
Evie Kingston Quotes

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Lisa Kleypas
“Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker’s man . . .” Evie chanted as she played with Stephen in the Challons’ private railway carriage. They occupied one side of a deep upholstered settee, with Sebastian lounging in the other corner. The baby clapped his tiny hands along with his grandmother, his rapt gaze fastened on her face. “Make me a cake as fast as you can . . .”
The nursery rhyme concluded, and Evie cheerfully began again. “Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake—”
“My sweet,” Sebastian interrupted, “we’ve been involved in the manufacture of cakes ever since we set foot on the train. For my sanity, I beg you to choose another game.”
“Stephen,” Evie asked her grandson, “do you want to play peekaboo?”
“No,” came the baby’s grave answer.
“Do you want to play ‘beckoning the chickens?’”
Evie’s impish gaze flickered to her husband before she asked the child, “Do you want to play horsie with Gramps?”
Sebastian grinned ruefully and reached for the boy. “I knew I should have kept quiet.” He sat Stephen on his knee and began to bounce him, making him squeal with delight.”
Lisa Kleypas, Devil's Daughter

Lisa Kleypas
“Phoebe had recounted some injustice done to her by a playmate, saying she wouldn’t accept the girl’s apology, Evie had persuaded her to reconsider for the sake of kindness.
“But she’s a bad, selfish girl,” Phoebe had said indignantly.
Her mother’s reply was gentle but matter-of-fact. “Kindness counts the most when it’s given to people who don’t deserve it.”
“Does Gabriel have to be kind to everyone too?” Phoebe had demanded.
“Yes, darling.”
“Does Father?”
“No, Redbird,” Sebastian had replied, his mouth twitching at the corners. “That’s why I married your mother—she’s kind enough for two people.”
“Mother,” Gabriel had asked hopefully, “could you be kind enough for three people?”
At that, their father had taken a sudden intense interest in his newspaper, lifting it in front of his face. A quiet wheeze emerged from behind it.
“I’m afraid not, dear,” Evie had said gently, her eyes sparkling. “But I’m sure you and your sister can find a great deal of kindness in your own hearts.”
Lisa Kleypas, Devil's Daughter

Lisa Kleypas
“West told Cassandra, “Phoebe and I have come up with a plan.”
“It’s West’s plan,” Phoebe said.
“You’ll recall she has a younger brother named Raphael,” West continued. “Tall, unmarried, nice teeth. He’s perfect.”
“He’s not at all perfect,” Phoebe said. “And how do you know he’s tall and has nice teeth?”
“Your parents are obviously incapable of producing a less than superior human being.”
Lisa Kleypas, Chasing Cassandra