
Emptiness In Heart Quotes

Quotes tagged as "emptiness-in-heart" Showing 1-19 of 19
Tyler Hamilton
“What people don't understand about depression is how much it hurts. It's like your brain is convinced that it's dying and produces an acid that eats away at you from the inside, until all that's less is a scary hollowness. Your mind fills with dark thoughts; you become convinced that your friends secretly hate you, you're worthless, and then there's no hope. I never got so low as to consider ending it all, but I understand how that can happen to some people. Depression simply hurts too much.”
Tyler Hamilton

Virginia Woolf
“Once conform, once do what other people do because they do it, and a lethargy steals over all the finer nerves and faculties of the soul. She becomes all outer show and inward emptiness; dull, callous, and indifferent.”
Virginia Woolf

Jonice Webb
“When a child receives the message, even subtly or indirectly, that his emotions don't matter, he will grow up feeling, somewhere deep inside, that he himself doesn't matter.”
Jonice Webb

Munia Khan
“Being empty makes me whole sometimes. I wonder if every hollow hole has its own solidity of fulfillment”
Munia Khan

Toba Beta
“If you can admit that you haven't yet understood everything,
faith can fill the emptiness in heart to confront the hesitation.”
Toba Beta, Betelgeuse Incident: Insiden Bait Al-Jauza

C. Sean McGee
“Self-help and those stupid proverbs, they do nothing. Soul food? It’s like trying to cure starvation with a sugar cube. It might taste sweet on the lips but once it dissolves, the emptiness is still there.”
C.SeanMcGee, Dark Side of the Moon

جلجامش نبيل, Gilgamesh Nabeel
“للفراغ الداخلي ألم رهيب، كأن شيئاً ما يأكل قلبك أو داخلك بقسوة ويترك جسدك خالياً بلا روح، كأنه استبدال الألم لكل كيانك واستيطانه في أعماقك عوضاً عن ذاتك.”
جلجامش نبيل, Gilgamesh Nabeel, صراع الأقنعة

Paul Alkazraji
“Without God, the universe is an empty space, and emptiness is the most terrible feeling you can have." – Ernesto.”
Paul Alkazraji, Love Changes Everything: Seven Remarkable Real Life Stories

“Apparently life goes on but things do get changed when someone is gone. That emptiness will always stay in your heart. You will not see those faces again in this world but with the eyes of your memories. So when someone is gone they actually never leave but stays with us, in us.”
ChafKat A

Anoir Ou-chad
“The pursuit of possession could lead to an overwhelming emptiness.”
Anoir Ou-Chad

Jyoti Patel
“We choose people based on their looks and completely fail to understand their heart. We sleep under the same blanket struggling with our empty hearts; you love his strong jawline but, fail to know his weaknesses, his hands stays on your waist all through the night but, he fails to understand the emptiness within you.

From (The Awakening)”
Jyoti Patel

Tamara Rendell
“She felt as though an immense, unending sky lay within her heart. A sky with no lightning, no thunder – an empty sky of banished stars.”
Tamara Rendell, Mystical Tides

“Svet je pun praznih ljudi.”
Tamara Stamenkovic

Mehmet Murat ildan
“If you feel a great emptiness inside you, there is no point in jumping into the emptiness to get rid of your emptiness, because you cannot fill the emptiness with emptiness!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Aaron Dembski-Bowden
“He remembered being blinded by his father's light. He remembered refusing to abandon his brothers and sisters, beneath a blue sky at high-sun, far from the city of Desh'ea. He remembered the mechanical thunder of absolute betrayal, when he was stolen from the death he'd so richly earned.

He remembered the cold moment of truth as he stood in the dark, his hurting eyes healing, that every day he breathed was an unwanted gift. He was walking another man's destiny now. His destiny was to be with the men and women who needed him, who called for him, who followed him into the mountains, and died without him. A destiny denied.

He was Angron of Desh'ea. After that, nothing mattered. He'd listened to the others that begged him, that needed it all to matter. He'd played their games, living another man's life. He'd led his fleets, he'd embraced his sons, he'd told himself that blood was thicker than water, and that the Eaters of Worlds were the army he wanted and the horde he deserved. He'd sustained himself on lies, letting none see how he starved.

And he served in his cold-hearted father's empire, enduring the silent sneers of brothers he despised.”
Aaron Dembski-Bowden, Betrayer

“I pray that the one who has tainted my soul is stabbed with nine hundred and ninety-nine blades, the blades of his mistakes and the blades of his consciousness that warned him against his actions. I pray that the one who has tainted my soul is stabbed with nine hundred and ninety-nine blades, the blades of his mistakes and the blades of his consciousness that warned him against his actions. After he has been left to wallow in the chasm of his sin, I will appear, with the final blade in hand. He will not feel any remorse, rather, he will curse at me. For in his mind he has done nothing wrong and he is a victim of injustice. That is fine, because I will not feel any remorse either, as I silence him with the one thousandth blade. Only then can I be at peace and be born anew, The broken will break others, the diseased will infect the healthy, the wounded will bleed onto the innocent, and the victims of monsters will become monsters themselves.”
Chenson Lee

“I pray that the one who has tainted my soul is stabbed with nine hundred and ninety-nine blades, the blades of his mistakes and the blades of his consciousness that warned him against his actions. After he has been left to wallow in the chasm of his sin, I will appear, with the final blade in hand. He will not feel any remorse, rather, he will curse at me. For in his mind he has done nothing wrong and he is a victim of injustice. That is fine, because I will not feel any remorse either, as I silence him with the one thousandth blade. Only then can I be at peace and be born anew, The broken will break others, the diseased will infect the healthy, the wounded will bleed onto the innocent, and the victims of monsters will become monsters themselves.”
Chenson Lee

Udayakumar D.S.
“Let the ice caps that cover my heart melt while I sit bathed by the sun. Thus flows a river unhindered, telling the truth and merging with the ocean of emptiness, ready to go through the life cycle again.”
Udayakumar D.S., Fearless and Free: How One Man Changed my Life ǀ Self-help story on life, love and making a fresh start