
Feminine Body Quotes

Quotes tagged as "feminine-body" Showing 1-15 of 15
Tami Lynn Kent
“While each of these may be convenient at the time (and easier choices, culturally, than choosing menstrual retreat, natural birth, breastfeeding, mother-baby dependency, and unmedicated menopause), there is a downside. Each time we deny our female functions, each time we deviate from our bodies’ natural path, we move farther away from our feminine roots. This can create distress within our bodies and can set the scene for further problems, physically and emotionally, for ourselves and our families. - this quote is from the Foreword to Wild Feminine; the foreword is by Sarah J. Buckley, MD”
Tami Lynn Kent, Wild Feminine: Finding Power, Spirit, & Joy in the Root of the Female Body

“Sensuality may not be everybody's cup of tea, but it sure as hell is part of everybody's DNA.”
Lebo Grand

“A true sensual woman is intrinsically connected to her inner passion and adept at channeling that passion to drive every beauty, fashion and lifestyle choice she makes.”
Lebo Grand

Tracey Garvis Graves
“The burgundy dress she's wearing stops just above her knees, showing the perfect amount of leg, but the sleeves are long and covered by some kind of lace overlay. It is the ideal attire for a corporate dinner party. Annika has the kind of body that isn't overtly noticeable. Her breasts never feel like they're in your face, but they make you wonder what they look like under her clothes. Her legs are only slightly longer than average, but they're toned. She is the most perfectly proportioned woman I've ever had the pleasure of seeing naked, and has the softest skin I've ever run my hands across. Tonight, she looks both sexy and conservative, and I look forward to introducing her to my fellow team members.”
Tracey Garvis Graves, The Girl He Used to Know

“Start investing in your own sensuality, it's what increases your sense of self worth.”
Lebo Grand

Lisa Kleypas
“No healthy young man could fail to be stirred and set off-kilter by Aline, who, at the age of seventeen, had become the loveliest girl on God's green earth.
At the moment Aline was already dressed for bed, wearing a nightgown made of intricately tucked and ruffled white cotton. As she moved across the room, the lamplight silhouetted the generous curves of her breasts and hips through the thin fabric, and slid over the shining sable locks of her hair. Aline's looks were the kind that caused the heart to stop and the breath to catch. Her coloring alone would have given even a homely woman the appearance of great beauty. But her features were fine and perfect, and perpetually lit with the radiance of unchecked emotion. And as if all that hadn't been quite enough, nature had added one last flourish, a tiny black mark that flirted with the corner of her mouth. McKenna had fantasized endlessly about kissing that tantalizing spot, and following it to the lush curves of her lips. Kissing and kissing her, until she was weak and shivering in his arms.”
Lisa Kleypas, Again the Magic

Lisa Kleypas
“His mind was completely occupied with the image of Aline by the river, the rich mass of her pinned-up hair, the exquisite lines of her body and throat.
Time had only made Aline's beauty more eloquent. Her body was ripe and fully developed, the form of a woman in her prime. With maturity, her face had become more delicately sculpted, the nose thinner, the lips faded from deep rose to the pale shade of pink that tinted the inside of a seashell. And there was that damned, never-forgotten beauty mark, the festive dark fleck that lured his attention to the tender corner of her mouth.”
Lisa Kleypas, Again the Magic

Lynsay Sands
“Her breasts were full and high, her hips curvy, and the triangle of curly strawberry blond hair at the juncture of her thighs was as visible as her dusky rose nipples.
Conall heard Payton move away, but didn't take his eyes off Claray. She was a sight to make a man's mouth water and his cock spring up, ready for action, and he was experiencing both right then. He wanted to taste those dusky nipples rather than just touch them, and he wanted to bury his face between her legs and sample her sweetness.”
Lynsay Sands, Highland Wolf

“Vivimos en un mundo que se adueña y dispone del cuerpo de las mujeres, un mundo de dominación masculina desde el punto de vista económico, cultural e ideológico. Desde el culto a la belleza hasta los actos de mayor barbarie, como las mutilaciones genitales o los ataques con ácido, la forma más arraigada de control de las mujeres por parte de los hombres pasa por el sometimiento de sus cuerpos.

La emancipación de la mujer pasa pues por la liberación de su cuerpo.”
FEMEN Internacional, Manifiesto FEMEN

“El conjunto de los sistemas de producción que tienen como fin la mercantilización del cuerpo femenino y la comercialización de su sexualidad dentro de un mercado destinado ante todo y principalmente a los hombres constituye uno de los primeros puntos de mira en la lucha de Femen. Además, asociamos a la industria del sexo toda actividad comercial en la que la mujer, despojada de su calidad de ser humano libre e independiente, es reducida a un cuerpo, a un envoltorio material o a una imagen al servicio de una visión de la sexualidad dominada por los hombres. A través de la prostitución, los vientres de alquiler, la pornografía mainstream y la publicidad, la mujer se vende, se compra, se importa y se exporta de un país a otro, convirtiéndose en un bien de consumo a escala planetaria.”
FEMEN Internacional, Manifiesto FEMEN

“Sea cual sea su forma, la industria del sexo representa un medio de explotación de un sexo sobre el otro a través de la fuerza, la intimidación o la manipulación. El éxito y la eficacia de este sistema comercial pasa por la desvalorización de la mujer como sujeto. Reducidas a envoltorio corporal, las mujeres se encuentran atrapadas en la trampa de un sistema económico y social que reafirma el estatus promovido por la ideología patriarcal del hombre como dominador.”
FEMEN Internacional, Manifiesto FEMEN

“He was still fully clothed, and she was naked, vulnerable. His eyes traveled slowly down the length of her, not missing a detail. He would see the abundance of her curves, the heart-shaped birthmark beneath her left breast, the scar on her hip from the time she'd fallen out of a tree. He would see what no man had ever seen before, her breasts, her belly, her...
The silence built and grew. She'd shut her eyes tightly, momentarily embarrassed out of the sensual lassitude he'd instilled in her. But finally she could stand it no longer, and she opened her eyes once more, to glance up at him, trying to gauge his reaction.
For the moment there was no telling. His eyes were hooded as he stared down at her, and she was suddenly terrified that she was being judged by a connoisseur and found wanting. No wonder he hadn't taken her to his bed. It had been no great battle to preserve her innocence. Indeed, the battle had been to lose it.
And then he leaned forward, and the mask was gone from his eyes, his face, if just for the moment, and the longing was back. "A true redhead," he murmured. "My love, you're magnificent.”
Anne Stuart, To Love a Dark Lord

Lisa Kleypas
“There was only the memory of Cassandra's sweet, yielding mouth, the lush curves of her body molding perfectly to his. Like a melody that kept repeating itself throughout a symphony, she was his idée fixe, haunting him whether dreaming or awake.
Everything demanded that he chase Cassandra, do whatever was necessary to win her. But if he succeeded, he would destroy everything that made her worth having.”
Lisa Kleypas, Chasing Cassandra

Lynsay Sands
“It was about the sexiest thing Conall had ever seen. While her gown had hidden most of her as she'd carried it out of the water, and she'd turned away quickly after laying it over the boulder, there was nothing hiding her assets now. Her shift was as good as useless, the nearly transparent material clinging to her curves as her position thrust her breasts into the air. Her nipples were small pebbles peaking the cloth. They looked to be as hard as they had been when he'd caressed her and now he wondered if it had been him or the cold that had brought on that result earlier.”
Lynsay Sands, Highland Wolf

Alana Albertson
“No matter how many times he tried to look away, Enrique couldn't stop staring at Carolina.
Her long black hair was curled, wisps of it framing her face. A few loose strands rested on her breasts. Her bright green dress showed off an incredible body. Her waist was tiny, and her hips were wide--- a perfect knockout hourglass figure. But most importantly, she was strong. Her body was crafted from hard labor. It was insanely erotic. So many women in San Diego were too skinny and had so much filler that they all looked like they were airbrushed, but Carolina was a natural beauty.”
Alana Albertson, Kiss Me, Mi Amor