
Cammie Quotes

Quotes tagged as "cammie" Showing 1-14 of 14
Ally Carter
“Zach,” I said as I lay there “Where did you go? When you were looking for me?”
I shifted in his arms, looked into his eyes.
“Crazy.” His voice was a whisper against my skin. “I went crazy.”
Ally Carter, Out of Sight, Out of Time

Ally Carter
“So I hear we get to go to town this weekend. Want to catch a movie or something?
P.S. That is, if Jimmy doesn't mind.

Translation: This weekend might be a good chance for us to see each other outside our school in a social environment, free of competetiton. I do not view other boys as threats, and I enjoy making them seem insignificant by calling them the wrong names. (Translation by Macey McHenry)”
Ally Carter, Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy

Ally Carter
“And Zach was taking his jacket off and draping it around my shoulders, which (according to Liz, who double checked with Macey) is the single-sexiest thing a guy can do.”
Ally Carter, Don't Judge a Girl by Her Cover

Ally Carter
“It is a little-known fact about covert operations that you will spend a lot of time with people you can’t really trust. They may be traitors and liars. We call them assets or informants. But mostly, in those days, I called him Zach.”
Ally Carter, Only the Good Spy Young

Ally Carter
“If he'd looked like a cross between Mr. Clooney and, say, one of the hobbits, I probably would have been far more capable of coherent thought.”
Ally Carter, I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You

Ally Carter
“I wanted to pull away, remind him that I was a big girl, a highly trained operative, a spy - that I'd been training for this mission my entire life, and I wasn't going to be left on the sidelines. But in the dim space with Zach pressed tightly against me, only one thought came to mind. I kissed him - longer and deeper than I ever had before. The school was not watching us this time. There was nothing playful in the tone. We were just two people kissing as if for the first time, as if it might be the last.

And then I broke away. "So," I asked, as if I got kissed like that all the time (which, believe me, I don't), "where is it you're taking me again?"

"The tombs.”
Ally Carter

Ally Carter
“It was the first time in years I didn’t wonder if my father was out there, looking at it too.”
Ally Carter, Out of Sight, Out of Time

Ally Carter
“If you ever wonder whether or not someone is too good for you, I'd advise going through their trash. Really. No one looks superior after that.”
Ally Carter, I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You

Ally Carter
“Okay, gang," I said, "according to blueprints, there's an elevator access panel on the east side of the building. We may get a little dirty, but—"
"I thought we'd just go through the doors," Liz said, flashing three beautifully engraved invitations and some wonderfully authentic fake IDs.
The tickets were $20,000 each. The Secret Service had been vetting the guest list for weeks, so Bex and I stopped beneath a streetlamp and studied Liz.
"Do I even want to know where you got those?" I asked.
Liz seemed to ponder it, and then she said, "No.”
Ally Carter, Don't Judge a Girl by Her Cover

Ally Carter
“Hey," a voice cut me off. "I know you!"
I recognised the voice, but more than that I recognised the look on Macey's face as Preston came into view.
"Don't you have a baby to kiss?" Macey said with a sigh.
"Cammie, right?" Preston asked. "Macey didn't tell me you were coming."
"Yeah. It's a great chance to see the political process up close and-"
"Seriously," Macey snapped. "Go. Kiss. A baby.”
Ally Carter, Don't Judge a Girl by Her Cover

Ally Carter
“Here’s the thing you need to know about surveillance: it’s boring. Sure, sometimes we blow stuff up and jump off buildings and/or moving trains, but most of the time we just hang around waiting for something to happen (a fact that almost never makes it into the movies), so I might have felt pretty silly if I were a normal girl and not a highly trained secret-agent-type person as I sat on that park bench, trying to act normal when, by definition, I’m anything but.”
Ally Carter, I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You

Ally Carter
“Come on, guys,” I said, laughing. “What? Did you think he was going to ask me to the prom?” I teased. “Or, hey, Mom’s burning macaroni and cheese for supper Sunday night; maybe he can come over and she can tell him about the time she jumped off a ninety-story balcony in Hong Kong with a parachute she made out of
Ally Carter, I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You

Ally Carter
“Macey was across the table from me, and we glanced at each other—an unspoken dread lingering between us like the smell of olive oil and melting cheese, but beside me, Bex was unfazed, and I remembered the power of a
Ally Carter, I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You

Lea Barrymire
“Zeke? Figures." She made a big deal about wiping her hands on her jeans. "Keep your germs to yourself. I have no idea where that tongue has been.”
Lea Barrymire, Accidentally Yours