Bestseller Quotes

Quotes tagged as "bestseller" Showing 61-90 of 170
Dan Desmarques
“Consciousness represents the intuitive ability to recognize the universal truths that govern existence, which lurk behind the veil of ignorance. But no one recognizes that he is ignorant until he exposes himself, internally or externally, to the questions that will lead to such recognition.”
Dan Desmarques

Dan Desmarques
“Contrary to public opinion, writers are not crazy. It takes a very sharp thinking, an extremely high ability for reasoning, and a very clear mind to write easily, quickly and with value. Whoever prides himself for preparing a short book for more than a year, shouldn’t be proud of his achievements, for such attitude pollutes the truth in art with a lie, and deceives the population into following the wrong leaders and reality changers.”
Dan Desmarques

Dan Desmarques
“Cyclic karma is not a metaphysical approach to the meaning of life because you can see it in history books. The world always attracts that which scares it the most, as if ignorance was not an excuse to avoid responsibility. And the world of today, is as silent about that which has been vilified, as in the case of the Muslims and other minorities, as it once was about the German Jews and other persecuted groups. But likewise and as before, by the same spiritual law, when you ignore that which you don't identify yourself with, you are dragged into a war you didn't choose to have.”
Dan Desmarques

Dan Desmarques
“Death only exists for the personality and not for the spirit.”
Dan Desmarques

Dan Desmarques
“Don’t feel guilty about what you couldn’t do for a living person after that person dies, for the dead understand the living beyond what they can see about themselves. They will see what you can’t see and know what you can’t understand yet.”
Dan Desmarques

Dan Desmarques
“Don’t feel shame because of your current life or past failures. Know that nobody is perfect and you can overcome your limitations with experience and constant learning. Focus in being a better person every day, as improvements can change your life for better, but focusing on shame and failures will only lead you towards apologizing yourself. Lazy and irresponsible people often justify their behavior with their past, while responsible and successful people strive to be better and proud of themselves.”
Dan Desmarques

Dan Desmarques
“Don’t let your thoughts be defeated by your brain. Don’t let your brain be defeated by fear. Don’t let fear be defeated by experience. Don’t let experience cloud your discernment. But do look, and see, and act according to your heart, and waste no time in doing that, for time is more limited than your perception of it.”
Dan Desmarques

Dan Desmarques
“Doubt is all that is needed to undo anything.”
Dan Desmarques

Dan Desmarques
“Dreams change the structures of thought. You can only achieve and work for what you can see first in your mind. Therefore, you shouldn’t be jealous or confused in regards the doing of others, or what you can't do, but rather learn from everyone.”
Dan Desmarques

Dan Desmarques
“Each person has a peculiar life with good and bad things in it. Do not merely focus in the good things others achieve, because you’re not aware of the price they’re willing to pay and that you might not be able to bear in the same way they do.”
Dan Desmarques

Dan Desmarques
“Earthlings tend to believe that they know the reality surrounding them, but such reality is in actuality just a mass schizophrenic manifestation supported by shadowing reflections of their own thoughts. It is not real unless agreed upon. And the more they keep themselves protected by their groups, to which they attach themselves based on emotional and psychological similarities and familiarities, the more arrogant they will become in such view of the world while detaching themselves further away from the truth. Life then becomes like an Asylum for souls who are ignorant of their ignorance, deluded in their own shared perceptions, and randomly wondering why the ghosts of their own reflections keep changing shape.”
Dan Desmarques

Dan Desmarques
“For an existential problem to be overcome, it must be experienced in the form of a projected and dramatized dilemma.”
Dan Desmarques, Codex Illuminatus: Quotes & Sayings of Dan Desmarques

Dan Desmarques
“Follow the ones that have once traveled the same path you do, because history repeats itself. In every generation, we have exactly the same kind of people we had in the past, in new stages of expression. The ones that created the television represent now the ones creating the iPad, the one that created the first plane is now like the one making satellites, and the one that once travelled around the unexplored sea, is as the one now traveling around the unexplored space. If you learn from the ones that have done what you do, you can learn much in order to move faster in your field than anyone else.”
Dan Desmarques, Codex Illuminatus: Quotes & Sayings of Dan Desmarques

Dan Desmarques
“Focusing on the need to have an answer to a problem increases that need by attracting more problems that justify it. If we think that the problems are different, in the need to understand them all, they will multiply among themselves. But these problems can all be eliminated with a meditation on the purpose of our existence.”
Dan Desmarques, Codex Illuminatus: Quotes & Sayings of Dan Desmarques

Dan Desmarques
“First, they came for the jews, and you did not speak out because you were not a jew. Then they came for the Muslims, and you did not speak out because you were not a Muslim. Then they came for the Scientologists, the Freemasons, the Rosicrucians, and many other religions and you did not speak out because you were an atheist. Then they came for Julian Assange, Alex Jones, David Icke, and other independent reporters, the writers, the YouTubers, the bloggers, and many others that kept warning you about the truth of what was happening, and you did nothing because you didn't care about the truth and you thought they were all conspiracy theorists. Then they came for you, and there was no one left to speak for you.”
Dan Desmarques, Codex Illuminatus: Quotes & Sayings of Dan Desmarques

Dan Desmarques
“Fear leads to discrimination, discrimination leads to arrogance, arrogance leads to lack of discernment, lack of discernment leads to ignorance, and ignorance isolates the mind and incapacitates the spirit to feel compassion and empathy, and that is the dark side.”
Dan Desmarques, Codex Illuminatus: Quotes & Sayings of Dan Desmarques

Dan Desmarques
“Fear is about knowing all the bad things that can happen to you and still move forward to achieve your goals. The greatest fears are related to humiliation, shame and death. Three thousand years ago, shame, humiliation and death, was about dying in a war and then have the head put in a stick for everyone else to see. One thousand years after, it was about being naked in a cross and left there to die in front of everyone. One thousand and five hundred years after, it was related to burning in a pole after being accused of witchcraft. But, in recent times, it’s just related to losing a job, the family and friends. Humiliation is often related to shame and most people don’t change their life because they fear being ridiculed and despised, even though they don’t face death as much as their ancestors once did. Great leaders make the difference among the majority, by refusing to stop themselves when seeing such reaction in those around them. For example, there was once a kid in Austria that wished to become an artist but was humiliated by his father and mother, ridiculed by his classmates and later on sentenced to jail by his government. However, years later, that person became someone we still tremble when hearing the name - Hitler. There was another one that was persecuted all his life, humiliated even in the day he died and became the most well-known and popular person in the world �� Jesus Christ. Accepting defeat in life and even losing life itself, or facing ridicule from those that are most important to us, and still follow our heart, is part of the path to ultimate victory. Whatever we choose for our fate, challenges can make us stronger and the inner war against fear also.”
Dan Desmarques, Codex Illuminatus: Quotes & Sayings of Dan Desmarques

Dan Desmarques
“Famous means popular and popular means mainstream. Becoming famous always means coming from and towards what is already common. Uniqueness is never famous, expected, needed, and much less, common. To be unique is to be part of an elite — a minority of elevated minds. And one should always rejoice in the differences that differentiate oneself from others, while not disregarding his own humanity, for it is the focus on a higher achievement brought forward by the willingness of the heart, that maintains the soul in its original path. That heart guided will can only be lost when one forgets the passion that led to the present stage of consciousness”
Dan Desmarques, Codex Illuminatus: Quotes & Sayings of Dan Desmarques

Dan Desmarques
“Faith is one of the most important elements of human life. It is with faith that you operate your imagination, then gaining upper control over the physical universe around you. It is with faith that you make plans for the future, endure the pains of seeing them fail, and then regain hope again, by replanning, readjusting towards your goals, in order to finally succeed. It is because of your faith that your life gains a higher meaning, enabling you to endure the most profound of chaos, at a mental, physical, and spiritual level. It is due to faith, that we love. And it is because of faith that we keep our relationships. No relationship was ever made possible without faith. That was not, at the very least, a relationship that could be labeled as a loving one. Because we only associate with those who can become recipients of our faith. That faith then assumes different ramifications, in the form of trust, commitment, realistic expectations, and understanding. Whenever these fundamental branches get broken, faith is lost, and so is the relationship or its meaning. Nothing ever ends before ending faith first. Suicide, depression, despair, and anxiety, among many other forms of mental illnesses and emotional challenges in general, cannot emerge without breaking faith first. And that faith is broken first in our social interactions before being broken within us. We do that by violating our own ethical code. Ultimately, faith connects us as a collective and connects the essence of our soul to the meaning of life. Without faith, nothing makes any sense. But the deepest challenge of faith, is always a karmic one, for the heavier your karma, the more faith you will need to overcome it. The worse the actions of the past — the more against your spiritual integrity and the spiritual integrity of others they are — the thicker will be the layers of your karma. And those layers will manifest too in the physical world, leading into the greatest trap of all, which is the idea that your surroundings and those who compose them make you. They do not. And every glimpse of light in the horizon, in the form of an illusion, shows you that. Because that is what pleasant illusions are for, to give you hope. Because it is thanks to hoping that you rediscover your faith and it is with this renewed faith that you rediscover love. Happiness then could be considered a process, but no process is joyful until you look back at the memories that led you towards success, and no success is meaningful except the one that can be shared. Recognition and admiration are then not a goal in itself, but part of such illusion in which we find ourselves, for it either sink us deeper into thicker layers of karma or propels us outwards, and towards love. The difference is as clear as in seeing with whom we associate ourselves with, for we may be too immersed in a karmic fog to realize that the ones who help us the most are not our enemies, and our enemies may be the ones we consider friends. Upon contemplating these different stages of karmic manifestation, one then understands the need to repent, and becomes humble, and focused on his spiritual freedom before even considering a spiritual growth. When this is consciously seen and accepted, he will feel blessed for the glimpses of light, no matter how delusional, and the ones who despite the inner conflicts caused can lead then to the spiritual freedom they seek. As a man in the dark, those who are blinded by their karma, won’t be able to discern their angels from their demons, but faith in oneself is a good start in that direction.”
Dan Desmarques, Codex Illuminatus: Quotes & Sayings of Dan Desmarques

Dan Desmarques
“Faith allows us to look at the invisible and believe in our desires. For faith and persistence go together, and we cannot keep faith without the persistence that justifies it.”
Dan Desmarques, Codex Illuminatus: Quotes & Sayings of Dan Desmarques

Dan Desmarques
“Explaining something to someone doesn't mean controlling their thoughts in the process. It does mean giving her the opportunity to develop on her own in this learning context.”
Dan Desmarques, Codex Illuminatus: Quotes & Sayings of Dan Desmarques

Dan Desmarques
“Expect changes for bad and worse, but always focus in feeling good about yourself, because even bad changes can lead to better life experiences. The one who vibrates positively, may lose something in life in order to get another thing better; The one that is negative, always goes from bad to worse in his life, no matter how much efforts he makes to change it in a positive way. The main difference in people is that some are aware of it while others live life like they are sleeping and inside a nightmare.”
Dan Desmarques, Codex Illuminatus: Quotes & Sayings of Dan Desmarques

Dan Desmarques
“Evil manifested as confusion, fear, and disease, progressively regresses through an extensive work towards reforming thought in accordance with emotion. That is why art is the supreme therapy, capable of altering anyone.”
Dan Desmarques, Codex Illuminatus: Quotes & Sayings of Dan Desmarques

Dan Desmarques
“Everything we experience in life is mirrored — in and out. What this means is that, whatsoever we see in the physical world, reflects the need to improve its opposite in the inner world. If someone calls me arrogant, it doesn't mean I should be humble, but rather that I need to recognize the limitations of those offending me. If someone betrays me, it doesn't mean I should be more selfish or trust someone else instead, but rather that I should work more towards what I can expect from myself than what I should be expecting from others. If I face loneliness, it doesn't mean I should be more friendly towards others, but rather that I must embrace the blessings coming my way. And, whatsoever we lose, mirrors the potential of something ahead of us.”
Dan Desmarques, Codex Illuminatus: Quotes & Sayings of Dan Desmarques

Dan Desmarques
“Everything we dream, we can be, and everything we can imagine about who we are, we can become, or have been, or are on another plane of a parallel existence. The dream is as real as the illusion of the matter we touch.”
Dan Desmarques, Codex Illuminatus: Quotes & Sayings of Dan Desmarques

Dan Desmarques
“Everything is possible for a self-determined mind.”
Dan Desmarques

Dan Desmarques
“Everything in life requires investment and time is one of the main investments. Even if you have your own business and are able to work from home, you must invest your time in searching for suppliers, clients and opportunities. You will also invest more money to acquire all those things; Money to catch planes for meetings of one hour that can determine a future investment, money to pay for the lunch you don’t have time to cook or for the best doctors that will take care of your health when you can’t for lack of enough time or discipline. You always invest in health, money, food, friends, personal hobbies and happiness, and you lose or win depending on how well you can coordinate everything at the same time. Sometimes you invest too much and other times too less, but you always reap what you sow.”
Dan Desmarques, Codex Illuminatus: Quotes & Sayings of Dan Desmarques

Dan Desmarques
“Everything in life has two sides, but the second one is created by yourself, when you allow the thoughts, actions, and decisions of others, which tend to repeat in a cyclic way, to pull you into that vortex of paradigms that belong to their own world and not yours. It is when you feel the need to answer a question, to explain yourself, or even when you react to what others do to you based on how they make you feel, that you lose your real identity. Ideally, those two sides you keep encountering should always be created or expected by you first.”
Dan Desmarques, Codex Illuminatus: Quotes & Sayings of Dan Desmarques

Dan Desmarques
“Everyone has freewill but few know how to use it wisely. And quite often it is not the unknown that people fear, but the known. You may know that to love someone that can’t love back is a risk, and yet, not giving that person the opportunity to hurt you, means avoiding life and running away from yourself. Trust is almost always the only option one has to choose. But being a fool is to remain in a reality that shows itself unworthy to you after accepting it.”
Dan Desmarques, Codex Illuminatus: Quotes & Sayings of Dan Desmarques

Dan Desmarques
“Every stage of an experience demands a sacrifice: The obtaining of external forms of respect demands the sacrifice of self-respect; the gaining of validation and social acceptance demands the sacrifice of personal values; and the obtaining of wealth beyond common standards demands the sacrifice of aesthetics. Along the way, you are battling between the aspirations of your soul, common sense and paradigms you reject. The decisions are made at every second, at every provocation, at every betrayal and disappointment, denial, offer or alluring proposition. What you take and what you do with it is equally important. But the idea that you are in control of your life is truly an illusion. You can only control how you respond to life and within the framework presented by life itself. If you want to either change the rules of the game or the nature of the challenges, you must change the framework, which in this case means sacrificing the previous framework in which you operated and the identity built within such structure. You can’t change reality without changing yourself, or you will replicate the same reality wherever you go. And so, to a great extent, it is as relevant to be aware of what you can or can’t tolerate, who you are and are not, as it is to have the capacity to change the program behind the projections you observe and observe the meaning of such projections. No change is ever allowed to the one who cannot see what is being projected. Such an individual is a victim of his own ignorance. And that is why so many religious scriptures warn against the dangers of arrogance. For it is when you consider yourself above the projections of your environment that you are crushed by them. Such a secret will always be hidden from the masses for as long as it remains profitable to the ones benefiting from the projections such masses experience.”
Dan Desmarques, Codex Illuminatus: Quotes & Sayings of Dan Desmarques