
Fathers Day Quotes

Quotes tagged as "fathers-day" Showing 1-30 of 32
Amit Ray
“There is no teacher equal to mother and there's nothing more contagious than the dignity of a father.”
Amit Ray, World Peace: The Voice of a Mountain Bird

Israelmore Ayivor
“My father said this to me: "Israelmore, if you don't make any impact on earth, you will die before you die. But if you impress hearts with what you do, you still live even after you are gone”
Israelmore Ayivor

Criss Jami
“The wrath of God is never an evil wrath. God gets angry because he loves people like a mother would love her child if someone were to harm it. There is something wrong if the mother never gets angry; it is safe to say that that is the unloving mother.”
Criss Jami, Healology

Richelle E. Goodrich
“Father always said that money doesn’t grow on trees. Well, time doesn’t grow on trees either.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Slaying Dragons: Quotes, Poetry, & a Few Short Stories for Every Day of the Year

Mohith Agadi
“Father is Everyone's First Preceptor.
Happy Father's Day!”
Mohith Agadi

“The importance of fatherhood is indisputable. And children always reach for their fathers.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr, CEO of Mayflower-Plymouth

“We come into the world through a man and a woman. But life blessings us with many fathers and mothers.”
Lailah Gifty Akita, Think Great: Be Great!

K.A. Hill
“Dad, despite the fact you can be a right grumpy bastard, I’m so incredibly grateful to have you in my life.”
K.A. Hill, The Winners' Guide

“Sometimes the poorest man leaves his children the richest inheritance.”
Ruth E. Renkel

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Fathers are the pillars of the home.
Without them, the citadel of confidence crumbles.
Without them, the tendrils of hope withers.
Without them, sweet and great dreams turn to nightmares.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, The Book of Maxims, Poems and Anecdotes

“Man is a tree of life but a woman is a flower.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“Only mothers can conceive a child. Only mothers can physically give birth to a child. Only mothers can breast feed. Everyone recognizes the uniqueness of motherhood. Everyone knows that mothers are irreplaceable. But as a student of nature, I know that everything is in balance. So it is also true that fathers are superior to mothers in some ways and there are unique ways that fathers can love children and lead children that mothers simply are not capable of. And ultimately, everything balances out - mothers and fathers are equally important to children.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr, CEO of Mayflower-Plymouth

Nitya Prakash
“Confident women are raised by loving dads.”
Nitya Prakash

“This day is a reminder to us all that there are man. Who have unconditioned love, who have time and respect for their women and children. Man who gives advice's, attention, guidance, help, wisdom and education to their women and children. A man who encourages, motivates and inspire their women and children. A man who sacrifices everything for their children and women, not a man who sacrifices their child and women for everything. A man who uses their strength to protect their family, not a man who uses their strength to hurt their family. Not a man who abuses, rape, molest, threaten, torture, or humiliate their children and family. To all those good man. Happy Fathers Day. May God bless you more. Don’t stop what you are doing and may other men learn from your ways.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Olaotan Fawehinmi
“And yes, many of us became fathers to fully understand what it means to be a father.

Albert Einstein once said: "Every man is a genius but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb trees, it will spend the rest of its life believing that its stupid."

To the men who never let other people’s metrics of success become the yardstick with which they measure theirs. It is no coincidence that we are diagrammatically represented by a circle with an arrow on the edge that points out.

To all of us who may not always be "there" so that we can always "be there",

To every hunter, every fighter, every missionary,
To every planter and tiller of a garden of eden,
To every warrior, conqueror of territories, every man always going out so he can bring something home.

To every provider and protector of his family.
Every defender of his domain and representative of God in the lives of his dependants.

To every man that choose character over caliber,
Every Major General, Lord of the Rings,
Lion of the Tribe of his house.

To every correcter with a shout,
Every tough and tender 9-ribbed carrier of his cross.

For every skill, strength, qualification and effort that we put into building meaningful relationships with our women, bonds with our children, and shield through tough times.

For every ‘crave’ for success without substituting values.

For the unconditional love, unflinching sacrifice, and diehard determination to go places our parents never imagined for themselves.

To those who happily lead, as though money, fame and power didn’t exist.

To those who stand tall and sit straight,
Who understand that it doesn't take a 6-figure to be a Father figure.

Happy Father's Day to every man who understands the responsibility and deserves the title.

*Happy Father's Day to You and Me.*”
Olaotan Fawehinmi, The Soldier Within

“To those fathers who teach their children on how to be strong. Not to give up. Those who make sure their children get proper education, accommodation and proper life. Those who teach their children right path and making them believe in themselve and that they can do anything. Those who bestore hope , making their children dreamers and go getters. Those who support their children in the things they do and supporting their talent .Those who value their children. Who spend not only money but also time with their children. The fathers who protect , love, respect, admire and care about their children without expecting any payment . To those father who their children are everything to them. To those man who are responsible and who are brave enough to say they love their children. Happy Fathers Day.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“I think any dad who slices a large pickle in two for their kids' sandwich is always a good dad!”
Zidrou, The Adoption

Kristian Ventura
“I used to scream, “Daddy!” and hug him when he came home,
Until one day I got scared hugging a father I didn’t know.
Who is daddy except for that one man in my house at night
To eat dinner, sleep, and go away again?”
Karl Kristian Flores, The Goodbye Song

Nitya Prakash
“Guys, please don't pick up calls from unknown numbers today.
It might be your past catching up to wish you a Happy Father's Day!”
Nitya Prakash

“I foresee Women's day, Mothers day, Fathers day being cancelled in the future , because they want to include other gender types .”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“A father is someone who uses their strength to protect their family not someone who uses their strength to hurt their family.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“These days man are known as trash. They are feared, not trusted. They are not respected and loved as human beings anymore, because of the recent things happening to women and children.

But this day is a reminder to us all that there are man. Who have unconditioned love, who have time and respect for their women and children. Man who gives advice's, attention, guidance, help, wisdom and education to their women and children. A man who encourages, motivates and inspire their women and children. A man who sacrifices everything for their children and women, not a man who sacrifices their child and women for everything. A man who uses their strength to protect their family, not a man who uses their strength to hurt their family. Not a man who abuses, rape, molest, threaten, torture, or humiliate their children and family. To all those good man. Happy Fathers Day. May God bless you more. Don’t stop what you are doing and may other men learn from your ways.

If your father did you wrong. If you grew up without a father or someone playing a father role in your life. It doesn’t mean you should take away the efforts of those who are trying to be good fathers to their family. It doesn’t mean you should undermine, and not acknowledge or respect what other fathers are doing out there for their children. All the sacrifices they are making. There are good fathers out there and to those Fathers Happy Fathers Day.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Dad I just noticed the superman you are, instead of the superman i thought you were.”
Vineet Raj Kapoor

Vineet Raj Kapoor

Stewart Stafford
“Paternally Grateful by Stewart Stafford

O flesh of my flesh, know this,
I would give my life willingly,
Endure any ordeal or torment,
So you may grow and prosper.

Tongues lisping out male mockery,
Knock a noble half of themselves,
And consume their bitter meat,
In acts of black hole cannibalism.

Fathers' legacies pass into legend,
No more alive than they once were,
Moral stains are gazer's blemishes,
A scratched cornea in a cloudy eye..

© Stewart Stafford, 2022. All rights reserved.”
Stewart Stafford

Humayun Ahmed
“প্রদীপ্ত সূর্য ছিল আমার পিতার কাছে ম্লান।”
Humayun Ahmed, বাদশাহ নামদার

Stewart Stafford
“See Me In One by Stewart Stafford

Crave not aged flight,
Your titian crown ringed,
With cherubim cheeks,
In child's play, winged.

I shed this life's skin,
My texts echoing guide,
Find flesh through them,
Righteous wordage sighed.

In forest dark, I found you,
All before, a stillborn nought,
Of everything in ardour rendered,
Your form, pride's ransom bought.

© Stewart Stafford, 2024. All rights reserved.”
Stewart Stafford

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