
Dragon Kings Quotes

Quotes tagged as "dragon-kings" Showing 1-30 of 53
Donna Grant
“Someone once told me that Fate will chew you up and spit you out many times, taking you away from those you love and dumping you into places you never wanted to be. It’s up to each of us where we choose to belong.”
Donna Grant, Heat

Chrys Cymri
“The Prancer stepped back and studied her for a moment. Then, with a gleam in his eye, he said, 'All unicorns know the Land. Few humans do. But no unicorn knows how to brew ale.'

'I’m glad humans have some use.'

'Only those who can brew ale.”
Chrys Cymri, The Dragon Throne

Donna Grant
“Love is like walking a tightrope thirty thousand feet in the air. It's bloody terrifying. And it's amazing.”
Donna Grant, Blaze

Donna Grant
“And here I thought that smile you wore was because of me.”
Donna Grant, Heat

Donna Grant
“We talked about a lot of things yesterday…”
She nodded, frowning. “Yep. Like the fact that you haven’t watched Guardians of the Galaxy. We need to remedy that. Actually, I need to baptize you in the entire Marvel Universe.”
“As you wish…”
Donna Grant, Torched

Donna Grant
“She was so wound up that she reacted before she thought twice about it and stabbed him. "Damnit" he said between clenched teeth. His fingers tightyened around her wrist. "Stop doing that.”
Donna Grant, Passion Ignites

Donna Grant
“She was so wound up that she reacted before she thought twice about it and stabbed him. "Damnit" he said between clenched teeth. His fingers tightened around her wrist. "Stop doing that.”
Donna Grant, Passion Ignites

Donna Grant
“The Light Fae had sacrificed so much for the Kings. She had been a true friend and ally to them in the past, but she was changing rapidly.
Balladyn was chasing her, and it now appeared that Ulrik was as well. If her King didn't step up and set things right, Rhi would be lost to them forever.”
Donna Grant, Passion Ignites

Donna Grant
“Kyran stretched his legs out and crossed them at the ankles. “You’re needed, River. It’s not by accident that you know what you do about the Fae and were put in our path. You’re destined to aid us in this.”

When she didn’t respond, he tried again. “Think of all the innocents, like your family and Jordyn’s, who were killed. You have a chance to help us put an end to such things for everyone. The half-Fae will no longer need to fear for their lives. And I promise you I’ll figure out who has hunted your family and end it.”

Her resigned look cut through him. “You can’t do that. You work for Death. I doubt you’ll be given leave to help me.”

“Let me deal with that. Whether you help me or not, I’m going to find out why the Dark are hunting your family. And then I’m going to make sure it never happens again.”

River swung her gaze to him. She tucked a long length of hair behind her ear. “Do I have your word you’ll stop whoever is after me?”

“Aye.” Kyran held out his hand.

River stared at it a moment before she leaned up and took it. They shook, her small hand in his. “Then I’ll help you.”
Donna Grant, Dark Alpha's Embrace

Donna Grant
“Alone. It was such an insignificant word. Or it had been for centuries. He'd sought out the solitude, had slept away centuries in his cave without hesitation. And now? Now he hated the quiet.
He detested being alone.”
Donna Grant, Smoldering Hunger

Donna Grant
“She'd come across a few Highlanders while in Edinburgh, but none compared to Darius. She didn't even have to ask if he was a Highlander.
It was in the way he held himself, the way he spoke. It was a look that couldn't be faked or copied. Whatever made a man a Highlander was in his blood, in his very soul.”
Donna Grant, Smoldering Hunger

Donna Grant
“She hated that he was in the room with her, standing beside the bed.
And she loved that he was there.”
Donna Grant, Smoldering Hunger

Donna Grant
“I'm not one to let such a striking man pass without looking my fill.”
Donna Grant, Dark Alpha's Claim

Donna Grant
“Baylon wasn't sure he could conceal his craving for her, the need that clawed and ripped through him to declare Jordyn as his. It would be a death sentence, but to live without her... that was also a death sentence.”
Donna Grant, Dark Alpha's Claim

Donna Grant
“He leaned up and nipped at her shoulder before reaching around to tease her nipples.
"Aye, love?"
"I need you."
He didn't have to be told twice.”
Donna Grant, Dark Alpha’s Demand

Donna Grant
“The seven there are, warriors all.
Do not do wrong or their blade will fall,
Their appearances shrouded,
Their approach, clouded.
Against evil they fight.
Power and magic are their might.
They serve only one.
If you expose their identity - run.
Secrecy is their defense.
If the truth escapes, Death will commence.”
Donna Grant, Dark Alpha’s Demand

Donna Grant
“I'm Kyran. I'm usually the one who keeps him in line," he said as he motioned to Talin.
That made Neve's smile widen. "You need to keep a better eye on him."
"I know," Kyran replied wryly.”
Donna Grant, Dark Alpha’s Demand

Donna Grant
“They came together in a tangle of limbs as they touched each other, the kiss wild and feverish. A groan tore from him as her hands roved over his shoulders and down his back. Her caress was light and sensual, as if her desire seeped like magic from her fingertips into his skin everywhere she touched.”
Donna Grant, Torched

Donna Grant
“Suddenly Hal burst through the nearby trees and came to an abrupt halt when he saw her. "Cassie, are you hurt?"
He asked it so casually, as if he came upon women being held at sword point by nude men all the time.”
Donna Grant, Dark Craving

Donna Grant
“Now, if you don't mind, send one my way. Bob is getting tired."
"Who's Bob? You've not told me about a Bob," Sophie said, a little hurt.
"I have too," Claire said and gave her a little shove in the arm. "Bob is Battery Operated Boyfriend, B.O.B.”
Donna Grant, Smoldering Hunger

Donna Grant
“I don't have to ask to know that something bad happened in your past."
"Because I doona smile?"
Her smile was sad when her gaze met his. "It's your eyes. Your view of the world is colored."
"As is yours.”
Donna Grant, Smoldering Hunger

Donna Grant
“His head lowered so that his cheek softly brushed against hers. With his mouth near her ear, he whispered, "I can't keep my hands from you.”
Donna Grant, Dark Alpha's Claim

Donna Grant
“Erith," he said and bowed his head.
Her blue-black hair hung to her hips in soft waves.”
Donna Grant, Dark Alpha's Claim

Donna Grant
“No one will bother us now."
She touched his lips with her finger. "I think I'll scream if they do."
"Oh, you'll be screaming. That I promise you.”
Donna Grant, Dark Alpha's Claim

Donna Grant
“I could no sooner deny him that I could stop breathing.”
Donna Grant, Dark Alpha's Claim

Donna Grant
“Fae with Rhi's kind of ability were myth and legends - not true beings.”
Donna Grant, Dark Alpha’s Demand

Donna Grant
“For Death's life to be extinguished... now that was something to truly dread.”
Donna Grant, Dark Alpha’s Demand

Donna Grant
“i'm going to brand myself on you so that whenever you dress, wash, or even think of being with someone else, all you'll feel, see and want is me.”
Donna Grant, Dragon Fever

Donna Grant
“Science is just as important as magic.”
Donna Grant, Firestorm

Karleigh Bon
“The tongue is shallow, like water lapping at the shore. To fully understand is to swim in the deep ocean with all the senses. ~Prince Dhruzyr explains conversation between dragons. Tales of Eldelórne: Book Two.”
Karleigh Bon

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