
Ares Quotes

Quotes tagged as "ares" Showing 1-30 of 39
Rick Riordan
“Two hundred Romans, and no one’s got a pen? Never mind!"

He slung his M16 onto his back and pulled out a hand grenade. There were many screaming Romans. Then the hand grenade morphed into a ballpoint pen, and Mars began to write.

Frank looked at Percy with wide eyes. He mouthed: Can your sword do grenade form?

Percy mouthed back, No. Shut up.”
Rick Riordan, The Son of Neptune

Rick Riordan
“Nothing like watching your relatives fight, I always say.”
Rick Riordan, The Lightning Thief

Rick Riordan
“The Council agrees," Zeus said. "Percy Jackson, you will have one gift from the gods."
I hesitated. "Any gift?"
Zeus nodded grimly. "I know what you will ask. The greatest gift of all. Yes, if you want it, it shall be yours. The gods have not bestowed this gift on a mortal hero in many centuries, but, Perseus Jackson-if you wish it-you shall be made a god. Immortal. Undying. You shall serve as your father's lieutenant for all time."
I stared at him, stunned. "Um...a god?"
Zeus rolled his eyes. "A dimwitted god, apparently. But yes. With the consensus of the entire Council, I can make you immortal. Then I will have to put up with you forever."
"Hmm," Ares mused. "That means I can smash him to a pulp as often as I want, and he'll just keep coming back for more. I like this idea.”
Rick Riordan, The Last Olympian

Rick Riordan
“You're pretty smug, Lord Ares, for a guy who runs from Cupid statues.”
Rick Riordan, The Lightning Thief

Rick Riordan
“Athena called, "Annabeth Chase, my own daughter."
Annabeth squeezed my arm, then walked forward and knelt at her mother's feet.
Athena smiled. "You, my daughter, have exceeded all expectations. You have used your wits, your strength, and your courage to defend this city, and our seat of power. It has come to our attention that Olympus is...well, trashed. The Titan lord did much damage that will have to be repaired. We could rebuild it by magic, of course, and make it just as it was. But the gods feel that the city could be improved. We will take this as an opportunity. And you, my daughter, will design these improvements."
Annabeth looked up, stunned. "My...my lady?"
Athena smiled wryly. "You are an architect, are you not? You have studied the techniques of Daedalus himself. Who better to redesign Olympus and make it a monument that will last for another eon?"
"You mean...I can design whatever I want?"
"As your heart desires," the goddess said. "Make us a city for the ages."
"As long as you have plenty of statues of me," Apollo added.
"And me," Aphrodite agreed.
"Hey, and me!" Ares said. "Big statues with huge wicked swords and-"
All right!" Athena interrupted. "She gets the point. Rise, my daughter, official architect of Olympus.”
Rick Riordan, The Last Olympian

Rick Riordan
“Wait just a minute," Ares growled. He pointed at Thalia and me. "These two are dangerous. It'd be much safer, while we've got them here—"
"Ares," Poseidon interrupted, "they are worthy heroes. We will not blast my son to bits."
"Nor my daughter," Zeus grumbled. "She has done well.”
Rick Riordan, The Titan’s Curse

Rick Riordan
“Fear can’t be reasoned with. Neither can hate. They’re like love. They’re almost identical emotions. That’s why Ares and Aphrodite like each other. Their twin sons – Fear and Panic – were spawned from both war and love.”
Rick Riordan, The Blood of Olympus

Larissa Ione
“It wasn't a kiss, human, so don't get excited."

She sputtered in outrage. "I don't know what putting your lips on someone else's mouth means for your people - whatever they are - but humans call that a kiss."

"Congratulations, then. You made out with a hellhound.”
Larissa Ione, Eternal Rider

Larissa Ione
“Reseph tried to convince one of my vamps to slip an aphrodisiac into my drink."

"Ares is quite fond of the orc-weed," Vulgrim called out from the kitchen, and yeah, there was a set of chains in the dungeon with his name on them.

Limos scowled. "What did your demon say?"

"Nothing," Ares muttered.”
Larissa Ione, Eternal Rider

“For Ares, lord of strife,
Who doth the swaying scales of battle hold,
War’s money-changer, giving dust for gold,
Sends back, to hearts that held them dear,
Scant ash of warriors, wept with many a tear,
Light to the hand, but heavy to the soul;
Yea, fills the light urn full
With what survived the flame—
Death’s dusty measure of a hero’s frame!”
aeschylus, Agamemnon
tags: ares, war

“Her heart raced with joy to sleep with War”
Homer, The Odyssey by Homer

Rick Riordan
“I am happy to crush my enemies underfoot, but I don't fight without reason. I don't want war without end.”
Rick Riordan, The Son of Neptune

Rick Riordan
“Ares’s power was causing my anger. He’d love it if I attacked. I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction.”
Rick Riordan, The Lightning Thief

Monica Burns
“Afraid?" he growled, irritated she could affect his senses so easily. "No," she snapped. "Not even just a little?”
Monica Burns, Assassin's Honor
tags: ares, emma

Ariana Godoy
“Tú eres... mi bruja. La chica que me hechizó, que me hace querer ser diferente, intentar cosas nuevas que asustan, pero que, por ti, valen la pena.”
Ariana Godoy, A través de mi ventana

Rick Riordan
“War is a duty,' Mars continued. 'The only real choice is whether you accept it, and what you fight for.”
Rick Riordan, The Son of Neptune

Rick Riordan
“And NONE of you noticed?” The Ares campers developed a sudden interest in their combat boots.”
Rick Riordan, The Last Olympian

Rick Riordan
“As thick-headed as he is, Ares has a point.”
“Right!” Ares said. “Hey, wait a minute. Who you callin’—”
He started to get up, but a grape vine grew around his waist like a seat belt and pulled him back down.”
Rick Riordan, The Titan’s Curse

Ariana Godoy
“Tú me haces sentir y no quiero hacerlo.”
Ariana Godoy, A través de mi ventana

Rick Riordan
“The book was The Art of War by Sun Tzu. Percy had never heard of it, but he could guess who sent it. The letter read: Good job, kid. A real man’s best weapon is his mind. This was your mom’s favorite book. Give it a read. P.S.—I hope your friend Percy has learned some respect for me.
“Wow.” Percy handed back the book. “Maybe Mars is different than Ares. I don’t think Ares can read.”
Rick Riordan, The Son of Neptune

Monica Burns
“Do you wish me to continue my demonstration?"
"Of what? You ability to control my physical movements or your unwanted attentions?" She returned his glare as she deliberately wiped her hand across her mouth. His eyes narrowed. "I don't recall you protesting too loudly," he snapped.”
Monica Burns
tags: ares, emma

Rick Riordan
“I love it," Ares said. "Is this Corinthian leather?"
"Mortal skin, actually," Hephaestus said.
Ares got teary-eyes. "This is the nicest gift...I—I can't even...”
Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson's Greek Gods

Monica Burns
“Look, if I don't let Ewan in, he's going to call the police."
"Answer it," he rasped with a harsh resolve. "But when he's gone, you're coming with me, Emma. Count on it."
"Go to hell," she snapped in a breathy whisper as the doorbell rang again.”
Monica Burns
tags: ares, emma

Rick Riordan
“I said warfare and wisdom," Athena explained. "I'll oversee the kind of combat that requires planning, craftiness, and high intelligence. You can still be in charge of the stupid, bloody, 'manly man' aspects of war."

"Oh, all right," said Ares. Then he frowned. "Wait...what?
Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson's Greek Gods

Rick Riordan
“Up in Thrace, in the northern islands where Ares was raised, mortals worshipped him in the form of a sword. Maybe they painted a smiley face on the blade and called it Mr. Ares. I'm not sure.”
Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson's Greek Gods
tags: ares, humor

“all is fair in love and war but war must bow down to love eventually”

“Your only responsibility will be to survive, to grow so strong that your people are safe, that they need not fear the reapers in the night. To ensure that Humanity Prevails.”
Xander Boyce, Advent

Rick Riordan
“I stepped into the surf. “Fight me yourself, Ares.”
He laughed, but I heard a little edge to his laughter… an uneasiness. “You've only got one talent, kid, running away. You ran from the Chimera. You ran from the Underworld. You don't have what it takes.”
Rick Riordan, The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #1)

Rick Riordan
“If you only do easy, light, peaceful things, in the end, disappointment is all you'll get. But if you take the hard path—well, that's how you can taste the sweet rewards. Responsibility. Sacrifice. That's what truly matters.”
Rick Riordan, The Son of Neptune

“Je me demande quelle qualité tu peux bien avoir pour que nous acceptions de te remettre notre fils, Antéros, à Aphrodite la Céleste et à moi, Arès, Fléau des hommes, assène-t-il avec toute l’autorité possible. Antéros est l’un de nos cinq enfants bien-aimés, tendre et vicieux tout à la fois.”
Liv Stone, Insoumise Méroé

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