The way Ippolit's ideas are configured, here, reminds me of the writings of Gilles Deleuze. And the phrasing just sort of remidns me of the way everyone feels--many people feel crushed by the incomprehensible machine, in life. Many people feel martyred in their very minor ways. And it makes me think of the concept that a narrative religion like Christianity uniquely allows for a kind of socialized or externalized, shared experience of subjectivity. Like, we all know the story of this man--and it feels like our own stories at the same time.
Part 4, Section 7. Myshkin's excitement (leading to a seizure) among the Epanchin's dignitary guests when he talks about what the nobility needs to become ("servants in order to be leaders"). I'm drawn to things like this because it's affirming, I guess, for me: "it really is true that we're absurd, that we're shallow, have bad habits, that we're bored, that we don't know how to look at things, that we can't understand; we're all like that." And of course he finds a way to make that into a good thing. which, it's pointed out by scholars, is very important to Dostoevsky philosophy--don't deny the earthly passions and problems in yourself, but accept them and incorporate them into your whole person. Me, I'm still working on that one.”
Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Markus Zusak
“It's not so much that the old friend is a better friend. It's just that you know the person better, and you know they don't really care if you're acting like a poor, grovelling idiot. They know you would do the same for them.”
Markus Zusak, Underdog

Winston Groom
“Let me say this: being an idiot is no box of chocolates. People laugh, lose patience, treat you shabby. Now they say folks supposed to be kind to the afflicted, but let me tell you this - it ain't always that way. Even so, I got no complaints, cause I reckon I done live a pretty interesting life, so to speak.”
Winston Groom, Forrest Gump

Roshani Chokshi
“Idiot. It was just a word. It had no weight, no atomic number, no chemical structure with which it could bind to and thus make it real. But it hurt.”
Roshani Chokshi, The Gilded Wolves

Al Gore
“I was recently on a tour of Latin America, and the only regret I have was that I didn't study Latin harder in school so I could converse with those people.”
Dan Quayle

Edward Conlon
“It wasn't as if crack was getting great press in the South Bronx in 1999, but it took a particular kind of idiot to wake up one day and say, 'Angel dust is a product I've heard nothing but good about, and it's about time I was involved.”
Edward Conlon, Blue Blood by Conlon, Edward (2004) Paperback

Clément Rosset
“Un mot exprime à lui seul ce double caractère, solitaire et inconnaissable, de toute chose au monde : le mot idiotie. Idiôtès, idiot, signifie simple, particulier, unique ; puis, par une extension sémantique dont la signification philosophique est de grande portée, personne dénuée d’intelligence, être dépourvu de raison. Toute chose, toute personne sont ainsi idiotes dès lors qu’elles n’existent qu’en elles-mêmes, c’est-à-dire sont incapables d’apparaître autrement que là où elles sont et telles qu’elles sont : incapables donc, et en premier lieu, de se refléter, d’apparaître dans le double du miroir. Or, c'est le sort finalement de toute réalité que de ne pouvoir se dupliquer sans devenir aussitot autre: l'image offerte par le miroir n'est pas superposable à la réalité qu'elle suggère.”
Clement Rosset

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