
Church Leadership Quotes

Quotes tagged as "church-leadership" Showing 1-30 of 100
“Instead of laying a red carpet for yourself to walk on, lay a bridge and let the young people walk over to you.”
Cecilia Chan, How to Grow Your Church Younger and Stronger: The Story of the Kids who Built a World-Class Church

“Church is not ‘Where’ but ‘Who’.
Church is not about the Place but the People.
Church is our HOME.
Church is about the People & Relationships.”
Cecilia Chan, How to Grow Your Church Younger and Stronger: The Story of the Kids who Built a World-Class Church

Andrena Sawyer
“The fear of offense is a really small price to pay for freedom.”
Andrena Sawyer

John Paul Warren
“The Church is Christ’s witness to the world of a loving savior and His redemptive plan for man.”
John Paul Warren

“Fear of being shamed causes people to put on masks and live in fear and pretense, creating a stronghold of pride. Authentic, transparent leaders encourage people to develop trust through their own honesty and vulnerability. They do not view transparency as weakness, but recognize it as a source of their virtue, power and anointing because power flows through humility.”
Laura Gagnon, The Book Satan Doesn't Want You To Read

“The first lesson of church plantology is that planting a church should never be our focus. Christ never commanded his disciples to plant churches, because it’s not what He wanted them to focus on. Focusing on the church to be planted leads to church starting, whereas focusing on the Great Commission itself leads to church planting.”
Peyton Jones, Church Plantology: The Art and Science of Planting Churches

“If you plant churches, discipleship may or may not happen. Yet if you devote yourself to making disciples, churches will inevitably be planted.”
Peyton Jones, Church Plantology: The Art and Science of Planting Churches

“Eckhart Schnabel quoted Ferdinand Hahn, saying, “The early church was a missionary church. The proclamation, the teaching, all activities of the early Christians had a missionary dimension.”
Peyton Jones, Church Plantology: The Art and Science of Planting Churches

“We need church reform, but not a new theological system, not a new church denomination, not new interpretations of scriptures, not new prophetic perspectives. We need reformation to return to the true Gospel and live it out in sincere and pure devotion to Christ.”
Brother Pedro

“We need to confess that we’ve led the church by leaving the present for what’s next instead of breathing in the joy of the connections of the community and beauty of the gospel.”
Andrew Root, Blair D. Bertrand

“When the image of the church is a speeding bus that will not stop even for its own leaders, we know that the logic of acceleration has captured our imagination.”
Andrew Root, Blair D. Bertrand

“How baffling you are, oh Church, and yet how I love you! How you have made me suffer, and yet how much I owe you! I would like to see you destroyed, and yet I need your presence. You have given me so much scandal and yet you have made me understand what sanctity is. I have seen nothing in the world more devoted to obscurity, more compromised, more false, and yet I have touched nothing more pure, more generous, more beautiful. How often I have wanted to shut the doors of my soul in your face, and how often I have prayed to die in the safety of your arms.”
Carlo Carretto

“So many things have gone wrong in our world today that cannot change by our complain but by stepping into our God-ordained responsibility.”
Benjamin Suulola

Ngina Otiende
“Can the sacredness of Christian gathering be the
healing pool from which the forgotten half of humanity
experiences the Living Water, is reminded they
matter more than the marital places they dwell?”
Ngina Otiende, Courage: Reflections and Liberation For the Hurting Soul

Nijiama Smalls
“Church is a wonderful place but it also at times it has represented the worst of who we are.”
Nijiama Smalls, The Black Family's Guide to Healing Emotional Wounds

Janna Cachola
“A place of worship must be the first place a person should experience customer service excellence.”
Janna Cachola

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