
Cyborg Quotes

Quotes tagged as "cyborg" Showing 1-19 of 19
Marissa Meyer
“I'm sure I'll feel much more grateful when I find a guy who thinks complex wiring in a girl is a turn-on.”
Marissa Meyer, Cinder

Marissa Meyer
“I don’t see that her being cyborg is relevant.”
Marissa Meyer, Scarlet

Marissa Meyer
“Did you know that she was cyborg?” asked a woman in an unhidden tone of disgust.
Kai stared at her, appearing confused, then let his gaze dance over the crowd. He shuffled his feet
closer to the podium, a wrinkle forming on the bridge of his nose.
Cinder bit the inside of her cheek and braced herself for adamant disgust. Who would ever invite a
cyborg to the ball?
But instead, Kai said simply, “I don’t see that her being cyborg is relevant. Next question?”
Cinder’s metal fingers jolted.”
Marissa Meyer, Scarlet

Marissa Meyer
“I am not human.
I am a cyborg.
I am mechanic.
That's all I am... right?”
Marissa Meyer, Cinder

Marissa Meyer
“I am capable of choosing my battles, if that's what it takes to win the war.”
Marissa Meyer

Marissa Meyer
Cinder looked away. Though so much had changed between them since that night, it still felt like an ice pick in her heart when she remembered the way he'd looked at her, and his horrified words: You're even more painful to look at than she is.”
Marissa Meyer, Winter

Donna J. Haraway
“Freud described three great historical wounds to the primary narcissism of the self-centered human subject, who tries to hold panic at bay by the fantasy of human exceptionalism.

First is the Copernican wound that removed Earth itself, man’s home world, from the center of the cosmos and indeed paved the way for that cosmos to burst open into a universe of inhumane, nonteleological times and spaces. Science made that decentering cut.

The second wound is the Darwinian, which put Homo sapiens firmly in the world of other critters, all trying to make an earthly living and so evolving in relation to one another without the sureties of directional signposts that culminate in Man. Science inflicted that cruel cut too.

The third wound is the Freudian, which posited an unconscious that undid the primacy of conscious processes, including the reason that comforted Man with his unique excellence, with dire consequences for teleology once again. Science seems to hold that blade too.

I want to add a fourth wound, the informatic or cyborgian, which infolds organic and technological flesh and so melds that Great Divide as well.”
Donna J. Haraway, When Species Meet

Will Advise
“I'll make a book on learning how to be a complete moron someday, and I'm sure no one will buy it, because everyone will have mastered that already by the time I gather enough moronism to process it into digestible upgrade instructions for your average village cyborg-idiot.”
Will Advise, Nothing is here...

Marissa Meyer
“His eyes softened into something almost like amusement, as if such a ragged appearance was all one could expect from a renowned mechanic.”
Marissa Meyer, Cinder

Alan Lightman
“Then there are those who think their bodies don't exist. They live by mechanical time. They rise at seven o'clock in the morning. They eat their lunch at noon and their supper at six. They arrive at their appointments on time, precisely by the clock. They make love between eight and ten at night. They work forty hours a week, read the Sunday paper on Sunday, play chess on Tuesday nights. When their stomach growls, they look at their watch to see if it is time to eat. When they begin to lose themselves in a concert, they look at the clock above the stage to see when it will be time to go home. They know that the body is not a thing of wild magic, but a collection of chemicals, tissues, and nerve impulses. Thoughts are no more than electrical surges in the brain. Sexual arousal is no more than a flow of chemicals to certain nerve endings. Sadness no more than a bit of acid transfixed in the cerebellum. In short, the body is a machine, subject to the same laws of electricity and mechanics as an electron or clock. As such, the body must be addressed in the language of physics. And if the body speaks, it is the speaking only of so many levers and forces. The body is a thing to be ordered, not obeyed.”
Alan Lightman from i Einstein's Dreams i

Angelo Tsanatelis
“I think they are a better race than humans ever were.”
Angelo Tsanatelis, Directive 3.1

Jean Baudrillard
“Exoteric machines - esoteric machines.
They say the computer is an improved form of typewriter. Not a bit of it. I collude with my typewriter, but the relationship is otherwise clear and distant. I know it is a machine; it knows it is a machine. There is nothing here of the interface, verging on biological confusion, between a computer thinking it is a brain and me thinking I am a computer.
The same familiarity with good old television, where I was and remained a spectator. It was an esoteric machine, whose status as machine I respected. Nothing there of all these screens and interactive devices, including the 'smart' car of the future and the 'smart' house. Even the mobile phone, that incrustation of the network in your head, even the skateboard and rollerblades - mobility aids - are of a quite different generation from the good old static telephone or the velocipedic machine. New manners and a new morality are emerging as a result of this organic confusion between man and his prostheses - a confusion which puts an end to the instrumental pact and the integrity of the machine itself.”
Jean Baudrillard, Cool Memories IV, 1995-2000

Jake Vander-Ark
“Hannah strived for physical catharsis, but she was trapped in an unfamiliar mind without its biological counterparts; gasping without lungs, crying without tears, forgiving without a heart.”
Jake Vander Ark, The Day I Wore Purple

Marissa Meyer
“The young princess was a beautiful as daylight, She was more beautiful even than the queen herself.”
Marissa Meyer, Winter

Jia Tolentino
“Resistance to a system is almost always presented on the terms of the system. It’s so much easier, when we gain agency, to use it to adapt rather than to oppose.”
Jia Tolentino

Catherine Hapka
“Lewa, mystery-king of know-nothingness. That's me!”
Catherine Hapka

Frederik Pohl
“If one does all these things to a human being, what is left is no longer precisely a human being. It is a man plus large elements of hardware.

The man has become a cybernetic organism: a cyborg.”
Frederick Pohl

Kendra Moreno
“You are quite forward for a cowboy,” Vic breathed softly, her eyes crinkling at the twinkle in his. “And you’re beautiful for a cyborg.”
Kendra Moreno, Clockwork Butterfly

“If I ever wondered why so many people are so hostile to the tangible visible incarnations of the permeating invisible features of postmodern society, I need to look no further: according to populist narratives perpetuated by the media convergence, technology is the domain of experts who, having the wisdom of mini-deities invested with all the power of the corporate state, are not - cannot - be human.”
Steve Mann, Cyborg: Digital Destiny and Human Possibility in the Age of the Wearable Computer