
Domestic Terrorism Quotes

Quotes tagged as "domestic-terrorism" Showing 1-22 of 22
Jim Goad
“[The militia experts] accuse antigoverment agitants of paranoia, yet they spin around and claim that militias speak in coded phrases, have underground bunkers, and are secretly conspiring to take over the world and enslave minorities. They say it`s lunacy that men at the pentagon can conspire, yet they`re certain that farmers out on the plain are plotting as we speak.

They depict the United Nations as weak und ineffectual, yet they portray raggedy-ass backwoodsmen as the world`s biggest organized military threat. ”
Jim Goad, The Redneck Manifesto: How Hillbillies, Hicks, and White Trash Became America's Scapegoats

“The only thing we knew for certain was the American Civil War was not a prelude to a kiss.”
Aberjhani, Greeting Flannery O'Connor at the Back Door of My Mind

“2020 books, 2020 quotes, trumpvirus, insurrection, capitol attack, domestic terrorism, trumpism, twitter quotes, trump twitter quotes, january 6th”
Oliver Markus Malloy, American Fascism: A German Writer's Urgent Warning To America

“When the rest of the world watches the news from America, they see a third world dumpster fire. A failed state.”
Oliver Markus Malloy, American Fascism: A German Writer's Urgent Warning To America

Abhijit Naskar
“Sociologically speaking, American democracy is the perfect specimen of a dysfunctional democracy. When a supremacist president incites racist hate and terrorist violence, out of bigotry and boneheadedness, his stoneage supporters consider it a matter of pride, but when an egalitarian president so much as mispronounces a few words due to his medical stammer, he is deemed incompetent by those people. Which only goes to show, no matter how much a nation tries to right the wrongs of its inhuman origin, there will always be some people who'd consider those inhumanities as their proud heritage, and would go to any length to maintain those customs and beliefs as such. And this is not an American phenomenon, it's a worldwide phenomenon - and everywhere it manifests under the same banner of tradition, heritage and nationalism.

That is why I say to you - until we oust every last trace of nationalism from every corner of this world, we shall never in a million years have a genuinely integrated and upward-moving society. Either nationalism or humanity, you cannot have both - either borders or peace, you cannot have both - either guns or children, you cannot have both - either heritage or history, you cannot have both.

If history comes as a blow to your heritage, then by all means, live in your bubble - but do so as a prehistoric ape disconnected from the civilizing world. You cannot call yourself a civilized human and at the same time refuse to acknowledge human suffering. Your uncivilization may be your prerogative, but before you turn that uncivilization into the norm, you shall find a hundred MLKs, Baldwins, Mayas and Naskars standing as obstacle to your insanity.”
Abhijit Naskar, Visvavictor: Kanima Akiyor Kainat

Frazier Glenn Miller
“Cobb was in a Klan group back in the 60's, and told me stories about how they used to throw live 'coons, possums, porcupines, or ganders into Black houses at night in attempts to run them out of Johnston and Harnett County. Cobb said that late one night, he and three or four other local rednecks snuck up on the house of one Black family, peered through the window and saw a huge Black woman sitting in front of a TV watching Gunsmoke, with a gang of children all around her.

The window was open and Cobb threw a live possum in her lap. Cobb said she squalled about the loudest and longest he'd ever heard, and jumped about four feet up in the air. Cobb then ran and jumped into a nearby ditch to observe what would happen next, and it wasn't long before they saw the Black woman bust out of the back door and run across a cotton field with a trail of children behind. Cobb said she was as wide as three rows of cotton, but fast and agile. She outran all the young'uns. ”
Frazier Glenn Miller, A White Man Speaks Out

“The attacks on the US capitol on January 6th, 2021 will have ripple effects for years to come. We’re no longer in the September 11th era. We’re now in the January 6th era.”
Oliver Markus Malloy, American Fascism: A German Writer's Urgent Warning To America

Abhijit Naskar
“If I wanted to use a platform controlled by mindless, privileged, entitled, pestilential, white terrorists, I'd have gone for Truth social.”
Abhijit Naskar

Carter F. Smith
“Members of every major street gang, outlaw biker, and domestic extremist group have been found in a number of military branches.”
Carter F. Smith, Gangs and the Military: Gangsters, Bikers, and Terrorists with Military Training

Carter F. Smith
“Only the Army conducts an annual assessment, and they appear to do relatively little to analyze the problem, contributions to the problem, and potential solutions.”
Carter F. Smith, Gangs and the Military: Gangsters, Bikers, and Terrorists with Military Training

“The forty-fifth president of the United States is the son of a man, Fred C. Trump, who was arrested in New York one Memorial Day during the 1920s at a rally staged by the Ku Klux Klan. On May 31, 1927, in Queens, New York, about one thousand Klan marchers made their way through the borough's dense streets. They wore robes and hoods. The parade turned into a riot when the Klansmen attached a smaller Memorial Day march of Italian Americans. Whites beat up other whites because the second Klan, led by Protestants was anti-Catholic as well as anti-color. Fred C. Trump, age twenty-five, resident of the Jamaica section of Queens, was among seven arrested. The forty-fifth president, in his retirement, if he possessed the means of reading and writing, might himself produce a family history entitled "Life of a Klansman." The public awaits.”
Edward Ball, Life of a Klansman: A Family History in White Supremacy

“The 1/6 MAGA attack on the Capitol was the biggest terrorist attack in America since 9/11.”
Oliver Markus Malloy, American Fascism: A German Writer's Urgent Warning To America

“The MAGA death cult is an army of bio-terrorist suicide bombers. Instead of explosive vests, they carried a deadly virus into Congress on January 6th.”
Oliver Markus Malloy, American Fascism: A German Writer's Urgent Warning To America

Abhijit Naskar
“Terrorists don't walk around carrying guns and grenades any more, except for the confederate nitwits and religious blockheads that is. Today's terrorists walk amongst us, perfectly indistinguishable, with a fancy outside and a filthy inside. And here's my word to these violators of human rights.

I'm a billionaire, I'm a politician, I'm a bureaucrat, I'm a diplomat - if you so much as dream of exploiting people thinking such filth, mark the words of this gentalist eternal - it'll take me two shakes of a lamb's tail to wipe you out from the fabric of time. But I won't. No matter what, I'll defend the people, and still spare your life. You know why? Because, a terrorist is defined by how they treat the innocent, a reformist is defined by how they treat the terrorist. So mend your ways my child, because if you are terror, I am your grandfather.”
Abhijit Naskar, The Gentalist: There's No Social Work, Only Family Work

Abhijit Naskar
“Reform begins with responsibility. And a responsible human backs down for nobody - not for the dick-tator, not for the bureaucrat, not for the billionaire, and definitely not for the two-bit, rabid, supremacist terrorist.”
Abhijit Naskar, Bulldozer on Duty

“But the funny trick that Americans do is that they manage to convince themselves that political violence in the United States that any one of us in the counterterrorism world would call terrorism anywhere else is just violence in the United States.”
Malcolm W. Nance

Abhijit Naskar
“If history comes as a blow to your heritage, then by all means, live in your bubble - but do so as a prehistoric ape disconnected from the civilizing world. You cannot call yourself a civilized human and at the same time refuse to acknowledge human suffering. Your uncivilization may be your prerogative, but before you turn that uncivilization into the norm, you shall find a hundred MLKs, Baldwins, Mayas and Naskars standing as obstacle to your insanity.”
Abhijit Naskar, Visvavictor: Kanima Akiyor Kainat

Abhijit Naskar
“Dedicated to Hitler
(Sonnet of Lesser Evil)

I'll write a book of german sonnets,
and dedicate it to Adolf Hitler.
The very thought makes you mad right!
I feel the same way when you
glorify Churchill as savior.

The west has systematically peddled
morons and monkeys as kings heroic,
white suffering is human suffering, while
the colored belong on national geographic.

Sure every society has its own troubles,
All of humanity has its inhumanity.
But the west doesn't have the high ground,
to pass judgment on ethics and morality.

If morality did have a scale,
West would be scraping the bottom.
If this tickles you the wrong way,
You are what is wrong with our western world.”
Abhijit Naskar, Visvavatan: 100 Demilitarization Sonnets

Abhijit Naskar
“Till this day, white people manufacture
99% of the world's human rights violations.
If you right the wrong, it's cussed as wokeness,
To support white terrorism is patriotism.”
Abhijit Naskar, World War Human: 100 New Earthling Sonnets

Abhijit Naskar
“Modern whites coddle hate and prejudice,
and use free speech as justification.
If any humane white ever questions hate,
they're branded, woke traitor to the nation.

Till this day, white people manufacture
99% of the world's human rights violations.
If you right the wrong, it's cussed as wokeness,
To support white terrorism is patriotism.”
Abhijit Naskar, World War Human: 100 New Earthling Sonnets

“We wanted a body race war, we felt it was inevitable and we would have to be the ones controllling the streets when it happened. We weren't the kind of blokes who could cry on each other's shoulders over loves gone-astray or bitter person dissatisfactions. All of these friendships were built solely on our hatred and distrust of others. The class system, or what little I knew of it, was quite obviously separate to race. There were two ways of looking at it: downtrodden and ignored because we were either white or because we were also working class.”
Matthew Collins, HATE: My Life In The British Far Right