
Change Leadership Quotes

Quotes tagged as "change-leadership" Showing 1-30 of 45
“Nothing remains the same and at some point in time, everything changes”
Peter F Gallagher

“Change Leadership is action, not a position”
Peter F Gallagher

Peter F. Gallagher
“Life is all about 'Continuous Never Ending Change and Improvement' (CNECI) as we grow, develop and regenerate”
Peter F. Gallagher, Change Management Handbook: The Leadership of Change Volume 3

“The change question all leaders should be able to answer
Do you have a change vision, are you aligned on your strategic objectives, are you a high performing team and does you team have change leadership skills to lead the change or improvement that your organisation is facing?”
Peter F Gallagher

“The best leadership teams have purpose, they are aligned on their strategic objectives, they are a high performing team and have change leadership skills to navigate 4IR”
Peter F Gallagher

“Fixed mindset leaders will quickly contaminate an organisation by killing growth and creativity, as well as promoting incompetence based on their likeness. This cycle will be replicated unless shareholders intervene ruthlessly”
Peter F Gallagher

“We are all cosmopolitan, what we are born into is an accident of birth, respect for difference, growth and learning is who we are”
Peter F Gallagher

“I once knew one person in a leadership position who promoted diversity, unfortunately their policy excluded groups that were not aligned to his demeanour”
Peter F Gallagher

“A typical response when starting a change journey and engaging organisational leaders, it is not us, it is the employees below me that have the problem with change and improvement”
Peter F Gallagher

“Many leaders get to the top of an organisation with skills less associated to leadership, but more the ability to eliminate greater competition on the way”
Peter F Gallagher

“It doesn’t matter which continent I am working in; I typically encounter three-employee change standpoints: Advocates, Observers and Rebels. However, to successfully implement organisational change management, we must engage, communicate and entice these three employee groups to get buy-in, change adoption and benefits realisation”
Peter F Gallagher

“There are 3 groups of employees in any change journey: ‘Advocates’, ‘Observers’ and ‘Rebels’. Each reacts differently to organisational change and will have different levels of resistance”
Peter F Gallagher

“To the trolls, my work is about people, leadership and change. If the scribe reminds me of Churchill, dog and stone, then I have already wasted time”
Peter F Gallagher

“Constructive feedback is leadership gift and driver of organisational behavioural change”
Peter F Gallagher

“From my experience, I see a high number of change initiatives fail, so why is it that change experts and leadership coaches continually praise organisations for their great efforts?”
Peter F Gallagher

“The micro facial expression of contempt when engaging leaders about preparing for their organisation's change is often the norm, matched only by their leadership of change knowledge”
Peter F Gallagher

“Change resistance is inevitable, ignore it at your peril”
Peter F Gallagher

“Change waits for no leader and the skills required for leading day-to-day operations are very different to change leadership”
Peter F Gallagher

“Organisational change leadership is about effectively and proactively articulating the vision, modelling the new way and intervening to ensure sustainable change”
Peter F Gallagher

“Change Blindness is a condition, where people cling to an old belief without considering the future or better options”
Peter F Gallagher

“Develop a compelling change vision that inspires employees with purpose and is aligned to the organisation’s strategy, values and beliefs”
Peter F Gallagher

“Let's start a revolution, a revolution with no gun, but words and action to inspire the next generation. The truth should make us better human beings, it shouldn't create enemies out of ignorance. "IGNORANCE" got Liberia way, way back, because some of us were blind back then and failed to see the clear picture before. Before it was the Americo VS the Native. Today is corrupt educated or not so educated Liberian brothers and sisters against those people who they call illiterate. STAND FOR CHANGE AND SAY NO! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!”
Henry Johnson Jr

“It's important to remember that peace, liberty and freedom changes many aspects in our thoughts as far as life is concerned.”
Oscar Auliq-Ice

Scott Hammerle
“We must be drawn by the idea of where we want to go more than we dislike the idea of all the work it is going to take to get there.”
Scott Hammerle, Lessons from the Castle: My Journey From Prince Charming to Executive Level Leader and How You Can Find The Legendary Leader Within

Dele Ola
“The path to a great achievement is sometimes
tortuous, long, and complex. Change leaders must be
resolute in bringing their vision to fruition.”
Dele Ola, Be a Change Agent: Leadership in a Time of Exponential Change

Dele Ola
“Tough change leaders remain immovable in times of intense pressure. They are resilient, not giving up hope in the presence of adversity.”
Dele Ola, Be a Change Agent: Leadership in a Time of Exponential Change

Dele Ola
“The present is the key that we have to the future. Today is the future that we changed yesterday.”
Dele Ola, Be a Change Agent: Leadership in a Time of Exponential Change

“Change can be your friend;
complacency is always your enemy.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

Janna Cachola
“Future proof your organisation by prioritizing service excellence and leadership innovation.”
Janna Cachola

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