
Bedtime Quotes

Quotes tagged as "bedtime" Showing 1-30 of 48
Ian Falconer
“Only five books tonight, Mommy," she says.
No, Olivia, just one."
How about four?"
Oh, all right, three. But that's it!”
Ian Falconer, Olivia

Russell Hoban
“There is a tiger in my room,' said Frances.
'Did he bite you?' said Father.
'No,' said Frances.
'Did he scratch you?' said Mother.
'No,' said Frances.
'Then he is a friendly tiger,' said Father. 'He will not hurt you. Go back to sleep.”
Russell Hoban, Bedtime for Frances

Stephen Cosgrove
“You may see all that is around you
But you may feel nothing at all.
So try and close your eyes so tight
And listen to the night time fall.”
Stephen Cosgrove, Kartusch

Katherine Paterson
“In February the weather sometimes gave us a vacation, in August, never. We just got up earlier every morning until finally we met ourselves going to bed.”
Katherine Paterson, Jacob Have I Loved

Russell Hoban
“(Frances has gotten out of bed again and come to her parents' room...)
'How can the wind have a job?' asked Frances.
'Everybody has a job,' said Father.
'I have to go to my office every morning at nine o'clock. That is my job. You have to go to sleep so you can be wide awake for school tomorrow. That is your job.'
Frances said, 'I know, but...'
Father said, 'I have not finished. If the wind does not blow the curtains, he will be out of a job. If I do not go to the office, I will be out of a job. And if you do not go to sleep now, do you know what will happen to you?'
'I will be out of a job?' said Frances.
'No,' said Father.
'I will get a spanking?' said Frances.
'Right!' said Father.
'Good night!' said Frances, and she went back to her room.”
Russell Hoban, Bedtime for Frances

Jim McCann
“So much is yet to come. Soon will be blankets and pillows, and books by the bed to make the stuff of dreams. And then tomorrows.”
Jim McCann, Return of the Dapper Men

Erin Morgenstern
“Bedtime stories
Eventide Rhapsodies
Anthologies of Memory
Please enter cautiously and feel free to open what is closed”
Erin Morgenstern, The Night Circus

Andy Weir
“I'm all wired up, but if I don't go to sleep soon, Rocky will start hassling me. Sheesh- you almost ruin a mission one time and all of a sudden you have an alien-enforced bedtime.”
Andy Weir, Project Hail Mary

Robin Roe
“Then as he's tucking me into bed, he's supposed to ask, How many stars?
On a great day I'm supposed to say nine or ten. But if it was amazing, the best day I ever had, I'm supposed to cheat and say something like ten thousand stars.”
Robin Roe, A List of Cages

Jorge Luis Borges
“Vivimos descubriendo y olvidando
esa dulce costumbre de la noche.
Hay que mirarla bien. Puede ser última.

(Our life is spent discovering and forgetting
that gentle habit of the night.
Take a good look. It could be the last.)”
Jorge Luis Borges, Selected Poems

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Nights can never be real and enjoyable without the croaking of frogs and the chirping of crickets.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Song of a Nature Lover

Carolyn Watson-Dubisch
“The bedtime story is a genius invention. A tiny gift of wonder before you fall asleep.”
Carolyn Watson Dubisch, Fireflies

Melinda K. Trotter
“Toilet paper unrolled and slithered
then wrapped around my tummy.
That paper tried to roll me up
into an Egyptian mummy.”
Melinda K. Trotter, Pixie the Night Watch Cat

Nanette L. Avery
“To book your next dream, read before bed!”
Nanette L. Avery

Anne Frank
“Then the time would come once more when I no longer listened for the steps on the stairs and felt lonely and cried into my pillow every night.”
Anne Frank, The Diary of a Young Girl

Sarah Beth Brazytis
“You said imagination is good," protested Iggy, tumbling off the mattress in alarm. "You said it can take us places we've never been before!"
"Well, the only place you're going now is your own bunk, and you've certainly been there before," Jozef retorted. "Now march!”
Sarah Brazytis, Treasures of Darkness

Lincoln Michel
“I lie in bed most nights, thinking of things.”
Lincoln Michel, Upright Beasts

Joyce Rachelle
“All of life is a continuous state of wonder interrupted by bedtime and light snacks.”
Joyce Rachelle

Timo Pekx
“Nur ein ausgeschlafenes Kind kann den Tag und seine Herausforderungen meistern.”
Timo Pekx, Fluffy, der kleine Fuchs: Auf der Suche nach Schlaf

Timo Pekx
“Only well-rested children can enjoy their day and master any challenges that comes their way.”
Timo Pekx

Steven Magee
“When I would arrive home after a day working at high altitude, I would be extremely fatigued and would collapse in a chair until bedtime. I would wake up feeling hung over.”
Steven Magee

A.D. Aliwat
“The body without wants, leaving the mind to do exactly as it pleases. There’s nothing quite like a properly fluffed pillow.”
A.D. Aliwat, In Limbo

“You are BRAVE.
You are strong.
You are safe.
You are loved.”
Kathleen Davis

“Det dröjer innan jag somnar.
Jag ligger alldeles stilla och lyssnar på nattskogsljuden.
Jag tänker på ingenting medan den där utanför fönstret ser ner på mig. Den är inte arg. Mest nyfiken.
Jag kan känna den. Den undrar vem jag är.
Vad jag är.
Den tänker inte hacka ut mina ögon.”
Anders Fager, Kråkorna

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Each night, your dreams come to inspire you to bring out the magic in your mind.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, The Oneironaut’s Diary

Michael Bassey Johnson
“In dreams, we are students learning how to die.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, The Oneironaut’s Diary

Anyway,’ he said, snapping the cap decisively onto his fountain pen, ‘let's go and see
“Anyway,’ he said, snapping the cap decisively onto his fountain pen, ‘let's go and see what's for tea’. He noticed, surprised, that he had been needing to talk to somebody about what he was doing, and Jessica felt the sleepy gratification of a child who has been told a story.”
Alice Thomas Ellis, The Inn at the Edge of the World

Michael Bassey Johnson
“The night has so much to offer those who live in their he[art].”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Night of a Thousand Thoughts

Michael Bassey Johnson
“The day comes with a few things to ponder on, but the night rains upon the mind a thousand thoughts.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Night of a Thousand Thoughts

“Feeling a bit lazy, are we? No worries, it's just your brain telling you it's time for a power nap! Embrace the sloth life because even the most energetic minds need a break to recalibrate. So, sink into that cozy spot, grab your favorite snack, and let laziness take the wheel for a while. Who knows, you might stumble upon some genius ideas in the process – or at least find a hilarious cat video to watch. Remember, being lazy isn't a crime, it's a lifestyle choice!”
Life is Positive

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