
Goal Setting Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "goal-setting-quotes" Showing 1-11 of 11
“Think out of the box but stay in the yard.”
Johnnie Dent Jr.

Russ Kyle
“Maintaining a state of joyful expectancy and positive anticipation about our desires significantly influences their manifestation into reality.”
Russ Kyle, Manifestation Mindset: The 12 Universal Laws of Creation

“Credibility lies in responsibility , infidelity is the reason why many goals have bridged maturity before publicity. If you cannot build your own build your foundation for others to follow you are already working towards uncertainty. Check your objective again, again and again to live a life of great in impact.”
Adewale Osunsakin, Time To Awake Christian Magazine

Tobe Hanson
“Before taking part of any activity, ask yourself if this activity will bring you joy, if it is good and fruitful, and if it will bring you closer to achieving your goal. If the answer is not yes to at least one and preferably all of the questions, refrain from this activity.”
Tobe Hanson, Athlete's Way of Excellence: Ancient Chinese Wisdom Revealing the Secrets to Modern Day Athletic Peak Performance and How to Be in The Zone

Simeon Ivanov
“SMART Goal-setting will kill your dreams and your Mission!”
Simeon Ivanov, 0.1%: Join The Club of The Richest, Healthiest, Happiest

Tiffany Watkins
“There's no monopoly on greatness. Make your move and be great!”
Tiffany Watkins, The Lonely Heart: A Guide to Succesful Single Living

Mitta Xinindlu
“Your energy might disturb me from time to time. But, it won't stop me from reaching my goals.”
Mitta Xinindlu

Mitta Xinindlu
“Some of us came from small communities.
Some of us started with limited resources.
Some of us started with no connections at all.
Don't let the words such as 'small' or 'limited' stop you from doing great and amazing things in your life.
Your starting point should not be the measure of your end point.
Aim high.
We can do more with what have. ”
Mitta Xinindlu

Isaac Mashman
“Your vision should be ever-growing. There will come a time where you meet many of your goals. What you thought was out of reach yesterday, became a reality in the present. When this happens expand your thinking and set your vision even farther out. You should be actively chasing your vision.”
Isaac Mashman, Personal Branding: A Manifesto on Fame and Influence