
Civilisations Quotes

Quotes tagged as "civilisations" Showing 1-6 of 6
Mehmet Murat ildan
“Old people have wisdom but not energy; young people have energy but not wisdom; energy and wisdom must be in the same body to create a much better civilisation! To do this, we will either give energy to the old or we will give wisdom to the young and for now the latter seems a more plausible action!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Mary Beard
“One of its (civilisations) most powerful weapons has always been 'barbarity': 'we' know that 'we' are civilised by contrasting ourselves with those we deem to be uncivilised, with those who do not -or cannot be trusted to - share our values. Civilisation is a process of exclusion as well as inclusion. The boundary between 'us' and 'them' may be an internal one (for much of world history the idea of a 'civilised woman' has been a contradiction in terms), or an external one, as the word 'barbarian' suggests; it was originally a derogatory and ethnocentric ancient Greek term for foreigners you could not understand, because they spoke in an incomprehensible babble: 'bar-bar-bar ...' The inconvenient truth, of course, is that so-called 'barbarians' may be no more than those with a different view from ourselves of what it is to be civilised, and of what matters in human culture. In the end, one person's barbarity is another person's civilisation.”
Mary Beard, How Do We Look / The Eye of Faith

Aldous Huxley
“Mahalalele Bombayului alunecară pe lîngă ei – fabrici, cocioabe, clădiri uriașe – fantomatice și albe în lumina lunii. Trecători cafenii, cu picioare ca bețele, apăreau o secundă în lumina orbitoare a farurilor ca adevărurile înțelese intuitiv și cu o siguranță imediată – pentru a dispare apoi din nou, aproape fulgerător, în hăul beznei înconjurătoare. ... Locuitorii unei lumi de gîndire aflată la o distanță astrală de lumea lor îi urmăreau cu privirea din căruțe scîrțîitoare, trase de bivoli, în timp ce mașina zbura pe alături.”
Aldous Huxley

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Some moments arrive and we wish to see no trace at all from the civilisation! And such moments are the best proof that our civilisation has a demonic side!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

“The only true solutions to complex systemic problems are piecemeal, multi-pronged answers, and they will vary wildly from forest to desert, from city to city, and even between neighborhoods within a single city. Life is messy and civilization even messier. If your answer is ever any less messy, you’re fooling yourself.”
John Bierce, The Siege of Skyhold

Stanisław Lem
“Творець не хотів таких експедицій, такого "спілкування цивілізацій", і тому розділив їх безоднями. А ми ж не тільки зробили з райського яблука компот, а вже пиляємо Дерево Пізнання...”
Stanisław Lem, Фиаско