
Dragons Romance Quotes

Quotes tagged as "dragons-romance" Showing 1-30 of 47
Juliette Cross
“Oh, Liana,” he said gravel-deep, shaking his head. “You have no idea what you’re offering. What you’re asking for.”
Juliette Cross, Dragon Fire

Katie Reus
“You can’t just say stuff like that… We’re friends."

"...I think we both know that’s not true. We’re more than friends… Or I hope we will be.”
Katie Reus, Sentinel of Darkness

Kyoko M.
“Jack coughed slightly and offered his hand. “Hi, uh. I’m Jack.”
Kim took it. “Jack what?”
“Your last name, silly.”
She blinked at him. “Your name is Jack Jackson?”
He blushed. “No, uh, my first name’s Rhett, but I hate it, so…”
He gestured to the chair and she sat. Her dress rode up several inches, exposing pleasing long lines of creamy skin. “Well, Jack, what’s your field of study?”
“Biological Engineering, Genetics, and Microbiology. Post-doc. I’m working on a research project at the institute.”
“Really? Oh, uh, my apple martini’s getting a little low.”
“I’ve got that, one second.” He scurried to the bar and bought her a fresh one. She sipped and managed to make it look not only seductive but graceful as well.
“What do you want to do after you’re done with the project?” Kim continued.
“Depends on what I find.”
She sent him a simmering smile. “What are you looking for?”
Immediately, Jack’s eyes lit up and his posture straightened. “I started the project with the intention of learning how to increase the reproduction of certain endangered species. I had interest in the idea of cloning, but it proved too difficult based on the research I compiled, so I went into animal genetics and cellular biology. It turns out the animals with the best potential to combine genes were reptiles because their ability to lay eggs was a smoother transition into combining the cells to create a new species, or one with a similar ancestry that could hopefully lead to rebuilding extinct animals via surrogate birth or in-vitro fertilization. We’re on the edge of breaking that code, and if we do, it would mean that we could engineer all kinds of life and reverse what damage we’ve done to the planet’s ecosystem.”
Kim stared. “Right. Would you excuse me for a second?”
She wiggled off back to her pack of friends by the bar. Judging by the sniggering and the disgusted glances he was getting, she wasn’t coming back.
Jack sighed and finished off his beer, massaging his forehead. “Yes, brilliant move. You blinded her with science. Genius, Jack.”
He ordered a second one and finished it before he felt smallish hands on his shoulders and a pair of soft lips on his cheek. He turned to find Kamala had returned, her smile unnaturally bright in the black lights glowing over the room. “So…how did it go with Kim?”
He shot her a flat look. “You notice the chair is empty.”
Kamala groaned. “You talked about the research project, didn’t you?”
“No!” She glared at him.
“You’re so useless, Jack.” She paused and then tousled his hair a bit. “Cheer up. The night’s still young. I’m not giving up on you.”
He smiled in spite of himself. “Yet.”
Her brown eyes flashed. “Never.”
Kyoko M., Of Cinder and Bone

Katie Reus
“It’s hard to get mad at you when you’re being all logical.”
Katie Reus, Sentinel of Darkness

Katie Reus
“He was going to make her his…”
Katie Reus, Sentinel of Darkness

Donna Grant
“The excitement that filled Usaeil could barely be contained. She knew it wouldn’t take Taraeth long to corner Rhi.

As she walked past a mirror on her way to the movie set, she paused and looked at herself. Perfection. There was no way Con would refuse her. He was making a show of it, but she knew he’d cave.

It didn’t matter how long it took, the King of Kings would be hers.

That was something else she’d tell Rhi right before the pesky meddler breathed her last. The need to have Rhi wiped from existence consumed her.

Usaeil wouldn’t be able to concentrate on anything else until Rhi was gone. Forever. No one would stand between the Queen of the Light and what she wanted. Especially not someone like Rhi.”
Donna Grant, Heat

Donna Grant
“When are we going to deal with Usaeil?”
“The sooner, the better, Con. If you don’t do something she’s going to.”
He raised a brow. “You mean worse than she already has? She’s all but told the Light.”
“You think you know her, but you don��t. She cares about nothing but her own desires now.”
Sounds like the Dark,” he said.
“I know.”
Donna Grant, Firestorm

Paula Quinn
“If I had known how good cooked meat tastes, I would have breathed my fire on all those pigs before I ate them.”
Paula Quinn, Scorched

“That was where the fear came from, Celyn believed. The not knowing. Not knowing what these offspring could do. Even they didn't know. At least not right away.
So Celyn did understand the fear, but not the hatred. He didn't understand dragons who hated humans. Or humans who hated dragons. Or anyone who hated someone for being brought into this world without any say in the matter.”
G.A. Aiken, Light My Fire

Katie Reus
“I know what might make me feel better,” she said, smiling as he let out a low rumble in his throat, his dragon peeking out in his gaze, telling her he wanted to play too.
Drake cupped the side of her face gently, stroking a thumb over her cheek. “Aren’t you supposed to meet my mom and aunts for dinner?”
She lifted a shoulder, the sheet rustling slightly under the movement. “I can be a little bit late.”
Laughing lightly, he leaned forward and pressed his lips over hers for a far too short kiss. “If we start something now, you won’t be just a little late. You won’t make it at all.”
Katie Reus, A Very Dragon Christmas

Erin Kellison
“The dragon in him didn't want to give her a choice. Just wrap around her and smolder smugly, daring anyone who came near to cross him. Mine.”
Erin Kellison, Awakened by Fire

Erin Kellison
“Two human families have died out on me in the past century alone."
Warrick inclined his head. "It might help if you didn't eat members of your staff when you're displeased.”
Erin Kellison, Awakened by Fire

Erin Kellison
“She went on tiptoe and pecked his cheek with a kiss. Daring of her, she knew.
His green eyes went dragon-gold and sharp, the bones of his forehead morphing slightly to suggest the crowned brow of the dragon inside. At least he was smiling, though it was the kind of greedy grin that would send most people running in the opposite direction.
Not her.
"Let's just get this over with," she said.
"Yes." His voice had gone rumbly. "And then on to something else.”
Erin Kellison, Awakened by Fire

Erin Kellison
“Nothing can age a dragon, but you just might be the exception.”
Erin Kellison, Awakened by Fire

Erin Kellison
“I'm glad you turned cartwheels here."
Samantha heard the note of loneliness in his voice. "You did hear me say back tuck? Because that was my coolest move."
His arm came around her shoulders, and they started across the space again. "Back tuck. Coolest move. Got it.”
Erin Kellison, Awakened by Fire

Erin Kellison
“He took a deep breath. "I'm a dragon, Samantha."
"Oh, my God."
His lips twitched. "Even when I look like a man."
"A dragon," she repeated.
Erin Kellison, Awakened by Fire

Donna Grant
“The woman and her dragon.
“You’re mine,” he said.
She smiled. “And you’re mine.”
Donna Grant, Firestorm

Donna Grant
“They couldn’t turn back time. What was done, was done.
He dropped his arms and lowered his head. Despondency filled him to the very brim. He was a dragon. A creature of magic and fire. A being that was lethal and dangerous.
The Kings had forgotten that. All but one.”
Donna Grant, Firestorm

Donna Grant
“Science is just as important as magic.”
Donna Grant, Firestorm

N.D. Jones
“You, a domesticated animal? I don’t think so. First, you could barely fit in my living room. Second, I would never insult you by thinking of or treating the Bloodstone Dragon as I would a dog or cat. I don’t want to pet you, Kya, I want to touch you, know you. That’s not the same.”
N.D. Jones, Stones of Dracontias: The Bloodstone Dragon

Juliette Cross
“I hissed a frustrated sound out my teeth. “I don’t need any man to protect me.”

“No. You don’t need any man. You need me.”
Juliette Cross, Windburn

Juliette Cross
“Even while I denied him, I wanted him more. “Kiss me.”
Juliette Cross, Windburn

Juliette Cross
“Every touch of his, every kiss demanded that I yield…”
Juliette Cross, Windburn

Juliette Cross
“His lips brushed a warm caress against the hollow of my neck. His grip tightened. We rocketed up into the sky, high above the towering buildings and cityscape.
My heart soared even higher.”
Juliette Cross, Windburn

Juliette Cross
“You wield sex as a weapon, striking whenever and whomever you please. But I won’t be your prey. There’s only one hunter here.” His grin sent a shiver down my spine. “I want something more from you, Sorcha Linden. More than your body.”
Juliette Cross, Windburn

Abigail Owen
“If she'd learned anything from her dragon parents, it was to treat each day, each moment, as a gift. Not to squander the present on worry for what the future would hold.”
Abigail Owen, The Traitor

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