Arousal Quotes

Quotes tagged as "arousal" Showing 31-60 of 63
Edward St. Aubyn
“He found her pretty in a bewildered, washed-out way, but it was her restlessness that aroused him, the quiet exasperation of a woman who longs to throw herself into something significant, but cannot find what it is.”
Edward St. Aubyn, The Patrick Melrose Novels

Fiona Thrust
“He was the kind of man I wanted: wild, hot, horny, and losing control.

And it all pointed back to me, about how much I felt in control of him, with the power of my body.”
Fiona Thrust, Naked and Sexual

Fiona Thrust
“I could feel his whole body trying to claim me, want me, own me in lust, and it made me feel so valuable and wanted. As I was bent over the table, I felt like I was the world to him, and he could think of nothing else, could feel nothing else: he was consumed with my body, dedicated to exploring my female sexual power and energy, and his desperate hitting of me with the belt felt like he would rather die, than be without the chance to connect with me in sex.”
Fiona Thrust, Naked and Sexual

Fiona Thrust
“I heard him sweeping with the broom, and then he suddenly stopped.

I had obviously got his attention, and he was looking.

Take a good look, honey, I thought. Take a good look at what I’m offering.

I liked the sound of that silence. Do you know what I mean? Have you heard that silence yourself?

I love that silence you get, when a man who you fancy notices your body.

In a weird way, it’s so loud, it’s deafening.

It could be because of the way you sway your hips, your legs, or thrust your breasts.

And you just know his erection is talking to him, about what he’d like to do to your body. How he’d like to have his delightfully wicked way with you, undress you, smother your naked skin with hungry urgent kisses, and thrust his hard and moist cock deep inside the pouting red lips of your mouth…

I think you get my drift.

There’s a lovely tension in that moment; I call it the lust moment.

When a sexy man sees what you’ve deliberately put out on offer, and he stops in his steps as his lust lights up his mind, and puts him on a new track.”
Fiona Thrust, Naked and Sexual

Fiona Thrust
“Lust, pure gorgeous lust: the sacred energy that elevates us, and makes us feel so special.”
Fiona Thrust, Naked and Sexual

Eli Easton
“Something hot rolled over in my stomach. It felt like uneasiness that maybe shared a condo wall with terror. And maybe arousal lived a couple of doors down.”
Eli Easton, Blame It on the Mistletoe

Fiona Thrust
“I want you to fuck me, Chris,’ I said, lustfully whispering the words into his ear as he planted kisses on my neck.

His lips were wild and yearning, eagerly devouring me.”
Fiona Thrust, Naked and Sexual

Fiona Thrust
“I thought to myself how we were so wrapped up in this animal act, that he couldn’t care less about his tea shop business, and I couldn’t care less about my job.

That’s real sex that is, real passion: where you abandon all your boringly sensible thoughts, and all that tediously responsible side of yourself, as you give yourself to what you know really matters more, deep in the core of you: frantic sex.”
Fiona Thrust, Naked and Sexual

Larissa Ione
“He’d always prided himself on being more civilized than his brothers, but so much for that; he was becoming aroused in a damned sewer.”
Larissa Ione, Pleasure Unbound

Fiona Thrust
“He was the kind of man I wanted: wild, hot, horny, and losing control.

And it all pointed back to me, about how much I felt in control of him, with the power of my body.

I felt so in control of him; it was dizzying, and intoxicating.”
Fiona Thrust, Naked and Sexual

Fiona Thrust
“He lashed the belt against my ass again, and I was starting to feel like I was some supernatural being that was more than he was. He was just human, but I felt like something from heaven, an angel from the stars, that had come down to grace him with my presence.

How beautiful lust is, when it makes you feel this way. Have you felt this yourself, do you know what I mean?”
Fiona Thrust, Naked and Sexual

Alexis  Hall
“My cock actually sort of staggers like a punch-drunk boxer who doesn’t know when to stay down.”
Alexis Hall, For Real

Lisa Kleypas
“I did dream about you," she confessed.
Derek smoothed his hand over her chestnut hair and brought her head closer to his. "What was I doing in your dreams?" he asked against her lips.
"Chasing me," she admitted in a mortified whisper.
A delicious grin curved his mouth. "Did I catch you?"
Before she could reply his lips were on hers. His mouth twisted gently, his tongue hunting for an intimate taste of her. Closing her eyes, Sara made no protest as he took her wrists in his hands and twined her arms around his neck. He stretched one of his legs out to rest his foot on the seat. Caught in the lee of his powerful thighs, she had no choice but to let her body rest on the hard length of his. Leisurely he fondled and kissed her, wringing succulent delight from every nerve. As he began to slide his hand into her bodice, the thick wool fabric of her gown resisted his efforts. Foiled in his attempt to reach her breasts, he pushed a lock of hair aside and dragged his mouth over her throat. She stiffened, unable to hold back a whimper of pleasure. The carriage swayed and jolted suddenly, forcing their bodies closer with the impact.
Derek felt himself approaching a flashpoint beyond which there was no return. With a tortured groan he pried Sara's voluptuous body away from his and held her away, while he struggled to emerge from a scarlet fog of desire. "Angel," he said hoarsely, nudging her toward the opposite seat. "You... you'd better go over there."
Bemused, Sara nearly toppled to the floor from his gentle push. "But why?"
Derek lowered his head and tunneled his fingers into his black hair. He started as he felt her hand brush the nape of his neck. "Don't touch me," he said, more roughly than he intended. Raising his head, he stared into Sara's perplexed face with a crooked smile. "Sorry," he muttered. "But if you don't move away, sweet, you're going to be lifting your heels for me right here.”
Lisa Kleypas, Dreaming of You

Fiona Thrust
“He pulled my head back further, and I could hear his ragged breathing as his mouth came close to my ear, sounding so desperate for me.

God, I was turned on so much…”
Fiona Thrust, Naked and Sexual

“Consensual intercourse of the minds happens when conversation between two like minded individuals, are brought together by mutually exclusive chemistry in conversation that causes mental arousal & orgasmic stimulation which then produces ideas which provoke conscious thoughts.”
Niedria Dionne Kenny, Love, Lust and Regrets: While the lights were off

Fiona Thrust
“The air felt thick with the feeling between us, like it was filling the room: a room full of our carnal heat, our hot desire for each other.

Both my hands were clenched on the tablecloth, bunching it tightly, as he continued to swipe the belt against my quivering ass cheeks, and I could feel his tight fist yank repeatedly on my hair.”
Fiona Thrust, Naked and Sexual

Pierce Smith
“Cody smiled, and his mouth went dry as Max neared the bed. Max was so close to the camera that first his groin, and then his dick, filled Cody’s screen. So tempting, so near, all right in front of his eyes, but he could not taste or touch. Cody could only moan at the sight. Max sat down on his bed so only his torso remained visible. Cody was silent, holding his breath, enjoying the beauty oozing from Max’s body. Then Max lay back and put his headphones on again. He moaned out loud, making Cody shudder in response.”
Pierce Smith, Bait

Mariyam Hasnain
“You’re in damn so sexy nightgown causing trouble to a man below his belt. Yet you think it’s you who is in trouble.”
Mariyam Hasnain, The Wedding Planner

Lisa Kleypas
“Her fingers slid into his thick hair, exploring his scalp. The scar was a long one. The blow that had caused it must have nearly split his skull open. As she touched his head, she heard his breath catch. "Does it hurt?" she asked, instantly removing her hand.
He shook his head with a short laugh. "I'm afraid you're causing me another kind of pain."
Perplexed, Lara stared into his eyes, and her gaze dropped to his lap. To her mortification, she saw that her innocent touch had aroused him, causing a heavy, unmistakable ridge to strain against his trousers. Lara flushed and jumped back from him.
The remnants of his grin lingered. "Pardon, sweet. A year of celibacy has erased whatever self-control I may have once possessed.”
Lisa Kleypas, Stranger in My Arms

“The Kinsey staff asked questions of children, learning about sexuality in the family. And other psychologists, psychiatrists and paediatricians, including Benjamin Spock, explored this burgeoning field. As a result, it was known that children will naturally touch their genitals to experience a sense of pleasure. It was also known, from working with victims of childhood incest that small children will act in inappropriate sexual ways with adults if they are trained through abuse to do so. The methods used on Cheryl and the other 'lab rats' were meant to create an Alter personality that would both perform and tolerate sexual acts that are only appropriate for consenting adults. More important in their thinking, by limiting the experience to just one personality (ego state), the personality normally seen would behave like any other child who had not been sexually abused in any way.”
Cheryl Hersha, Secret Weapons: How Two Sisters Were Brainwashed to Kill for Their Country

Fiona Thrust
“He handed the dust pan and brush over. I knew they wouldn’t be much use in cleaning the floor. I also knew the real reason he had given them to me: so he could look furtively at me, as I bent over.

That idea turned me on.

I welcomed it, and decided to give him a good look at what he wanted.”
Fiona Thrust, Naked and Sexual

Fiona Thrust
“There we were, filled with pure animal need, as he pinned me to the wooden table, and cruelly whipped my naked bottom; the two of us sweaty and panting, me screaming, him grunting, our primal sexual natures overprinting the tea room’s pretence at gentility, and refinement.”
Fiona Thrust, Naked and Sexual

Belinda McBride
“That's the lovely thing about men, there's no guesswork involved when it comes to arousal.”
Belinda McBride, An Uncommon Whore

Wayne Gerard Trotman
“Ah, fairest maiden, thine beauty doth maketh mine loins stir, and mine cup runneth over.”
Wayne Gerard Trotman, Kaya Abaniah and the Father of the Forest

Gene Stratton-Porter
“The Angel's eyes widened curiously and her lips parted. a deep colour swept into her cheeks. She had intended to arouse him. She had more than succeeded. She was too young to know that in the effort to rouse a man, women frequently kindle fires that they neither can quench or control.”
Gene Stratton-Porter, Freckles

“But many more daughters of distant fathers are unable to reach orgasm, or achieve it with consistency with any man. Indeed these daughters have the most trouble in bed: for them, affection and arousal are synonymous with rejection.”
Victoria Secunda, Women and Their Fathers: The Sexual and Romantic Impact of the First Man in Your Life

Fiona Thrust
“The thought went through my mind that we should film ourselves in our sexual act, and project our frenzied copulation permanently onto the walls of the tea-room, as a lesson to wake up the boring people who drank tea here, and to show them what life was really all about.”
Fiona Thrust, Naked and Sexual

Stephanie Laurens
“Patience's breath caught. Her lids fell. Wordlessly, she lifted her face, offering her lips.
He took them, took her- as their lips fused, Patience felt his hands slide lower, deliberately tracing the ripe hemispheres of her bottom. He filled his hands, then kneaded- heat spread, prickling over her skin, leaving it fevered. Cupping her firm flesh, he molded her to him, easing her deeper into the V of his braced thighs.
She felt the evidence of his desire, felt the hard, heavy, throbbing reality pressed against her soft belly. He held her there, senses fully awake, fully aware, for one achingly intense instant, then his tongue slowly surged, thrusting deep into the softness of her mouth.
Patience would have gasped, but she couldn't. The evocative caress, his unhurried possession of her mouth, sent heat rolling through her. It pooled, hot and heavy, in her loins. As the kiss drew her in, drew her deeper, a heady languor spread, weighting her limbs, slowing her senses.
But not muting them.
She was achingly aware. Aware of the hardness that surrounded her, of the steely flex of hard muscle about her. Of her tightly furled nipples pressed hard to the wall of his chest; of the softness of her thighs held intimately against him. Of the relentless, driving passion he ruthlessly held back.
That last was a temptation, but one so potently, preeminently dangerous not even she dared prod it.
Not yet. There were other things she'd yet to learn.”
Stephanie Laurens, A Rake's Vow

Lisa Kleypas
“Did I hurt you?" she managed to ask, recalling how she had inadvertently pushed on his wounded shoulder. "Does it ache this morning?"
Leo hesitated before replying, "No, it eventually eased after you left. But the devil knows it wouldn't take much to start up again."
Catherine was overcome with remorse. "I'm so sorry. Should we put a poultice on it?"
"A poultice?" he repeated blankly. "On my... oh. We're talking about my shoulder?"
She blinked in confusion. "Of course we're talking about your shoulder. What else would we be discussing?"
"Cat..." Leo looked away from her. To her surprise, there was a tremor of laughter in his voice. "When a man is aroused and left unsatisfied, he usually aches for a while afterward."
He gave her a speaking glance.
"You mean..." A wild blush raced over her as she finally understood. "Well, I don't care if you ache there, I was only concerned about your wound!"
"It's much better," Leo assured her, his eyes bright with amusement. "As for the other ache-"
"This has nothing to do with me," she said hastily.
"I beg to differ.”
Lisa Kleypas, Married by Morning

Connie Mason
“Oh, Rob, ye're alive!" Elspeth put both arms around his neck and hugged him close. "I was afeard ye were gone, but ye're alive!"
"Aye, lass," he said with a sinful grin. "Completely alive."
She was suddenly aware of the hardness of his groin against her belly and pulled back away from him.”
Connie Mason, Sins of the Highlander