
Games Of Life Quotes

Quotes tagged as "games-of-life" Showing 1-5 of 5
Israelmore Ayivor
“Everyone born is on the field of life’s game, but not everyone does wear the jersey of vision! Some people are fair players and others are injury causers; you joke with the later and they hit you down in pain and blood stains!”
Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes

Martha Bibescu
“Jocul, ispravit mereu printr-o cazatura, nu era decat o poveste care anunta viitorul. Asa cum sunt toate jocurile copilariei: marionetele ne arata cat de scurta si de tulburata ne e viata, de-a v-ati ascunselea ne invata cum se cauta emotiile, Inelus-invartecus, cat ai de alergat ca sa-ti indeplinesti dorintele, iar de-a baba oarba, dragostea oarba si dibuitul.”
Martha Bibescu, Catherine-Paris

“So endgames are naturally messy.

They may not be very dynamic, but when an active war is shutting down, there is still a lot of cleaning up to do. It may sound grim, but that's what it looks like. There are broken things everywhere, wounds and corpses, general messiness. Things collapsing due to zemblanity forces that have been set in motion but are too large to control.”
Venkatesh G. Rao, Be Slightly Evil: A Playbook for Sociopaths

Sanhita Baruah
“Life's a lot like poker. You bet on some hands, you fold some. You win some hands, you lose some. But unlike poker, life is not a zero sum game. There's enough chips in the pot for everyone.”
Sanhita Baruah