
Coming Of Age Stories Quotes

Quotes tagged as "coming-of-age-stories" Showing 1-30 of 37
Susan Engberg
“She had a new secret, the strenght of the moon, looking at her”
Susan Engberg

Kerem Mermutlu
“I don’t know if it was just me making things up in my head but after the fear in their eyes had gone what replaced it was like a sad kind of wondering. A wondering of where the old me was hiding. A wondering about where the old me had gone to. It was like I had suddenly been taken over by someone else and they could see the old me had fallen away for good.”
Kerem Mermutlu, My Last Summer

Jocelyn Soriano
“Even if you can’t see any proof right now, you must believe. Sometimes, you must believe first before you can see!”
Jocelyn Soriano, The Good For Nothing Boy

Siobhan Davis  ™
“I'm not just the sum of how I look although that seems to be a popular opinion, and it infuriates me.”
Siobhan Davis, Lovestruck

“How'd you know that would help, Grandma?

Used to have a regular who had attacks like that all the time. Poor guy. He was an accountant, loveless marriage-most of em were back then-and vaginas scared the bejeezus outta him.”
Jennifer LeBlanc

Jocelyn Soriano
“It’s amazing how something beautiful can
suddenly change the way you feel, how it can
comfort you and heal you and give you peace.”
Jocelyn Soriano, The Good For Nothing Boy

Siobhan Davis  ™
“Ariana strikes me as the type of girl who is attracted to authenticity.”
Siobhan Davis, Lovestruck

Siobhan Davis  ™
“While I AM sure of what I want, I'm equally unsure of how to attain it.”
Siobhan Davis, Lovestruck

Siobhan Davis  ™
“It's the first instance where I believe that it might actually be wrong, the first time I feel like a bit of a creep.”
Siobhan Davis, Lovestruck

Siobhan Davis  ™
“I am unbelievably nervous.
It is most unlike me.
This girl is really messing with my mojo.”
Siobhan Davis, Lovestruck

Siobhan Davis  ™
“I'm following hot on her heels, smarting from her latest rebuttal, and I can't contain my temper as the flood of rejection washes over me, tossing me precariously close to the edge.”
Siobhan Davis, Lovestruck

Siobhan Davis  ™
“I feel myself collapse inside as if the life force has been sucked out of me.”
Siobhan Davis, Lovestruck

Danielle Lee Zwissler
“Mom let go of us and leaned back so she could look us both in the eye. “No more spending the night in the tree fort, you two.”
Danielle Lee Zwissler, The Boy Next Door

D.F.   Jones
“Reed wanted to believe, and he had to place faith in her, to have a life with her. “Ruby, the one thing I know for certain is I love you. I have faith in you. I believe in you.”
D.F. Jones, Ruby's Choice

Jocelyn Soriano
“For the sake of clarity, let it be known that this boy lives in a world that is quite different from your own... In this world, there are fireflies that can talk, there are flowers that can dance, and there are mysteries that cannot be understood by those who refuse to have an open heart.”
Jocelyn Soriano, The Good For Nothing Boy

Jocelyn Soriano
“Why have they failed to see this the night before?
Was it because of the darkness? Or was it because
of the shadows cast from his own heart?”
Jocelyn Soriano, The Good For Nothing Boy

Jocelyn Soriano
“It was like being able to breathe again, as though he has forgotten how. It was like being able to believe that light still exists, and because it does, maybe he could still believe in hope. Maybe he could still find a way.”
Jocelyn Soriano, The Good For Nothing Boy

Jocelyn Soriano
“He knew that just by gazing at those flowers, something from within him started to live again.”
Jocelyn Soriano, The Good For Nothing Boy

Jocelyn Soriano
“For a long time, he tried to convince himself that he was content. For a long time, he tried to ignore another kind of hunger within him, a hunger that could never be satisfied no matter how much he ate.”
Jocelyn Soriano, The Good For Nothing Boy

Jocelyn Soriano
“You reminded me of what I lack. Sometimes, it's the right place to begin."
"Begin what?" the boy asked.
"The right place to begin looking for what you need to find.”
Jocelyn Soriano, The Good For Nothing Boy

Jocelyn Soriano
“I know we can't do anything about those who couldn't even say they're sorry...but maybe...maybe we can do something about how we feel inside.”
Jocelyn Soriano, The Good For Nothing Boy

Jocelyn Soriano
“You say those things because you haven’t felt what I felt. Don’t you know how painful it is to be abandoned by your dearest friend?”
Jocelyn Soriano, The Good For Nothing Boy

Jocelyn Soriano
“It’s true; I have never been abandoned by my best friend. Even so, I think no one is really exempt from being hurt. I was hurt, too...and you may not know how I felt like...how it felt like...to be abandoned by your own mother.”
Jocelyn Soriano, The Good For Nothing Boy

Jocelyn Soriano
“He had always held on to his pain as though it were the biggest pain in all that world, but now, now he felt he could no longer hold on to it. His awareness of the boy’s pain somehow made him forget about his own.”
Jocelyn Soriano, The Good For Nothing Boy

Jocelyn Soriano
“Look here...this shell is unique. I think I could gather all the seashells in the world and I would still fail to find another one like this. As beautiful as this. In the same way, I think that’s how you are.”
Jocelyn Soriano, The Good For Nothing Boy

Tenkara Smart
“There is only choice, and at every moment, you only have two choices. When you make your decision, you'll know if it was right by the way you feel. If you know it wasn't the right choice, make a different choice.”
Tenkara Smart, She Named Me Wolf

Edie Little
“I wrote this memoir to show I can help others do what I had the courage to do for myself; write a family legacy. I gave all my secrets away” – Edie Little”
Edie Little, How Wonder Woman Became a Smuggler: A legacy of family trauma

Ajanta Sengupta
“Nevertheless, a love that is so deep, bears deeper wounds. The intangible scars on his heart pained more for he never expressed it. But repressed emotions run around as man’s unconscious decides, and since it was not being given its due, it heaved him into a deep well. Outside, it manifested as an abnormally reticent personality.”
Ajanta Sengupta, Unlettered

Ajanta Sengupta
“Neemai sat in silence. These were plenty of delicate issues, and the tiniest careless assumption could throw him into the whirlwind of sentimentality. He had speculated an inkling of Scarlet Amorin’s fate, the experience of the world had whispered that something terrible had happened in the house. As for the culprit of the fate, he dared not to guess.

Matters of the family tend to be the most frangible affairs, as he had rightly absorbed from his observations in quietude. Things would have been easier if those were in black and white, but it is rather in shades of glaucous and grey, and any reckoning is as good as guesstimate.

While his brain reasoned and warned to tread carefully, his heart yearned to hold the Rosie of his imagination. Her pain was in his imagination, he knew that, and it was well past. In real life, it would have been unbearable for her.”
Ajanta Sengupta, Unlettered

Ajanta Sengupta
“In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.’

Chaos has definitely been a part of Rosie’s life, Neemai brooded, and more than her share. But by that logic, he would also have to believe in an order of things.

Philosophically, he knew things happen for a reason, including misfortune, but that was not the problem. He felt that things take a strange twist when we try to integrate real life into philosophy. There is a persisting truth and a gnawing cynicism lingering on the opposite ends of a seesaw, each trying to put more weight and express its existence.

The seesaw is rarely in balance – it comes parallel to the ground briefly – and that is the rare moment we are truly happy and at peace. These moments of balance were like a rare phenomenon and he could almost remember those few days in his life. Recently, those days were ones spent wondering about Rosie.”
Ajanta Sengupta, Unlettered

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