
Gps Quotes

Quotes tagged as "gps" Showing 1-25 of 25
Darynda Jones
“The funny thing about GPS was it didn’t always send you in the right direction.
I knew that if I took a right and took Twelfth instead, I’d get there faster, so I turned right. Ozzy did not approve.
“Wut the foock?”
Darynda Jones, Fifth Grave Past the Light

Darynda Jones
“I started to put my phone back in my bag when Ozzy yelled out, his accent so thick, I was only half certain he said, "Where the foock are ya goin'?"

Uncle Bob jumped. I must've turned on my GPS.

"You have to tahn the foock around. You're in the middle of foockin' nowhere."

"What the hell is that?" Uncle Bob asked, almost swerving off the road.

"Sorry, it's Ozzy." I grabbed my phone and turned down the volume. "He's so demanding." I pushed a few buttons to turn off the app, then put the phone to my ear. "Sweet, buttermilk pancakes, Ozzy, you have to stop calling me. You're a married man!" I pretended to hang up, then rolled my eyes. "Rock stars.”
Darynda Jones, Fifth Grave Past the Light

Pooja Agnihotri
“Remember, data is not just the street signs, it is the GPS.”
Pooja Agnihotri, 17 Reasons Why Businesses Fail :Unscrew Yourself From Business Failure

Darynda Jones
“The funny thing about GPS was it didn’t always send you in the right direction.
I knew that if I took a right and took Twelfth instead, I’d get there faster, so I turned right. Ozzy did not approve.
“Wut the foock?”
Did he just say the F-word?
“Ya not even foocking listening.”

“Ha! This is great,” I said to the dead naked guy. He ignored me. Ozzy was so entertaining”
Darynda Jones, Fifth Grave Past the Light

Antonella Gambotto-Burke
“Classifying depression as an illness serves the psychiatric community and pharmaceutical corporations well; it also soothes the frightened, guilty, indifferent, busy, sadistic, and unschooled. To understand depression as a call for life-changes is not profitable. Stagnation is not a medical term. The 17.5 million Americans diagnosed as suffering a major depression in 1997 were mostly damned. (Psychobiological examinations confuse cause and symptom.) Deficient serotonergic functioning, ventral prefrontal cerebral cortex, dis-inhibition of impulsive-aggressive behavior, blah blah blah: the medical lexicon boils emotion from human being. Go take a drug, the doctor says. Pain is a biochemical phenomenon. Erase all memory.”
Antonella Gambotto-Burke, The Eclipse: A Memoir of Suicide

“Right now there are thirty-one satellites zipping around the world with nothing better to do than help you find your way to the grocery store.”
Ed Burnette, Hello, Android: Introducing Google's Mobile Development Platform
tags: gps

Carlos Wallace
“Just when the devil tries to steer me in the wrong direction I learn how powerful God's GPS really is. (Evil will not re-route my journey). He has mapped my success to the final destination.”
Carlos Wallace, Life Is Not Complicated-You Are: Turning Your Biggest Disappointments into Your Greatest Blessings

Jenny  Lawson
“Australia is filled with roundabouts and everyone drives on the wrong side of the road. In the end we decided to split up the work and I feverishly watched the GPS and yelled, "Left! Right! ROUNDABOUT!”
Jenny Lawson, Furiously Happy: A Funny Book About Horrible Things

Jodi Picoult
“I suddenly remember being about seven, riding beside him in the car, and asking him how grown-ups found their way to places. After all, I had never seen him pull out a map.

"I guess we just get used to taking the same turns," he said, but I wasn't satisfied.

"Then what about the first time you go somewhere?"

"Well," he said, "we get directions."

But what I want to know is who got them the very first time? What if no one's ever been where you're going? "Dad?" I ask, "is it true that you can use stars like a map?"

"Yeah, if you understand celestial navigation."

"Is it hard?" I'm thinking maybe I should learn. A backup plan, for all those times I feel like I'm just wandering in circles.

"It's pretty jazzy math—you have to measure the altitude of a star, figure out its position using a nautical almanac, figure out what you think the altitude should be and what direction the star should be in based on where you think you are, and compare the altitude you measured with the one you calculated. Then you plot this on a chart, as a line of position. You get several lines of position to cross, and that's where you go." My father takes one look at my face and smiles. "Exactly," he laughs. "Never leave home without your GPS.”
Jodi Picoult, My Sister’s Keeper

Bill Bryson
“As we sit here, continents are adrift, like leaves on a pond. GPS tracking shows North America & Europe currently moving apart at the same rate your fingernail grows, or about two yards in a human lifetime.”
Bill Bryson, A Short History of Nearly Everything

Colin Ellard
“The relevance of these special properties of the hippocampus and their role in map learning comes from a consideration of the massive upsurge in our use of technology for wayfinding. By focusing on the blue dot of a phone map, rather than looking about at our surroundings and making the effort to form a genuine map, we are short-circuiting the processes that we've learned to use over previous millennia. As far as finding our way is concerned, we have become striatal stimulus-response machines, racing through time and space like feverish maze mice hunting for cheese.”
Colin Ellard, Places of the Heart: The Psychogeography of Everyday Life

Charbel Tadros
“Just like a GPS, the universe sends you signs to show you the best course. If you follow the flow, you get where you want with ease and happiness. If you miss a turn, the road becomes longer and harder.”
Charbel Tadros

Steven Magee
“Research is the GPS to discovery.”
Steven Magee

“With the current technology, I now agree with non-believers. We should no longer say the Bible is life's road-map, the Bible is life's GPS!”
Ibrahim Emile

Julian  May
“He gave me a hard smile before clapping on his helmet. It enclosed his entire head and featured a multifunction power-optic visor, holovid camera with continuous map-revise data stream, laser communication capability, and an omnifilter respirator. Like his soft-armored combat jumpsuit, it had an environmental system to keep him comfy. His belt held a Kagi sidearm, a monster commando knife in place of the usual Ivanov stunner, small flexcanteens of water, coffee and nutrigoo, and a bulb of trailblazer spray.”
Julian May, Orion Arm

Ken Poirot
“GPS has saved countless relationships because us men do not like to ask for directions. Now if women could only come with relationship GPS we would be one step closer to world peace.”
Ken Poirot

Peter Heller
“I think its a terrible invention. Nobody knows how to read a map anymore. You chase down a blue line but you have no idea where you are in the world. Like a rat in a maze. How do I ever know where I am in relation to Pikes Peak, or the South Platte? Or God?”
Peter Heller, Celine

Steven Magee
“Broadcast and satellite television and radio, the global positioning system (GPS), cellphones, and WiFi have all come at the expense of the next generation.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“5G wireless radiation is degrading the Global Positioning System (GPS) signal that is critical to national security.”
Steven Magee

A.D. Aliwat
“You can order up a date for New Year’s using GPS. Damn. There really is an app for everything now.”
A.D. Aliwat, In Limbo

Steven Magee
“Let your thoughts be your guiding light.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“A serial killer should never own a cell phone of any kind!”
Steven Magee

Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma
“A mentor, like a GPS, will guide you to the goals, beeping any deviations.”
Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma, Rep By Rep