
Christianity Faith Quotes

Quotes tagged as "christianity-faith" Showing 1-30 of 281
Amy Earls
“When people march for something they believe in, they speak it, not with words or painted signs alone, but with their feet.”
Amy Earls, The King's Feather

Chris Tham
“A word can change a mind. A sentence can change a life. And a book can change the world!”
Chris Tham, embracing God in the right perspective with the right foundation of faith in Him

“The devil doesn't need an invitation to where there is spiritual stagnancy, He would assume he is welcome for obvious reasons. Stagnant water would attract unwanted pests.”
Kingsley Opuwari Manuel

“It is impossible for those who tasted Christ to fall back upon the old foolish ways ,and if he or she does, then that act of commission or omission comes within the ambit of sin and that would indubitably imply that the person is  crucifying Christ all over again and exposing Him to contempt , being the bearer of His name ( Christian).”
Henrietta Newton Martin, Author- The Greatest of All Romances, Your Potters Call.

Paula Carter
“Sometimes I try to pray, late at night when I am unable to sleep, my bed hot from my body and me tossing and turning. It's hard not to pray in a rehearsed way, and I can feel myself perform a routine even in my most desperate moments: "Oh Lord, please help me do X or feel Y." So I try to sink back into myself, to a self that is unaware of church and religion, to a more primal self. I imagine God as the night sky, not a man or even a person, and then I try just to be me, to be real, to experience my humanity with God as a witness.”
Paula Carter

Anne Dayton
“Somewhere along the line, I had bought into the idea, so pervasive in evangelical culture, that reading the right books and listening to the right music will make you ("inspire you to be") a better Christian. Somehow, I had confused the trappings of faith with faith itself.”
Anne Dayton

“The mirror, window, and wall are metaphors for all those tactics we use to hide the lie that we believe is the truth: the false self. Each of these elements are the persona, the mask we may be wearing, playing a character, reading a script assigned to us. This book is a wake-up call that personal transformation is possible.”
Kenny G Down, The Mirror, the Window, and the Wall: The Life-Changing Power of Finding Your True Self

Jon Imme
“Life is a spiritual roller coaster. Hang on!”
Jon Imme, The Librarians - #1 of Series (Rivers, Canyons and Drones) PAPERBACK

Thérèse of Lisieux
“Without the interior light of grace I would have undoubtedly pitied myself, but in the midst of darkness I found myself divinely illumined.”
St. Thérèse of Lisieux, The Little Way: Reflections on the Joy of Smallness in God's Infinite Love

“Living For God Daily, Should Be Your Daily Lifestyle.
God Will Live Your Life Daily”
Yando Wanii Nimbo

“Don’t make your problems look big, never confess how big they are, remember your God is greater and bigger than anything!
Jesus came to this earth for you so that you could throw all your burdens on Him! He is the King of Peace and Joy, Invite Him in to your heart today!
Just rest in Him, God has the best for you!”
Chanmiki Ezra Laloo

“The Bible states Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come.
If you have given full control of your life to Jesus, and if people continue to drag and remind you of your past and judge you, Never mind, smile Be at Peace, because God is on your side and you will be His forever”
Chanmiki Ezra Laloo

“The God Who Said, I Am Who I Am."'
Creation Speaks of Who He Is. Every Day We See a New of Him.
Colors Can't Express His Beauty Enough,
Writers Can’t Write About Him in a Million Books.
He Is Who He Is”
Yando Wanii Nimbo

Stacy Angelique McDonald
“The most supernatural natural feeling thing in this world is to die to yourself and live in Christ!
It does not happen instantly! We really have a lot of baggage and opinions and pains and loves and hang ups and preconceived ideas and lusts and lists to erase, replace, revise, and mend before we reach perfection! We will not make it there while we reside in this flesh of dust, but it is the joy and goal of the redeemed child of God to work towards the goal of apprehending Christ!”
Stacy Angelique McDonald, As You Rise: Scriptural Insights to Help You Get and Stay on The Narrow Way

“Forgiveness rejects retaliation precisely because of the futility of vengeance with respect to the irrevocability of time. Much of the popular and scholarly discourse around forgiveness implies that it can either undo, restore, or erase the past. But the common delusion that an act in the present can somehow rectify a wronged past is in fact the hallmark of retribution's magical thinking, not of forgiveness's realist grief.”
Matthew Ichihashi Potts, Forgiveness: An Alternative Account

C.S. Lewis
“Faith in Christ is the only thing to save you from dispair.”
C.S. Lewis

“Faith confession for your hair to grow and for hair loss to be reversed:

"I declare in faith that my hair will grow long, strong, and healthy, and that all fallen hair will be replaced. I trust that God will restore my hair and scalp to perfect health, and that I will experience abundant growth without any further hair loss. I believe that God's divine healing power is at work in my body, and that my hair will be a testament to His goodness and love for me. In Jesus' name, I receive this healing and blessing, and I thank Him for His faithfulness."

Remember to hold on to this confession with faith and patience, trusting that God's power and love are at work in your life. Keep seeking Him and His guidance, and believe that He is working for your good.”
Shaila Touchton

“Let us not forget that Jesus Christ is also a Great Chemist. He transforms water into wine, distinguishes various salt compounds, and utilizes the electromagnetic spectrum to heal and restore. Faith and Science work hand-in-hand.”
Norbertus Krisnu Prabowo

“In learning, christian students are fishermen casting their nets into the sea of life, for just as skilled sailors are forged in tumultuous waters, so too are blessings often found amidst life's storms. We are all students.”
Norbertus Krisnu Prabowo

Angela   Bell
“In the capable hands of God, one's worst nightmare could transform into a fantastical dream that surpasses the scope of one's wildest imagination.”
Angela Bell, A Lady's Guide to Marvels and Misadventure

“Fight your battles from the heights ( not stooping low) like an Eagle and from the point of rest (trusting God's ability and not yours). Be calm!”
Henrietta Newton Martin , Legal Counsel , Author. Greatest of All Romances Your Potters Call.

“Life's a journey to be circumpectly traversed.As the good book says, the narrow path leads to life with hope and the broad one to misery.Choose your path wisely”
Henrietta Newton Martin, Senior Legal Counsel & Author - The Greatest of All Romances- Your Potter’s

“When people sometimes ask me how "I got here," I have to smile. It was a zigzagging, dotted, sometimes broken line, with pauses and detours and disasters. Beginnings that ended too soon. Endings that turned out to be beginnings.”
Savannah Guthrie, Mostly What God Does is Love You

Bart D. Ehrman
“ONE OF THE MOST interesting features of the early Christian debates over orthodoxy and heresy is the fact that views that were originally [...] deemed orthodox came to be declared heretical. Nowhere is this more clear than in the case of the first heretical view of Christ—the view that denies his divinity. [...] the very first Christians held to exaltation Christologies which maintained that the man Jesus (who was nothing more than a man) had been exalted to the status and authority of God. The earliest Christians thought that this happened at his resurrection; eventually, some Christians came to believe it happened at his baptism. Both views came to be regarded as heretical by the second century CE, [...] It is not that the second-century “heresy-hunters” among the Christian authors attacked the original Christians for these views. Instead, they attacked the people of their own day for holding them; and in their attacks they more or less “rewrote history,” by claiming that such views had never been held by the apostles at the beginning or by the majority of Christians ever.”
Bart D. Ehrman, How Jesus Became God: The Exaltation of a Jewish Preacher from Galilee

“Sin is not a mere blemish on the soul; it is a poison that corrupts the whole nature.”
Dame Rani

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