
Emerging Leaders Quotes

Quotes tagged as "emerging-leaders" Showing 1-30 of 38
Marc A. Pitman
“Your hardwiring helps you discover your unique way of interacting with and making sense of the world. And it gives you perspective, an ability to see why other people seem to interpret work so differently.”
Marc A. Pitman, The Surprising Gift of Doubt: Use Uncertainty to Become the Exceptional Leader You Are Meant to Be

Marc A. Pitman
“Leaders need to consider three types of hardwiring—Behaviors, Abilities, Motivations—that work together to describe the unique gifts, talents, and spin that you can bring to work.”
Marc A. Pitman, The Surprising Gift of Doubt: Use Uncertainty to Become the Exceptional Leader You Are Meant to Be

Marc A. Pitman
“Assessments should help us grow in compassion for others by showing us how different people communicate, think, and process information. And they give us all a common language for communicating those differences with one another.”
Marc A. Pitman, The Surprising Gift of Doubt: Use Uncertainty to Become the Exceptional Leader You Are Meant to Be

Marc A. Pitman
“Knowing your personality type helps you slow down your habitual reactions so that you become more aware of living in that space, growing increasingly free from those unexamined habits.”
Marc A. Pitman, The Surprising Gift of Doubt: Use Uncertainty to Become the Exceptional Leader You Are Meant to Be

Marc A. Pitman
“Knowing how you do things, what things you do easily, and why you do them gives you more command of your choices and actions as well as much richer understanding of how different people operate. This can lend you more grace in working with others.”
Marc A. Pitman, The Surprising Gift of Doubt: Use Uncertainty to Become the Exceptional Leader You Are Meant to Be

Marc A. Pitman
“A leader will always have tasks that aren’t life-giving, but learning your natural abilities frees you to test accomplishing these responsibilities in ways that are more in line with your innate talents. This reduces stress and fill your work with renewed energy and purpose.”
Marc A. Pitman, The Surprising Gift of Doubt: Use Uncertainty to Become the Exceptional Leader You Are Meant to Be

Marc A. Pitman
“When you find yourself in a moment of doubt, you can turn it into an opportunity to ask yourself how your deeper motivations and your colleagues’ might play into the situation, possibly transforming the dynamic.”
Marc A. Pitman, The Surprising Gift of Doubt: Use Uncertainty to Become the Exceptional Leader You Are Meant to Be

Marc A. Pitman
“Don’t let your sense of right and wrong cloud your perceptions. Learn to be open to how your team gets things done, even if it’s not exactly the way you would do it.”
Marc A. Pitman, The Surprising Gift of Doubt: Use Uncertainty to Become the Exceptional Leader You Are Meant to Be

Marc A. Pitman
“Paying attention to how people react can help you grow your ability to use your strengths without unintentionally slowing your team down.”
Marc A. Pitman, The Surprising Gift of Doubt: Use Uncertainty to Become the Exceptional Leader You Are Meant to Be

Marc A. Pitman
“To grow, you must discover what you really want. You need to reserve energy for acting on your priorities, not spending it all on fostering harmony.”
Marc A. Pitman, The Surprising Gift of Doubt: Use Uncertainty to Become the Exceptional Leader You Are Meant to Be

Marc A. Pitman
“Just because someone says they need you to do something, it doesn’t mean you have to do it. It might be better for their growth if they do it. You aren’t letting others down by taking care of yourself.”
Marc A. Pitman, The Surprising Gift of Doubt: Use Uncertainty to Become the Exceptional Leader You Are Meant to Be

Marc A. Pitman
“Be careful of your tendency to blow off other people’s feelings. Emotions can slow down a process, but you will ultimately be even more efficient if you pause long enough to listen to the other person.”
Marc A. Pitman, The Surprising Gift of Doubt: Use Uncertainty to Become the Exceptional Leader You Are Meant to Be

Marc A. Pitman
“Take time for yourself to find out who you are at the core. Knowing who you are apart from a group will make you even more effective in front of a group.”
Marc A. Pitman, The Surprising Gift of Doubt: Use Uncertainty to Become the Exceptional Leader You Are Meant to Be

Marc A. Pitman
“Learn to appreciate others around you. Their ability to enter into the fullness of your individuality doesn’t necessarily mean they are being inauthentic or shallow.”
Marc A. Pitman, The Surprising Gift of Doubt: Use Uncertainty to Become the Exceptional Leader You Are Meant to Be

Marc A. Pitman
“Be aware that although you do not need interactions with others, your team needs to interact with you.”
Marc A. Pitman, The Surprising Gift of Doubt: Use Uncertainty to Become the Exceptional Leader You Are Meant to Be

Marc A. Pitman
“Amassing knowledge about something is not the same thing as getting it done. Be wary of your habit of mistaking studying a topic as accomplishing goals.”
Marc A. Pitman, The Surprising Gift of Doubt: Use Uncertainty to Become the Exceptional Leader You Are Meant to Be

Marc A. Pitman
“Try to catch yourself going down the rabbit hole of planning for emergencies, especially when planning prevents you from acting. Your desire to explore all potential failures could be coming across as attacking your team’s intelligence.”
Marc A. Pitman, The Surprising Gift of Doubt: Use Uncertainty to Become the Exceptional Leader You Are Meant to Be

Marc A. Pitman
“Be aware of your amazing ability to reflexively reframe negative experiences into positive ones. Reframing can help people see the good in a situation, but it can also mask a deep-seated need to avoid slowing down or being bored. Many in your team will benefit from periods of slow and steady work.”
Marc A. Pitman, The Surprising Gift of Doubt: Use Uncertainty to Become the Exceptional Leader You Are Meant to Be

Marc A. Pitman
“As you work on identity, you will discover clues about yourself in three different types of stories: the stories you tell, the stories you like, and the stories you hear from others. You will be blown away by how much you will learn about the role you can play in your own story.”
Marc A. Pitman, The Surprising Gift of Doubt: Use Uncertainty to Become the Exceptional Leader You Are Meant to Be

Marc A. Pitman
“Stock stories tell your human operating system how to respond, how to habitually move through your life.”
Marc A. Pitman, The Surprising Gift of Doubt: Use Uncertainty to Become the Exceptional Leader You Are Meant to Be

Marc A. Pitman
“Stock plotlines—the themes people tell themselves so that they can build on the positive ones and create alternatives for the negative ones—happen in organizations and teams, and identifying them helps us decide whether we want to keep them or change them.”
Marc A. Pitman, The Surprising Gift of Doubt: Use Uncertainty to Become the Exceptional Leader You Are Meant to Be

Marc A. Pitman
“Too often in leadership, we unreflectively let the past dictate our leadership style. By working on your imaginary obituary, you use the future to shape your style too. We can’t change what has passed, but the future is still yet to be written. So, write it.”
Marc A. Pitman, The Surprising Gift of Doubt: Use Uncertainty to Become the Exceptional Leader You Are Meant to Be

Marc A. Pitman
“Pay attention to intuitional goals. When they appear, they come up for a good reason. They speak to your priorities and they might just support you in ways your more analytical side couldn’t dream of.”
Marc A. Pitman, The Surprising Gift of Doubt: Use Uncertainty to Become the Exceptional Leader You Are Meant to Be

Marc A. Pitman
“Developing a strategic plan—complete with cascading goals—is hard work. But it can energize you, your team, and provide focus for all your work together.”
Marc A. Pitman, The Surprising Gift of Doubt: Use Uncertainty to Become the Exceptional Leader You Are Meant to Be

Marc A. Pitman
“Weekly planning allows you the flexibility to work around inevitable interruptions and the focus to keep moving your most important goals forward. As you build this habit of the weekly review into your life, the repetition will keep prioritizing your most important goals and relationships.”
Marc A. Pitman, The Surprising Gift of Doubt: Use Uncertainty to Become the Exceptional Leader You Are Meant to Be

Marc A. Pitman
“Your personal style, mission, and values can be found in the overlay of hardwiring, identity, and goals. And when all of these qualities work together in you, you find integrity at your career.”
Marc A. Pitman, The Surprising Gift of Doubt: Use Uncertainty to Become the Exceptional Leader You Are Meant to Be

Marc A. Pitman
“Whichever your personal style, you can be an excellent leader. Being aware of your natural style can help you stand between a situation and your response.”
Marc A. Pitman, The Surprising Gift of Doubt: Use Uncertainty to Become the Exceptional Leader You Are Meant to Be

Marc A. Pitman
“Core values live where identity and goals overlap—they touch into who you are at your depths and how you express what is important to you through your actions. Take the time to start identifying what you value and communicate that and your company’s values through all levels of your organization.”
Marc A. Pitman, The Surprising Gift of Doubt: Use Uncertainty to Become the Exceptional Leader You Are Meant to Be

Marc A. Pitman
“Personal mission touches into the fundamental ways you operate and your professional and life goals. Developing even a rudimentary sense of your mission helps you navigate the pressures of leading. It acts like a compass, something you can check in on, to see if you’re still on track.”
Marc A. Pitman, The Surprising Gift of Doubt: Use Uncertainty to Become the Exceptional Leader You Are Meant to Be

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