
Destitute Quotes

Quotes tagged as "destitute" Showing 1-10 of 10
Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Let me be strong, for to be anything else is to languish in the abyss of compromise and to descend to places of impoverishment so destitute that they will squelch my soul and crush my heart.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough, Flecks of Gold on a Path of Stone: Simple Truths for Profound Living

Thomas Paine
“Whoever will take the trouble of reading the book ascribed to Isaiah, will find it one of the most wild and disorderly compositions ever put together; it has neither beginning, middle, nor end; and, except a short historical part, and a few sketches of history in the first two or three chapters, is one continued incoherent, bombastical rant, full of extravagant metaphor, without application, and destitute of meaning; a school-boy would scarcely have been excusable for writing such stuff; it is (at least in translation) that kind of composition and false taste that is properly called prose run mad.”
Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“A poor but confident man is as hard to find as a rich but shy man.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Paul Auster
“Today, as never before: the tramps, the down-and-outs, the shopping-bag ladies, the drifters and drunks. They range from the merely destitute to the wretchedly broken. Wherever you turn, they are there, in good neighborhoods and bad.
Some beg with a semblance of pride. Give me this money, they seem to say, and soon I will be back there with the rest of you, rushing back and forth on my daily rounds. Others have given up hope of ever leaving their tramphood. They lie there sprawled out on the sidewalk with their hat, or cup, or box, not even bothering to look up at the passerby, too defeated even to thank the ones who drop a coin beside them. Still others try to work for the money they are given: the blind pencil sellers, the winos who wash the windshield of your car. Some tell stories, usually tragic accounts of their own lives, as if to give their benefactors something for their kindness—even if only words.”
Paul Auster, City of Glass

Abhijit Naskar
“There are too many people working to better the lives of those who already have more than they need, yet those who are in need of real help spend each day with no hope or help to speak of - why my friend - why - they are waiting for you - they are wailing for you - don't you hear them - don't you hear their tears dropping on the lifeless soil beneath their feet! You worry about philosophical questions like, if a tree falls in a forest and nobody is there to hear it, does it make a sound - yet you pay no attention to real questions of life and death that actually require your intervention more than any philosophical question in the world! Why - I ask you again - why - why is it that philosophy, technology and argumentation have more grip over your psyche than the actual troubles of the people! Don't answer me - just think - think and when you have thought enough, shred all shallow philosophical pomp and rush right away to the helpless, the forgotten, the destitute as the real, practical answer to their life.”
Abhijit Naskar, When Veins Ignite: Either Integration or Degradation

Kevin Ansbro
“Those without a choice in life are often the most innovative.”
Kevin Ansbro

Enock Maregesi
“Yusufu alikuwa hohehahe kabla na baada ya kuuzwa na nduguze kama mtumwa nchini Misri. Hakuwa na pesa, hakuwa na elimu, hakujuana na viongozi wa serikali. Lakini kwa vile alikuwa na Mungu, Mungu alimbariki mpaka watu wote wakashangaa. Yusufu alikuwa maskini ili mimi na wewe tuwe na tumaini leo, kwamba tukiwa na Mungu katika maisha yetu hatutatafuta utajiri. Utajiri ndiyo utakaotutafuta sisi.”
Enock Maregesi

Kari L. Greenaway
“I hear, "Yes,
Let us more education invest!"
Whilst destitute,
Outside their gates doth rest,
Women, children, and men,
Poor and a hungered!
Odd that colleges fill,
Yet mercy is numbered.”
Kari L. Greenaway, There is a God

Steven Magee
“I have noticed there are far more destitute people begging for money on street corners in the USA than in the past and they are younger.”
Steven Magee, Hypoxia, Mental Illness & Chronic Fatigue