
Directions In Life Quotes

Quotes tagged as "directions-in-life" Showing 1-9 of 9

We grew up on the same street,
You and me.
We went to the same schools,
Rode the same bus,
Had the same friends,
And even shared spaghetti
With each other's families.

And though our roots belong to
The same tree,
Our branches have grown
In different directions.
Our tree,
Now resembles a thousand
Other trees
In a sea of a trillion
Other trees
With parallel destinies
And similar dreams.
You cannot envy the branch
That grows bigger
From the same seed,
And you cannot
Blame it on the sun's direction.
But you still compare us,
As if we're still those two
Kids at the park
Slurping down slushies and
Eating ice cream.

Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun (2010)”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

“to be right in the wrong direction may be wrong; what then is the wrong direction?”
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

“When you come to a fork in the road, and you're not sure whether to go left or go right, just go left. And then you'll very quickly figure out if that's the wrong way, and then you can go right. You'll still be quicker than the guy who's standing there trying to plan at the fork of the road.”
Henry Chong

Ulonda Faye
“Goddess knows, what it is in the depths of our souls. As a river shall flow, our directions unfold. Goddess knows, the birth as the death opens our souls to divinity within our sacred whole.”
Ulonda Faye, Sutras of the Heart: Spiritual Poetry to Nourish the Soul

Susan Brougher
“Nature is poetry, dreams, and the coming to oneself. The wind takes us away and toward, changing our direction, closing our eyes against the dust it stirs up from the ground. Where it came from cannot be found.
The sun is light and so the moon, looking from the sky on to the earth below.
The rain brings water to fill the lakes and streams, and fall upon the children running in the yard, mouths wide open to drink it in.
And what of the trees? Hug them, love them, sit beneath their shelter, draw upon their roots, see the leaves and shoots reaching for the sky, and always wonder why.”
Susan Brougher

Mehmet Murat ildan
“You can never reach the truth by looking in the same direction all the time!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

“A trustworthy spiritual compass is absolutely necessary when it comes to navigating our feelings and circumstances, and true north is the Word of God...When we decide to go by what feels right, rather than trusting the instrument God has given us to live by, we risk getting lost and losing our way.”
Alex Seeley, The Opposite Life: Unlocking the Mysteries of God’s Upside-Down Kingdom