
Foxglove Quotes

Quotes tagged as "foxglove" Showing 1-3 of 3
Karma Brown
“Alice thought the supposedly toxic plant seemed perfectly harmless. The flowers resembled bell-shaped slippers, grouped in satisfying lines that hung from the main stalk as though weighted from their centers. "This one? It's actually quite pretty."
"Isn't it?"
"The previous owner must have loved it. There's quite a lot." Alice noted aside from the bunch in front of her, it grew in two other spots in the garden.
"It seems she did," Sally said. "The plant also has another name; maybe you've heard of it? Digitalis purpurea."
"Doesn't sound familiar."
"They use foxgloves to make digitalis, the heart medication." Sally put her glove back on. "But touching any part of the plant- leaves, flower, stem- with bare hands can cause a whole host of trouble.”
Karma Brown, Recipe for a Perfect Wife

Margot Berwin
(sometimes referred to as digitoxin or digitalis)

This widely used heart medication is a cardiac glycoside used in the treatment of atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, and congestive heart failure. Found in the lovely purple bells of the foxglove plant and the gorgeous, velvety black wings of the monarch butterfly, digoxin is probably the most beautiful medication there ever was.

Margot Berwin, Hothouse Flower and the Nine Plants of Desire

Richard  Adams
“I tell you, every single thing that’s happened fits like a bee in a foxglove.”
Richard Adams, Watership Down