Creepy Quotes

Quotes tagged as "creepy" Showing 181-210 of 212
Maggie Stiefvater
“There are only two reasons a non-seer would see a spirit on St. Mark's Eve," Neeve said. "Either you're his true love . . . or you killed him.”
Maggie Stiefvater, The Raven Boys

Nenia Campbell
“It takes many sheep to satisfy one wolf.”
Nenia Campbell, Horrorscape

Laini Taylor
“I start to wonder if I’m being creepy. I mean, I am creeping. Does creep-ing automatically make one creep-y? Or are there dispensations for…romance? I bet all stalkers believe they’re being romantic. I did it for love, officer.”
Laini Taylor, Night of Cake & Puppets

“Most people say about graveyards: "Oh, it's just a bunch of dead people. It's creepy." But for me, there's an energy to it that it not creepy, or dark. It has a positive sense to it.”
Tim Burton

Gillian Flynn
“The Days were a clan that mighta lived long
But Ben Day’s head got screwed on wrong
That boy craved dark Satan’s power
So he killed his family in one nasty hour
Little Michelle he strangled in the night
Then chopped up Debby: a bloody sight
Mother Patty he saved for last
Blew off her head with a shotgun blast
Baby Libby somehow survived
But to live through that ain’t much a life
Gillian Flynn, Dark Places

Nenia Campbell
“There was something delightfully intimate about the relationship between predator and prey.”
Nenia Campbell, Horrorscape

Sarah Rees Brennan
“I'll bury you alive by her garden gate. I'll enjoy it. Every time she goes out in the morning, every time she comes home, she'll walk on your grave, and she'll know she's safe.”
Sarah Rees Brennan, Untold

Nenia Campbell
“Careful,” he said. “If you keep blushing like that I may do more than just draw you.”
Nenia Campbell, Fearscape

Nenia Campbell
“When we mated I felt your heart stop beating and it was as if the world had stopped turning. It was only while surrounded by death that I realized I had never felt more alive.”
Nenia Campbell, Terrorscape

Justin Cronin
“Never a good sign, he thought, when the crows showed up.”
Justin Cronin, The Twelve

Nenia Campbell
“Ask yourself what a man without guile might do to your body in the dark.”
Nenia Campbell, Terrorscape

Stefan Bachmann
“It was called the Smiling War because it left so many skulls, white and grinning, in the fields.”
Stefan Bachmann, The Peculiar

Samantha Young
“I know how you feel about me. I feel the same way. You never have to worry that you don't tell me enough, okay?"

There he went again, being all perceptive to the point of being creepy psychic mind reader guy. "You're creepy psychic mind reader guy."

He raised an eyebrow. "Creepy?"

"In a hot way."

"There's a hot way to be creepy?"

"Slide your hand south and creepy will certainly become hot.”
Samantha Young, Castle Hill

Barry Lyga
“Special kinda warm,”
Barry Lyga, I Hunt Killers

Nenia Campbell
“Conquest was not satisfying if it began with a surrender.”
Nenia Campbell, Horrorscape

Tammy Blackwell
“Falling in love IS bizarre and creepy”
Tammy Blackwell, Fate Succumbs

Kate Chisman
“These were the things we would never notice were missing.”
Kate Chisman, Creep

Dianne Touchell
“Am I sounding creepy? Love is sort of creepy. When you fall in love, you presuppose all sorts of things about the person. You superimpose all kinds of ideals and fantasies on them. You create all manner of unrealistic, untenable, unsatisfiable criteria for that person, automatically guaranteeing their failure and your heartbreak. And what do we call it? Romance. Now that’s creepy.”
Dianne Touchell, Creepy and Maud

Kate Chisman
“I turned to him and he reached for my hand. It would have been easier to walk away. But the wind still blew around us and the house still stood.”
Kate Chisman, Creep

Algernon Blackwood
“The impulse came to her clairvoyantly, and she obeyed without a sign of hesitation. Deeper comprehension would come to her of the whole awful puzzle. And come it did, yet not in the way she imagined and expected.”
Algernon Blackwood, The Man Whom the Trees Loved

John Gardner
“Bad art is always basically creepy; that is its first and most obvious identifying sign”
John Gardner

Charlotte Riddell
“The minister paused in his narrative. At that moment there came a tremendous blast of wind which shook the windows of the manse, and burst open the hall door, and caused the candles to flicker and the fire to go roaring up the chimney. It is not too much to say that, what with the uncanny story, and the howling storm, we all felt that creeping sort of uneasiness which so often seems like the touch of something from another world - a hand stretched across the boundary-line of time and eternity, the coldness and mystery of which make the stoutest heart tremble. ("Sandy The Tinker")”
Charlotte Riddell, The Gentlewomen of Evil: An Anthology of Rare Supernatural Stories from the Pens of Victorian Ladies

Johan Harstad
“Wieder hob sie den Blick und richtete die Lampe auf ihr Gesicht. Sie schaute zum Fenster hinüber. Ihre Züge waren jetzt fast noch deutlicher. Sie konnte die Details um ihre Nase studieren, den Mund. Die Haare. Sie sah nicht gut aus. Resigniert schaltete sie die Lampe aus und ließ sie sinken.

Und da sah sie es.

Ihr Spiegelbild verschwand nicht.

Es blieb im Fenster hängen, noch deutlicher als zuvor.

Eine Sekunge lang ließ sie sich davon einfach faszinieren.

Sie schnitt eine Grimasse.

Aber das Spiegelbild veränderte sich nicht.”
Johan Harstad, 172 Hours on the Moon

Michael Siemsen
“She spoke throught her teeth. "Almost, dear. What were the real words you used? The bad words. It's okay to say them again, just this once."
I shrugged, "fine. I said'. . . just 'cause Daddy wants you to suck on his ding-a-ling.”
Michael Siemsen, A Warm Place to Call Home

M.A. George
“Ah yes…” He made an exaggerated nod. “I was supposed to be filling you in on Nangí’s story.” He winked at me playfully, as I kept up my glare. “Now, where should I begin?”

“Tell you what, let me get you started,” I came back. “Once upon a time, there was this über-creepy old man—who looks like he lives in a haunted shack and eats small children for breakfast—and I decided to make him my new best friend becaaauuse… Okay, your turn.”
M.A. George, Relativity

“The sleepless hum of the city was abidingly in his ears, and the lamps that dotted the misty pavements stared at him blinkingly all along the route. The tall black buildings rose up grimly into the night; the faces that flitted to and fro along the pavements, kept ever sliding past him, melting into the darkness; and the cabs and 'buses, still astir in the streets, had a ghostly air as they vanished in the gloom.

("An Unexpected Journey")”
J.H. Pearce, Tales from a Gas-Lit Graveyard

“If you wake up between 2 and 3 it's 80 percent chance someone is watching you.So................. close your curtains.”
Carleigh Williams
tags: creepy

Francine Pascal
“In Bruce’s opinion, the only fun in dating was the sport of it. The more it was like a tennis match, where he had to wear down his opponent through expertise and sheer force of will, the better he liked it.”
Francine Pascal, A Night to Remember

Catherine Crowe
“The silence of a convent at night is the silence of the grave. Too far removed from the busy world without for external sounds to penetrate the thick walls, whilst within no slamming door, nor wandering foot, nor sacrilegious voice breaks in upon the stillness, the slightest noise strikes upon the ear with a fearful distinctness. ("The Monk's Story")”
Catherine Crowe, Reign of Terror: Great Victorian Horror Stories

Connie Kingrey Anderson
“ the middle of the field, Harry suddenly stopped and looked back. Mr. Chad was all alone in the creepy woods. He could take care of himself...couldn't he? Of course he could, he was a teacher.”
Connie Kingrey Anderson, Toadies