
Clear Mind Quotes

Quotes tagged as "clear-mind" Showing 1-29 of 29
Ray   Smith
“Most people didn’t see the beauty behind the everyday, didn’t enjoy the simple pleasures in life, didn’t stop and smell the roses … and just because these phrases were considered platitudes didn’t make them any less true. For you could belittle truth, lambaste it, deny its existence, but truth would always still be there, as unconcerned as the inexorably flowing Mississippi.”
Ray Smith, The Magnolia That Bloomed Unseen

T.J. Klune
“Sometimes, we have to run away in order to clear our heads and put ourselves together as best we can. The important thing, is that we return stronger than when we left.”
T.J. Klune, The Extraordinaries

James Redfield
“Prvi korak za svakog od nas u procesu raščišćavanja jest da svoju osobnu dramu potpuno osvjestimo. Ništa se ne može nastaviti sve dok ne pogledamo sami sebe i ne otkrijemo što činimo kako bi manipulirali energijom.”
James Redfield, The Celestine Prophecy

Paulo Coelho
“Relax, allow the mind to become empty, and surprise yourself with the great treasure that begins to flow from your soul.”
Paulo Coelho, The Valkyries

“Sometimes answers come to you in ways that only you can understand. That is why it is so important to have a clear mind to receive and understand the message.”
Sheila M Burke

Hina Hashmi
“Divinity guides us all the time but most of us don’t know how to interpret its messages.”
Hina Hashmi, Your Life A Practical Guide to Happiness Peace and Fulfilment

Verliza Gajeles
“It's the blurr that makes you strive for clear vision.”
Verliza Gajeles

“You need to be extremely clear and deliberate about what you will accept and what you won't. Standards must be clear; you must stand for what you believe in and live by your own moral compass.”
Genereux Philip

Ana Claudia Antunes
“My consciousness is clean and new,
And my conscience, clear and vivid.
I know what I've been giving to you.
But I don't know what you received.”
Ana Claudia Antunes, How To Heal A Broken Heart: All You Need Is Love

Ron Baratono
“Just like the athlete who exercises his or her body to prevent injury. We must exercise our mind to prevent toxic input from holding us down.”
Ron Baratono

“A lot of people have the wrong idea about me & I have no desire to clear shit up”
Genereux Philip

Ray   Smith
“Robert Frost wrote about “two roads diverg[ing] in a wood” and taking “the one less traveled.” But, in Molly’s case, both roads continued on to equally devastating destinations, even if the specifics were different. Which of the two paths would you choose if one went off a cliff and the other into quicksand?”
Ray Smith, The Magnolia That Bloomed Unseen

Emil M. Cioran
“I draw the curtains, and I wait. Actually, I am not waiting for anything, I am merely making myself absent. Scoured, if only for a few minutes, of the impurities which dim and clog the mind, I accede to a state of consciousness from which the self is evacuated, And I am as soothed as if I were resting outside the universe.”
Emil M. Cioran, The Trouble With Being Born

Hina Hashmi
“Sensitive people can identify soothing and disturbing energies, and healthy and unhealthy fields of vibration. They can even feel the frequency of the future events.”
Hina Hashmi, Your Life A Practical Guide to Happiness Peace and Fulfilment

Hina Hashmi
“Keep your ears open and listen to the whispers of the universe, it will direct you towards the right direction.”
Hina Hashmi, Your Life A Practical Guide to Happiness Peace and Fulfilment

Hina Hashmi
“Follow your intuition instantly. If something stops you from following your intuition then you need to clear your mental blocks.”
Hina Hashmi, Your Life A Practical Guide to Happiness Peace and Fulfilment

Sheila M. Burke
“Sometimes answers come to you in ways that only you can understand. That is why it is so important to have a clear mind to receive and understand the message.”
Sheila M. Burke, Enriched Heart: The Tao of Balancing Your Big, Beautiful, Badass Soul

J. Nedumaan
J. Nedumaan

Donna Goddard
“We should take every moment, every day, and every person as new and fresh whenever we are presented with them. That way, we won’t misjudge anyone or anything. We won’t miss opportunities. And nor will we carry the burden of accumulated judgements from the past.”
Donna Goddard, Nanima: Spiritual Fiction

Ron Baratono
“Never be left holding hatred. Flush resentment down the drain. This is your life, and it goes by fast. Your clear mind is what you’ll carry, instead of hurtful feelings. We can only hope that the love we shine towards others will rub off. In Jesus name. Amen.”
Ron Baratono

Andrew Pacholyk
“A clear mind is an uncluttered path in which you can rediscover the majesty you've masked with indifference and self-doubt.”
Andrew Pacholyk, Barefoot ~ A Surfer's View of the Universe

John Joclebs Bassey
“Music relaxes our mind, just as water quenches our thirst.”
John Joclebs Bassey, Night of a Thousand Thoughts

Sarah J. Maas

'You sound eager.'

She met his stare. 'I...' She swallowed. Hated herself for balking and forced herself to say, 'The breathing makes my head stop being so...' Horrible. Awful. Miserable. 'Loud.'

'Ah.' Understanding washed over his face. 'Mine too.'

For a moment, she held his gaze, watched the wind tug at the strands of his shoulder-length hair. The instinct to touch the sable locks had her pressing her palms to the mat, as if physically restraining herself.

'Right,' Cassian cleared his throat. 'Cooldown.”
Sarah J. Maas, A ​Court of Silver Flames

Russell Brand
“His eyes were as clear as his words.”
Russell Brand, Revolution

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
“Everything looks beautiful if you're vision is clear.”
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

Ron Baratono
“There's times we have 100 different thoughts going through our mind, most are meaningless, specially conflict, with a possible someone. You'll find that letting go of conflict allows for clear thoughts. This make believe conflict rarely happen. Kindness will always out weigh conflict.”
Ron Baratono

Ron Baratono
“If we don’t allow chaos in our lives, and slowly distance ourselves from drama. Life is a brighter place. There those who intrude on our personal business, they take away our internal freedoms. Let’s not allow this, and walk with the sun on our faces. Creating a totally clear mind, allowing God, and nature to reset our way of thinking. All in Jesus name. Amen.”
Ron Baratono

Ron Baratono
“If we don’t allow chaos in our lives, and slowly distance ourselves from drama. Life is a brighter place. There are those who intrude on our personal business, they take away our internal freedoms. Let’s not allow this, and walk with the sun on our faces. Creating a totally clear mind, allowing God, and nature to reset our way of thinking. All in Jesus name. Amen.”
Ron Baratono