Horror Fantasy Quotes

Quotes tagged as "horror-fantasy" Showing 91-120 of 166
Alan Kinross
“She was a predator - a creature of the night who rejoiced in the thrill of the hunt.”
Alan Kinross, Longinus The Vampire: Redemption

Laini Taylor
“The terror-the terror, the terror-lingered, and there was something else. It came with the dream, every time, and didn't recede with it but stayed like something a tide had washed in. Something awful-a rank leviathan corpse left to rot on the shore of her mind. It was remorse. But god, that was too bloodless a word for it,. This feeling the dream left her with, it was knives of panic and horror resting bright atop a red and meaty wound-fester of guilt.”
Laini Taylor, Dreams of Gods & Monsters

Rob E. Boley
“I like to make blank pages darker. It's this thing I do.”
Rob E. Boley

Tiffany Apan
“Is it possible for one to enter sleep and wander while never waking? And if so, for how long can one survive this way?”
Tiffany Apan, Descent

H.P. Lovecraft
“It was a godless sound; one of those low-keyed, insidious outrages of Nature which are not meant to be. To call it a dull wail, a doom-dragged whine, or a hopeless howl of chorused anguish and stricken flesh without mind would be to miss its most quintessential loathsomeness and soul-sickening overtones.”
H.P. Lovecraft, The Case of Charles Dexter Ward

David Annandale
“And then the roar. That roar. The roar of the end of all hope.”
David Annandale, Kaiju Rising: Age of Monsters

Stacy Buck
“You got what you deserved. Now be a man and confess to what most of us already know.”
Stacy Buck, Squanto Undead: Wake the Undead Part 2

Rob Shepherd
“To write your dreams of fantasy, is to create fantasy in another's dreams”
Rob Shepherd, Life with Boris Karloff!

Heather McVea
“Stop wiggling - you’ll move when I move you.”
Heather McVea, Ela: Forever

T. Frohock
“No lies, my love, no lies between us.”
Teresa Frohock, The Broken Road

T. Frohock
“When my mother died, I thought I’d drown in sorrow. But my grandmother said something very wise, and I’ve always held it close to my heart. She said that not even the sea is infinite, and neither is grief.”
Teresa Frohock

Pilar Pedraza
“Mary fue ahorcada en la estación de Erwin, Tennessee, en lo alto de una grúa de los ferrocarriles como castigo por haber abierto como una nuez la cabeza de su nuevo cuidador, un borracho que la maltrataba como sólo los borrachos maltratan a las hembras, sean de la especie que sean.”
Pilar Pedraza, Lucifer Circus

Benjamin Kane Ethridge
“And I've learned to hit the brakes at these kinds of stop signs rather than t-boning a tanker truck filled with 200 proof mediocrity.”
Benjamin Kane Ethridge, Reaping October

Rob Shepherd
“To write you dreams of fantasy, is to create fantasy in another's dreams.”
Rob Shepherd

Rick Chiantaretto
“I remembered what it was like to die-the pain, the fear, the doubt, and the unknown. Somehow I had cheated death once. Now I was about to try again.”
Rick Chiantaretto, Death of the Body

Tiffany Apan
“And maybe that is exactly what happened…he walked away and never woke up…”
Tiffany Apan, Descent

Tiffany Apan
“The marine underworld stretched below the ship and embodied many secrets. The disappearance of Olga had become one of the mysteries that would remain with Stefania and her family. The disappearance of her baby sister and sudden departure from her home had taught the ten-year-old that life was filled with uncertainties. But she was willing to forget that for a little while.
She jumped down from the barrel and headed toward Liam, Felix, and the other shipmates. They would sing shanties and talk of the constellations, the sea, its creatures, and the legends. It would get her through another night.

La Suerte was the only stability for her passengers with the infinite unknown all around them. The waters of the sea, the world below the surface, and the sky that stretched beyond the horizon was a representation of the limitless possibilites and dangers awaiting those aboard.”
Tiffany Apan, Descent

M. Keep
“Am I Dead?"

Had she fallen to her doom and this was all an elaborate fantasy? Was this the place between life and death? Her eyes welled up with tears and she ran towards the man that wasn't there, wanting to cling to him, to find something to save her from this torture.”
M. Keep, Theodora's Descent

“I don’t know why I told you all those things, but I did. Maybe it was because I’m a drunk, and sometimes drunks like to confess.”
Steven Ramirez Dead Is All You Get

Dale M. Chatwin
“Gods do not decide who goes to Heaven or who goes to Hell. That is for the Cosmic Forces to decide. You are as close to being like a God than you ever will be. Gods are the creators and if they are proud of their work they will remain as silent watchers. This isn’t like the ancient times when Gods would interfere in the affairs of man, or whatever creatures they created. They became arrogant and selfish in their deeds, only concerned with their own private agendas and using their creations as tools of blackmail and spite. It got so they were completely shaping the destinies of worlds just to seduce a sibling into practicing explicit acts of intercourse. They were incestuous monstrosities who were given far too many liberties, and they abused the power bestowed upon them. Eventually the Cosmic Forces intervened and limited the powers of the Gods. These days Gods are not born and they do not perform sex. The few that are left are merely prisoners of the Cosmic Forces, free to roam across the Multiverse and create, but unable to indulge in their own egotistical fantasies. They have become tortured souls, much like their creations.”
Dale M. Chatwin, Underneath the Draconian Sky

Pilar Pedraza
“Cuántos propósitos bienintencionados se formulan de un modo imprudente en momentos de emoción, a sabiendas de que no se cumplirán jamás.”
Pilar Pedraza, La pequeña Pasión

“…Late at night, when the hour is none, I dream the dreams of the damned.”
James Michael Rice, The Still

Stacy Buck
“No, not my spirit, just my ego, and my arms, and my chest, and my back, but luckily they are just bruised.” Squanto responded, “I fear you may not be so lucky.”
Stacy Buck, Squanto Undead: Wake the Undead Part 1

Stacy Buck
“Pulling back, like a savage carnivore at its prey, it tore a large chunk of meat rendering his left arm useless...regardless he did not require it for long.”
Stacy Buck, Squanto Undead: Wake the Undead Part 2

Stacy Buck
“Come now, I was not about to let that thing eat you.”
stacy buck, Squanto Undead: Wake the Undead Part 3

Fawn Bonning
“There was a monster in the mirror―one in disguise, a disguise which could not fool his reflection.”
Fawn Bonning, The Heart of Hannen

Fawn Bonning
“It is nayat one fraigen, lita. It has naya honed scales to rip yon wide.”
Fawn Bonning, The Heart of Hannen

Tiffany Apan
“The marine underworld stretched below the ship and embodied many secrets. The disappearance of Olga had become one of the mysteries that would remain with Stefania and her family. The disappearance of her baby sister and sudden departure from her home had taught the ten-year-old that life was filled with uncertainties. But she was willing to forget that for a little while.
She jumped down from the barrel and headed toward Liam, Felix, and the other shipmates. They would sing shanties and talk of the constellations, the sea, its creatures, and the legends. It would get her through another night.

La Suerte was the only stability for her passengers with the infinite unknown all around them. The waters of the sea, the world below the surface, and the sky that stretched beyond the horizon was a representation of the limitless possibilities and dangers awaiting those aboard.”
Tiffany Apan, Descent

T. Frohock
“Famine was a dirty bitch with rotten fangs, but the hunger she put in a belly bit sharp nonetheless.”
Teresa Frohock, The Broken Road

Claudio Garcia Fanlo
“Es que solamente una mente insana o enferma podría evocar y describir un mundo oculto y subterráneo, donde una raza inmunda de diabólicas y hambrientas criaturas, estuviese condenada a vagar por años y a pugnar insaciablemente por procurarse el alimento diario.”
Claudio Garcia Fanlo, El Devorador y otros cuentos de horror