
Dark Romance Gay Quotes

Quotes tagged as "dark-romance-gay" Showing 1-11 of 11
Anya M. Silver
“Perché sei qui? Perché non mi hai tolto di mezzo, quella notte?”.
“I tuoi occhi” rispose Kynk, socchiudendo i suoi.
“I miei occhi? Cos’hanno i miei occhi?” domandò Jay, sconcertato.
“Hanno tutto quello che cerco”.”
Anya M. Silver, Destroy Me

Valentina C. Brin
“He touched me. He… he whispered things in my ear, things I never would’ve expected to affect me the way they did. I feel like I lose control when I’m near him. I’m like a leaf fluttering in the wind—when he zigs, I zag. He talks and I jump. He walks and I turn into a blithering idiot. I admit it, I’m clumsy, but when I find myself near him…” He didn’t have the courage to finish the sentence. With a sudden lump in his throat, he added: “I don’t want to hope, and I certainly don’t want to delude myself. Damn it, the thought of deluding myself terrifies me!”
“I think I know what your problem is.”
“And what would that be?”
He sat up, offering a sly smile. “You’re hopelessly in love with him.”
Valentina C. Brin, Rise of a Nobleman

Anya M. Silver
“«Vedi qualcosa che ti piace, bambolo?» Lo provocò Kynk beffardo.
La bassa risata colpì le orecchie di Jay che sospirò pesantemente.
«Lasciami in pace, non sono in vena dei tuoi giochetti o di qualsiasi cosa tu abbia in mente».
«Io non ho in mente nulla, Jay, sei tu che mi stai guardando come se fossi qualcosa di prelibato da spolpare. Se vuoi assaggiarmi, ti basta venire qui e tirarmelo fuori. Sarei ben felice di sentire di nuovo quella boccuccia su di me. In effetti, non vedo l’ora».”
Anya M. Silver, Destroy Me

Anya M. Silver
“Mordendosi il labbro pensò a quello che avrebbe potuto o dovuto fare a quel corpo, ad esempio strisciare su di lui senza che il ragazzo si accorgesse di nulla. Far scivolare la sua cintura di cuoio sui polsi di Jay, non prima di averli intrappolati nelle sue mani mentre portava le braccia fin sopra la testa paralizzandolo lì, sotto di lui, completamente indifeso al suo assalto. Jay avrebbe spalancato gli occhi, avrebbe deglutito trafiggendolo con qualche occhiata truce, con lo sgomento dipinto sul volto attraente e delicato per un ragazzo della sua età. Avrebbe combattuto dapprima contro Kynk poi contro sé stesso rifiutando di cedere il proprio controllo e di ammettere che quello gli piaceva. Si sarebbe lamentato e Kynk avrebbe ingoiato quelle lamentele, con la bocca, divorando le sue labbra con feroce ingordigia.”
Anya M. Silver, Destroy Me

Valentina C. Brin
“Have you noticed how the boy looks at you?” Russell asked.
Charles chortled. “For the love of God, how should he look at me?”
“I’m serious. I’ve been noticing it for a while now. Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed.”
Dorian held his breath, ears divided between the sounds in the undergrowth and the words that would follow.
“What are you talking about?” Charles’s voice sounded lower and more sullen than before, as if the marquess were struggling to contain some type of uneasiness.
Russell’s reply was bone-chilling: “He looks at you the way a woman would.”
Valentina C. Brin, Rise of a Nobleman

Valentina C. Brin
“He watched him turn, his throat racked by forces pulling him in different directions. Part of him wanted to grab him by the neck, force him to his knees, and caress the skin off him while covering his face with frenzied kisses. But, God, part of him wanted to bite him. To fill his lips with the boy’s moans and tears before extracting more from him, until the boy was so disgusted that he’d never want to touch Charles again.
Because that was what terrified Charles more than anything else: Dorian’s touch. And what his hands might uncover deep in his soul.”
Valentina C. Brin, Rise of a Nobleman

Valentina C. Brin
“«Ti faccio passare io la voglia di guardarmi così», Charles gli ringhiò tra i capelli prima di scostarglieli dal volto. «Me ne sono accorto, sai? Di come mi guardi quando credi di non essere visto.»
Oh, Dio!
Doveva andarsene da lì. Sottrarsi a quelle braccia al più presto, prima di perdere il controllo del proprio corpo. Perché lo sentiva nei lombi, Dorian: il fuoco che Rochester accendeva in lui aveva già iniziato a gonfiargli le palle.
La risposta gli uscì in un soffio, disperata. Una piccola, audace bugia.
«Vi sbagliate.»
«Ah, è così dunque? Hai il coraggio di dirmi che non è vero?» L'istante successivo avvertì qualcosa di duro premergli contro i glutei. Qualcosa di caldo e sfacciato, granitico. La sua erezione.
Le labbra di Dorian si schiusero in un gemito sorpreso. L'aria uscì dai polmoni e l'eccitazione salì fino in gola, traditrice, spezzando voce e volontà.
«Non…» “Non lo so.” «Non volevo. Non intendevo spiarvi.»
«Ma l'hai fatto. Lo fai sempre.»”
Valentina C. Brin, Possession: Ascesa

Valentina C. Brin
“I’ll teach you not to look at me like that,” Charles snarled through his hair before pushing it off his face. “Do you think I didn’t notice? The way you look at me when you think I’m not watching?”
Oh, God!
He had to get out of there. Slip out of his grip as soon as possible, before he lost control of his body. He was already feeling it in his groin—the fire Rochester had lit was already making his balls throb.
His reply was desperate, a whisper, a tiny, brazen lie: “You’re mistaken.”
“Oh, that’s how it is, then? You have the nerve to tell me it’s not true?” The next moment he felt something firm pressing against his buttocks. Something hot and shameless. Charles’s rock-hard erection.
Dorian’s lips parted in a surprised moan. The air escaped his lungs and treacherous arousal rose all the way to his throat, breaking his voice and his willpower.
“No…” I don’t know. “I didn’t mean to. I wasn’t spying on you on purpose.”
“But you did. You always do.”
Valentina C. Brin, Rise of a Nobleman

Valentina C. Brin
“He would punish him for his impertinence. He would cane him right away, the second they left the room, then spend the rest of the day rubbing his raw wounds to remind him of the gravity of his offenses. But come nighttime, he would hug him tight to his chest to make Dorian understand that he would never, ever let him go as long as he had the strength to draw breath.”
Valentina C. Brin, Rise of a Nobleman

Riley Nash
“You tore me open and put me back together, but you kept something for yourself. You won't give it back, and now I belong to you”
Riley Nash, Hold Me Under

Madilyn DeRose
“If human nature allows for such egregious impulses, who are we to deny what it has designed, what it so desperately craves?”
Madilyn DeRose, Hemlock