
Greetings And Wishes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "greetings-and-wishes" Showing 1-8 of 8
“There’s no need to fret about what’s out of sight (or what you don’t know). Focus on moving forward, doing your best with the knowledge you have. Trust that as you go, “whatever you need or deserve will appear”.

Here’s the key, Sweetheart: we don’t need a roadmap to our best life. All we need is the commitment to move forward with what we have & the belief that we deserve it. The incredible, all-encompassing energy within us will take care of the rest.

Darling listen – finding & maintaining your inner balance, knowing & allowing what drives you forward.. will pave your unique path to success. See where lines have blurred & choose what aligns with you to live your best day, every day.

I wish & hope that all the good things come & stay present in your life. May your positive experiences compound & gradually build into something truly great. Blessings!”
Rajesh Goyal

“Gdmng, Sunshine! Just your daily dose of “wisdom” (because who doesn’t love a little dose of encouragement, inspiration or motivation in the morning)?

Deep down, we all have the potential to be great. But let’s be honest, some of us planted those “greatness seeds” years ago & are enjoying a tree overflowing with awesome fruits. The rest of us? Still staring at a bag of seeds, wondering if the season is good & afraid of putting hands in dirt.

Darling listen – those seeds won’t magically sprout into a self-watering garden of success. You gotta get your hands dirty (metaphorically…, unless you’re actually planting something today, then get dirty for real).

Here’s the deal: Everything you do today is a seed for tomorrow. Remember, every thought, word & action counts. Shocking, I know.. but it has always been that way & it will always be that way.

Sweetheart, ask yourself: While the universe is on your side, are you on your side? Because the universe is not here to do the weeding. That’s on you.

May your metaphorical seeds blossom into a life-changing orchard. Keep Doing The Stuff, Keep Smiling, Stay Blessed & Enjoy your day!”
Rajesh Goyal, राजेश गोयल

“Let’s face it, dear, there are people who walk around like deflated balloons – even with all the potential for greatness, but kinda limpy & dusty.

IMPRESS YOURSELF, TODAY! Every day when you go to bed, ask yourself, “Did I do something awesome today?” Am I proud of myself?” & feel the answer deep inside your heart..

Sweetheart, look, most people settle for a life way smaller than they’re actually capable of. Most people cage themselves in “self-doubt” & “what if” fortresses & then complain the view sucks. (Seriously, you want a limited-edition life when you can be the GOLD edition?)

Darling listen – this is your official wake-up call! Dust off your inner rockstar, ditch the excuses & unleash your awesomeness! You already have talent & inherited wisdom to be extraordinary, you just gotta use them.

So, shed those limiting beliefs like a bad outfit. Move from “just existing” to “extraordinary.” Do a few things to make yourself proud. Expand your horizons & surprise yourself with what you’re capable of. Trust me, the world needs your unique brand of magic.

I wish & hope that very soon you get a taste for what it means to expand beyond your limited sense of self. Blessings & may your self-impressed journey begin today!”
Rajesh Goyal, राजेश गोयल

“This morning, I wanted to remind you of something powerful – when you are done seeing all the red, resistance & all the revelations within & around you- make an effort to honour & see all the good. Dear, amidst all the red & negativity, there’s so much good too!

Darling listen – it’s not what one has or how one appears that makes them a Muse. It’s what they embody & the power of their mindset that truly inspires the world.

I repeat - true inspiration comes not from what we own or how we look, but from who we are & the strength we carry within. Think about it – Are you a muse to someone or yourself? What positive energy do you bring to your world? What do you bring to the table?

So today, let’s be muses for ourselves & each other. Let you rise above the negativity & create something beautiful, something that brings us joy & inspires those around us!

Sending you blessings for a day filled with love, happiness, inspiration & creation!”
Rajesh Goyal, राजेश गोयल

“Good morning, Sunshine! Sometimes what we do everyday might seem small, but it matters. The good things we do add up & the not-so-good things do too. Even if you can’t see it right away, what you do everyday affects the world around you.

Darling listen – continue doing whatever good you are doing & stop doing bad things…

This little post is one such thing that looks so unimportant to some but might just brighten someone’s day. The point that I am making is… keep doing your kind of awesome things everyday, even if they don’t seem like a big deal. They totally are!

Sweetheart, while you’re at it, don’t forget to cherish the part of you that wants to do good & that voice inside that tells you to be good, to see the bright side & to cheer for others. That’s what makes you, YOU! Cherish that! It’s what making your world a better place.

So here’s to a fantastic day! Let’s show the universe our best selves & watch good things come back our way. Blessings!”
Rajesh Goyal, राजेश गोयल

“Gdmng, Sunshine! This morning, I offer a gentle reminder: even when everything sucks, pretend you’re a wildflower & push through anyway.

Isn’t it amazing how wildflowers just, like, grow anywhere & bring beauty to the space that they inhabit?? So inspiring!

Darling listen – this isn’t about blind optimism; it’s about embracing a spirit of wildflower. Let you truly believe you have a wildflower heart within you, meant to blossom freely, resiliently & untamed.

May this unearth the hope that lies within you. Sweetheart, in this season of growing, I want you to learn to embrace this beautiful characteristic & the tough sides of yourself. No matter how chaotic it is, let you spring up, grow & expand in the middle of nowhere like a wildflower.

May you bloom in a way you are meant to & bring beauty to this world simply with your thoughts, words & actions.. Blessings!”
Rajesh Goyal, राजेश गोयल

“राम राम मित्रों, आज मैं सतयुग और कलयुग के बीच के अंतर को देख रहा था। मैंने ये पाया कि यह अंतर केवल युगों (समय) का नहीं, बल्कि हमारी सोच, वचन, कर्म, स्वधर्म का ज्ञान और पालन तथा सबसे महत्वपूर्ण – बोध का अंतर है।

मु��े लगता है कि उदर-भरण और परिवार का पालन-पोषण तो जीवन का लक्ष्य हमेशा से ही रहा है। तलब के तकाजे भी हर समय पर थे। मोक्ष, मान-सम्मान, धन – ये सभी इच्छाएं सदैव से मनुष्यों के मन में रही ही हैं। लेकिन सतयुग और कलयुग में इन लक्ष्यों को प्राप्त करने के तरीकों में भिन्नता है। सतयुग में, शुभकर्म, मेहनत, वचन पालन और स्वधर्म पर बल दिया जाता था, जबकि कलयुग में क्षुद्रता, नीचता और अधर्म भी अपना रास्ता बना लेती है।

इसीलिए मेरा मानना है कि इस बोध से पहले का समय कलयुग है और इस बोध के बाद का समय सतयुग है।

बस यही बोध प्राप्त करने का सतत प्रयास हमारी प्रार्थना है।

प्रभु से प्रार्थना है कि उनकी कृपा से न केवल आपको जल्द ही बोध प्राप्त हो जाये, बल्कि आपके आस पास का ऊर्जाक्षेत्र और बोद्धक्षेत्र भी लगातार बड़ा होता जाए जिससे न केवल आप अपने जीवन में खुशी और समृद्धि प्राप्त कर पायें, बल्कि अपने परिवार और समाज के लिए भी वरदान बन जायें।

श्री रामाय नमः। ॐ हं हनुमते नमः।”
Rajesh Goyal, राजेश गोयल