
Distance Relationship Quotes

Quotes tagged as "distance-relationship" Showing 1-30 of 45
Ranata Suzuki
“It’s painful, loving someone from afar.
Watching them – from the outside.
The once familiar elements of their life reduced to nothing more than occasional mentions in conversations and faces changing in photographs…..
They exist to you now as nothing more than living proof that something can still hurt you … with no contact at all.”
Ranata Suzuki

Ranata Suzuki
“Deep down, I think everybody wants to be ‘the one’ to someone. I don’t know if I’ve ever been that person to anyone else – but I do know you are that person to me. You are the one. The only one. And you always will be.”
Ranata Suzuki

Sanhita Baruah
“But some relationships aren't meant to last.

They are worthy only till the time the two persons involved have time for each other.

They do not know eternity. They live for the present, the "now". And when distance plays it part, or life turns out to be busy, they fall apart.

And may be that's why they're never termed "LOVE". They simply remain what they were - mere RELATIONSHIPS.”
Sanhita Baruah

Cecilia Vinesse
“It might not be distance or time that takes you away from people. Maybe you decide when you let them go. But I can't let go yet.”
Cecilia Vinesse, Seven Days of You

Munia Khan
“You let go of my hand
to hold on to my heart
Distance grasps us tight
now that we are apart”
Munia Khan

Virginia Woolf
“Distance had an extraordinary power.”
Virginia Woolf, To the Lighthouse

Amit Abraham
“I am sitting far from you
A thousand miles away from you
I sit and write for you
A thousand lines I write for you
A thousand times I write for you.

If love could reach you
Thousand miles away
I would say it then
I love you – a thousand times.

I will come again
Much closer than before
But I won’t say it then
For I will fall in love
A thousand times more.

It’s better to restrain
Until its time for the plane
I will say it then
I love you a thousand times
A thousand miles away.

With every mile I go away
I love you even more
So please stay away
A thousand miles more”
Amit Abraham

“Long handwritten note deep in our pockets
Words, how little they mean when we're a little too late
I stood right by the tracks, your face in my head
Good girls, hopeful they'll be and long they will wait

In dreams I meet you in warm conversation
We both wake in lonely beds, different cities
And time is taking its sweet time erasing you
And you've got your demons, and, darling, they all look like me

Distance, timing, breakdown, fighting
Silence, the train runs off its tracks
Kiss me, try to fix it, could you just try to listen?
Hang up, give up and for the life of us we can't get back

A beautiful magic love there
What a sad beautiful tragic, beautiful tragic, beautiful love affair”

Lily Amis
“Two soulmates can never be apart, maybe in distance, but not in heart!”
Lily Amis, Angel of Love Lily: Zak, My Sweet Inspiration

Fyodor Dostoevsky
“Es al separarse cuando se siente y se comprende la fuerza con que se ama.”
Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Avijeet Das
“Distances do not matter when people connect by hearts.”
Avijeet Das

“Between my heart and your heart, there is a vein.
Maybe a bridge.”
Emmanuelle Soni-Dessaigne

N.J. Lysk
“Lyall wanted Tristan’s kisses and his body and to have him close enough his scent would permeate rooms and make him smile when he walked into them. But he didn’t want it more than he wanted Tristan’s words, rushed in a voice messages and often too formal in emails, and in perfectly composed lectures full of masterful analogies. And not just for him, but for other people who needed to hear they didn’t have to be trapped by the vicissitudes of chance, that their bodies could be coaxed into allowing them enough freedom to find happiness—for without freedom there was no happiness possible.
The distance would be harder, but it did not mean more than their closeness.”
N.J. Lysk, Runt of the litter

Avijeet Das
“Why should
distances matter?
Between us there
may be oceans
There may be
deserts between us”
Avijeet Das

Lana M. Rochel
“Online, the distances just vanish, horizons widen, dismissing borders, setting no limits.”
Lana M. Rochel, Third Time's a Charm: True Story

Rainer Maria Rilke
“Fate measures us perhaps with the breadth of being,
Which is strange to us;
Just think how much distance there is between a girl and a man
When she is avoiding him or thinking of him.”
Rainer Maria Rilke, Sonnets to Orpheus

Preeti Bhonsle
“Living in a state of constant wistful despair, perhaps, will be my destiny, said the traveller.

Longing to be touched by you, will perhaps, be mine, whispered back the horizon.”
Preeti Bhonsle

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
“Short path or straight path, the distance to reach God remains the same”
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

Louis Yako
“You’re crying because you think
I’m going to a better place
I’m crying because I think
I’m leaving to a place
Better than the one I am going to…
Oh, the game of places…
Oh, the winds of misfortune…”
Louis Yako, أنا زهرة برية [I am a Wildflower]

Ritu Negi
“I am eternally with you
As I am,
No physical Form but
Invisible Quantum!!”
Ritu Negi, Ethereal

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