
Human Mind Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "human-mind-quotes" Showing 1-16 of 16
Laurence Gonzales
“Knowledge of the sort you need does not begin with information, it begins with experience and perception. But there is a dark and twisty road from experience and perception to correct action.”
Laurence Gonzales, Deep Survival: Who Lives, Who Dies, and Why

Victor Kwegyir
“The human mind is unbelievably rich with great ideas and possibilities. Employ it, feed it, challenge it, and it will work wonders for you.”
Victor Kwegyir, Business 365: Daily Inspiration for Creativity, Innovation and Business Success

“People who treat change as a positive force are able to adapt to any situation, because the human mind is incredible”
Ant Middleton, Zero Negativity: The Power of Positive Thinking

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Let me summarise our delicate position in this universe: Our every word can be our last word; our every look can be our last look! Our every moment can be our last moment! Are we happy about this fragile situation? No! Are we going to deceive ourselves with some childish stories, in other words with religion? No! Then what are we going to do? We will change this desperate situation, we will strike this chaotic universe with human mind, with high intelligence, in short with science! Humanity’s ultimate objective is to reshape this dangerous universe so that no threat will ever remain for our existence!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

“The human mind is a product of nature. Resembling other forms of nature, does it follow an ancient code by adhering to universal rules of structure, time, and rhythm? Does the human mind establish through training and education its own pulse, tempo, pace, and lilt? Does reading allow us to witness the rhythm, beat, and intonation of other people’s minds? Does writing allow us to develop, monitor, and train the pulsating pulse of our own surfing mental cadence? Does reading enable us to see the groundswell of our own life refracted through a prism of other people’s storm of words? Does reading depict the upsurge of images and thoughts of a working mind, which casement frames humankind? Does writing spur us to scrutinize the indistinct pictures taken by the viewfinder submerged in our own minds? Does inspired writing draw out of us what composed material binders the structures of our multi-dimensional mind?”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

“You boast of what you already have yet feel insecure and jealous when you find in same in others. That's how fragile you're, Grow Up!” ”
Ramana Pemmaraju

Nihar Satpathy
“It goes without saying that the human mind is a powerhouse of hidden clues. It’s only that we are not aware of it. All of us are endowed with an immense ability to resolve most of the questions that torment us. All that is required is to delve deep and unravel the rays of light that lie within the darkness of our mind. We have layers of wisdom that remain unexplored within us. What matters is a strong intent and resolve to reach out to our inner self to retrieve those answers.”
Nihar Satpathy, The Puzzles of Life

Eraldo Banovac
“Ideas represent a wonderful manifestation of the functioning of the human mind.”
Eraldo Banovac

Mehmet Murat ildan
“The concept of destiny is something that humanity has to get rid of because it degrades the future-creator power of human mind!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

“Human brain is a tool, which have answers of every questions.”
Saad Shah

Mehmet Murat ildan
“When watching a high mountain, wise man knows that no mountain is higher or colder or more unpredictable or foggier or more magnificent or more dangerous than the human mind!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Mehmet Murat ildan
“The promised saviour of all times is human mind itself! All the solutions humanity needs for its endless problems shall be found by the human mind. If you are looking for a prophet to save the world, do not seek, for he is here, the human mind itself!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Mehmet Murat ildan
“If we want to exist in this universe for millions and billions of years, we must constantly deepen our minds to understand this universe in depth!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Even if mankind manages to be immortal in a mortal universe, this time it must find a way to make the universe immortal too! Every problem in this universe seems like an impossible task, but the most important feature of the human mind is that it does not see impossible tasks as impossible!”
Mehmet Murat ildan