
Blossom Quotes

Quotes tagged as "blossom" Showing 1-30 of 88

Has a way of wilting
Or blossoming
At the strangest,
Most unpredictable hour.
This is how love is,
An uncontrollable beast
In the form of a flower.
The sun does not always shine on it.
Nor does the rain always pour on it
Nor should it always get beaten by a storm.
Love does not always emit the sweetest scents,
And sometimes it can sting with its thorns.
Water it.
Give it plenty of sunlight.
Nurture it,
And the flower of love will
Outlive you.
Neglect it or keep dissecting it,
And its petals will quickly curl up and die.
This is how love is,
Perfection is a delusional vision.
So love the person who loves you
And abandon the one
Who only loves you
Under favorable
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Erik Pevernagie
“When an incidental color or a random fragrance takes possession of our imagination, we can unexpectedly blossom into a new entity as it gives us wings and enlightens our horizon, just like canary birds that feel stimulated and start singing as soon as they sense the radiance of the sun through the reflection of the skylight. (‘"Côté cour…Côté jardin" )”
Erik Pevernagie

Erik Pevernagie
“When we never miss a beat on the many unsuspected details that revamp our dreams and imbue our minds, we can hear our hearts sing and feel each bud of hope blossom. (“Girl in Blue”)”
Erik Pevernagie

“Her eyes were of different colors, the left as brown as autumn, the right as gray as Atlantic wind. Both seemed alive with questions that would never be voiced, as if no words yet existed with which to frame them. She was nineteen years old, or thereabouts; her exact age was unknown. Her face was as fresh as an apple and as delicate as blossom, but a marked depression in the bones beneath her left eye gave her features a disturbing asymmetry. Her mouth never curved into a smile. God, it seemed, had withheld that possibility, as surely as from a blind man the power of sight. He had withheld much else. Amparo was touched—by genius, by madness, by the Devil, or by a conspiracy of all these and more. She took no sacraments and appeared incapable of prayer. She had a horror of clocks and mirrors. By her own account she spoke with Angels and could hear the thoughts of animals and trees. She was passionately kind to all living things. She was a beam of starlight trapped in flesh and awaiting only the moment when it would continue on its journey into forever.” (p.33)”
Tim Willocks, The Religion

Criss Jami
“If you use a philosophy education well, you can get your foot in the door of any industry you please. Industries are like the blossoms on a tree while philosophy is the trunk - it holds the tree together, but it often goes unnoticed.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Dennis Potter
“. . . at this season, the blossom is out in full now, there in the west early. It's a plum tree, it looks like apple blossom but it's white, and looking at it, instead of saying "Oh that's nice blossom" ... last week looking at it through the window when I'm writing, I see it is the whitest, frothiest, blossomest blossom that there ever could be, and I can see it. Things are both more trivial than they ever were, and more important than they ever were, and the difference between the trivial and the important doesn't seem to matter. But the nowness of everything is absolutely wondrous, and if people could see that, you know. There's no way of telling you; you have to experience it, but the glory of it, if you like, the comfort of it, the reassurance ... not that I'm interested in reassuring people - bugger that. The fact is, if you see the present tense, boy do you see it! And boy can you celebrate it.”
Dennis Potter, Seeing the Blossom: Two Interviews and a Lecture

Helen Fox
“The man was staring directly at him now, a curious expression on his face, half smiling, half quizzical. Instantly Eager had a sense of certainty far deeper than anything he had experienced so far. "I have it too!" he exclaimed. "I am a part of this Earth, aren't I? Just like the birds and the trees and the people - I am."
"Om." said his companion.
Unseen by them, a blossom fell.”
Helen Fox

W.B. Yeats
“But he calls down a blessing on the blossom of the may,
Because it comes in beauty, and in beauty blows away.”
W.B. Yeats, Stories of Red Hanrahan

Kristina Stangl
“Love cured him. It cured him in ways that he never thought possible. The sad, loveless and hermit that he once was a few months ago, no longer existed. That version of Peter was long gone. Instead, he evolved. Blossomed.”
Kristina Stangl, Cupid's Serenade

Sanjo Jendayi
“Flowers remind me of the beauty and brevity of life. They teach patience as you await some to bloom, enhancing their beauty. And then they're gone.

Moral of this story: Enjoy every single second of this life. Embrace the beautiful parts, don't stress the areas awaiting to bloom...enjoy the process. We are but a breath, so treasure each one.”
Sanjo Jendayi

Anthony T. Hincks
“Cover the seeds in rainbows if you wish the trees to blossom.”
Anthony T. Hincks

“My dad told me that it doesn't really matter where you are planted, you can flourish and blossom anywhere on the planet earth. Boundaries are imaginary and limits are unreal, the world has all that you need to become what you desire.”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua

Michael Bassey Johnson
“When you read a book, you acquire knowledge.
When you look at a flower, your imagination grows wild.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Night of a Thousand Thoughts

Edgar Lee Masters
“In the last spring I ever knew,
In those last days,
I sat in the forsaken orchard
Where beyond fields of greenery shimmered
The hills at Miller's Ford;
Just to muse on the apple tree
With its ruined trunk and blasted branches,
And shoots of green whose delicate blossoms
Were sprinkled over the skeleton tangle,
Never to grow in fruit.
And there was I with my spirit girded
By the flesh half dead, the senses numb,
Yet thinking of youth and the earth in youth,-
Such phantom blossoms palely shining
Over the lifeless boughs of Time.
O earth that leaves us ere heaven takes us!
Had I been only a tree to shiver
With dreams of spring and a leafy youth,
Then I had fallen in the cyclone
Which swept me out of the soul's suspense
Where it's neither earth nor heaven.”
Edgar Lee Masters, Spoon River Anthology

Ranjani Rao
“Childhood is a time of openness and acceptance, of gullibility and trust, of fun and friendships. The bonds formed in the early years of life remain strong because on some level you realize that you and the other person are bundles of pure potential. You don’t know how you will turn out. What will you become? How will you see and how will you be seen by the world? Despite the unknowns, there is a nonjudgmental acceptance of each other.”
Ranjani Rao, Rewriting My Happily Ever After - A Memoir of Divorce and Discovery

Laura Chouette
“The stars bloom inside your eyes.”
Laura Chouette

Gift Gugu Mona
“A Special Mother

That is who you are
An Angel that once lived with us
Who now left for the Heavens
A loving parent
Such a rare gem
A true blessing
And a precious being
Truly exceptional
To us, you were like the sunshine
That made our days shine bright
You were like the flower
That gave us hope to blossom each day
Just like the rain
That came and washed away our pain
Much like an eagle
That soared against strong winds for our sake
Like a shield that ensures we are safe
Death never took you away
Because in our lives
You are somehow alive
Through the beautiful memories
We gratefully hold in our hearts
Indeed, you are our special Mother”
Gift Gugu Mona, From My Mother's Classroom: A Badge of Honour for a Remarkable Woman

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“You’re already in the territory of the flowers. It’s only a matter of time before you bloom.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“When we begin to live like wildflowers, we put so much of our hearts into blossoming even in the most hostile surroundings.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya

“I believe in blossoming, and I inspire others and myself to be the best we can be”
Leo Lourdes, A World of Yoga: 700 Asanas for Mindfulness and Well-Being

Jayita Bhattacharjee
“Memories shake the bare branches so your heart can flower with the boughs of blossoms, the way the night is shaken to break open a dawn of light...”
Jayita Bhattacharjee

Sobhan Ganji
“Before modernity
Growth was only for living creatures
With limited features
But these days
Even things can blossom
With the magic of packaging
Trees with start of spring
Objects with getting packed
And I with being with you
We can all flourish
As simple as that”
Sobhan Ganji, Plastic Panther

Jayita Bhattacharjee
“When memories become flowers, a new world opens up.”
Jayita Bhattacharjee

Jayita Bhattacharjee
“Love is a thirsty bee on a flower.”
Jayita Bhattacharjee

Jayita Bhattacharjee
“Wonder upon wonder and your heart opens in amazement and slowly, you begin blossoming....”
Jayita Bhattacharjee

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