
Hispanic Heritage Month Quotes

Quotes tagged as "hispanic-heritage-month" Showing 1-6 of 6
Abhijit Naskar
“Latin No Ilegal (El Soneto)

Yo soy latino y orgulloso,
Pero no soy un bandido.
Mi piel es morena y soy ruidoso,
Pero no soy un desesperado.
Algunos no pueden hablar inglés,
Pero no somos humanos inferiores.
Para la amistad haremos cualquier cosa,
Amamos a la familia, como ustedes.
Los imperialistas robaron nuestra tierra,
Torturaron a nuestros antepasados.
Sin embargo, nos llamas ilegales,
Sin ningún remordimiento.
Nadie puede cambiar el pasado, pero,
Construyamos el presente sin prejuicios.”
Abhijit Naskar, Earthquakin' Egalitarian: I Die Everyday So Your Children Can Live

Abhijit Naskar
“World History 101 - The Actual History

History is not a record of truth, history is a record of triumph. The triumphant writes history as it fits their narrative - or to be more accurate, history is written by the conquerors for maintaining the supremacy of the conquerors, while the conquered lose everything.

Let me give you an example. In a commendable endeavor of goodwill and reparations a descendant of the British conquerors, President Lyndon Johnson started Hispanic Heritage Week, which was later expanded into a month by another white descendant, President Ronald Reagan - fast forward to present time - during the Hispanic Heritage Month the entire North America tries to celebrate Native American history. But there is a glitch - Spanish is not even a Native American language.

Native Americans did not even speak Spanish, until the brutes of Spain overran Puerto Rico like pest bearing disease and destruction, after a pathetic criminal called Columbus stumbled upon "La Isabela" in the 1500s.

Many of the natives struggled till death to save their home - many were killed by the foreign diseases to which they had no immunity. Those who lived, every last trace of their identity was wiped out, by the all-powerful and glorious spanish colonizers - their language, their traditions, their heritage, everything - just like the Portuguese did in Brazil.

The Spaniards would've done the same to Philippines on the other side of the globe, had they had the convenience to stay longer. Heck, even the name Philippines is not the original name - the original name of the islands was (probably) Maniolas, as referred to by Ptolemy. But when the Spaniard retards of the time set foot there, they named it after, then crown prince, later Philip II of Spain.

Just reminiscing those abominable atrocities makes my blood boil, and yet somehow, the brutal "glory" of the conquerors lives on as such even in this day and age, as glory that is.

That's why José Martí is so important, that's why Kwanzaa is so important, that's why Darna is so important - in the making of a world that has a place for every culture, not just the culture of the conquerors.

No other "civilized" people have done more damage to the world than the Europeans, and yet, on the pages of history books their glory of conquest is still packaged as glory, not as atrocity. Why is that? I don't know the answer - do you?

Trillions of dollars, pounds and euros in aid won't suffice to undo the damage - but what just might heal those wounds from the past, is if the offspring of the oppressors and the offspring of the oppressed, both hand in hand and shoulder to shoulder, unravel the history as it happened, not as it was presented - what just might heal the scars of yesterday, is if together we come forward to learn about each other's past, so that for the first time in history, we can actually write "human history", not the "conquerors' history" - so that for the first time ever, we write history not as conquerors and conquered, not as oppressors and oppressed, but as one species - as one humankind.”
Abhijit Naskar, Vande Vasudhaivam: 100 Sonnets for Our Planetary Pueblo

Abhijit Naskar
“Justice Beyond Month (Sonnet 1182)

Pride that ends with the end of June,
is but an episode of looney tunes.
Divergence that dies with April's wake,
is no inclusion but bark of buffoons.

Black history that ends with the end of February,
is not solidarity but a hashtag cacophony.
Women's history that ends with the end of March,
is no celebration but a sacrilege of equality.

When AAPI are only visible in the month of May,
It ain't no visibility but a mockery of life.
When nativeness is welcome till October 15th,
It ain't integration but desecration of light.

Awareness is justice when it reduces prejudice.
But one that's trendy only in specific months,
is no awareness but a different kind of malice.

Acceptance is awareness, awareness is life.
100 calendars fall short to celebrate mindlight.”
Abhijit Naskar, Visvavictor: Kanima Akiyor Kainat