
Animal Abuse Quotes

Quotes tagged as "animal-abuse" Showing 1-14 of 14
“One's interest or need does not annul other's right.”
Al-Hafiz B.A. Masri, Islamic Concern for Animals

Cleveland Amory
“The people that set one animal against another haven't the guts to be bullies themselves. They're just secondhand cowards.”
Cleveland Amory

“All animals understand love and affection, but only man shows the propensity to place himself into the shoes of another life form”
The Cruxshadows

No one with an ounce of empathy could fail to be appalled by the distressing
“No one with an ounce of empathy could fail to be appalled by the distressing footage – taken on fur farms in Finland, Sweden, the
US, and other so-called “high-welfare” countries – of foxes, rabbits, minks, and other animals who were left to suffer in filthy wire cages with untreated wounds, injuries, and even missing limbs, sometimes alongside the rotting corpses of other animals.
These frightened, distressed animals often mutilate themselves and their cagemates before their short lives come to an end through painful anal electrocution, neck-breaking, drowning, gassing, or strangulation.”
Mimi Bekhechi

Mehmet Murat ildan
“We use horses as our slaves; we chain dogs; we steal eggs from the chickens, honey from the bees; we make wallets out of crocodiles; we imprison the birds; we torture the bulls in the arenas; we whip the lions and beat the tigers in the circuses! What are we? Definitely not ethical creatures!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Mango Wodzak
“I've seen cases on the Internet, of a dog being locked in a car for several hours and comments from people so enraged, that they threaten physical violence toward the perpetrator; some even crying out for the owners to be faced with the death penalty! These self same people will likely not think twice about the animals on their plates. In fact, they usually react more strongly toward such events (dogs locked in cars) than do most vegans. The often unconsidered, deep seated reasoning behind their indignation, is to draw away attention from their own wrong doings toward animals, and focus it elsewhere. If they shout loud enough, perhaps people won't notice that they themselves, are behind far worse animal treatment!”
Mango Wodzak, Destination Eden - Eden Fruitarianism Explained

“On the one hand, it is said that the animals are so unlike us that they are not worthy of our consideration. On the other hand, vivisectors claim that animals are so like us that they are essential to research. In these conflicting statements we see a researcher's own confusion as to the genuine nature of his "subjects," and their nature in relation to this own.”
Marjorie Spiegel, The Dreaded Comparison: Human and Animal Slavery

“The most evil offence is the one that repaints the way you view humanity.”
Tanja Kobasic - Make Them Scream

There is no kind way to rip the skin off animals' backs. Anyone who wears
“There is no kind way to rip the skin off animals' backs. Anyone who wears any fur shares the blame for the torture and gruesome deaths of millions of animals each year.”
Natalie Imbruglia

“Married couples who talk about having children worry about changing messy diapers. Couples who have children just change messy diapers without thinking twice about it. Small problems have a way of shrinking to nothing when you love someone.”
Philip Gonzalez and Leonore Fleischer

“At the West Edmonton Mall in Alberta, the dolphins developed stress-induced ulcers. Shopping malls are enough to drive most individuals insane, given enough time spent in them. For Edmonton’s dolphins, though, there was no escape. Every day was the same. Shows were performed twice a day. The water tanks never got any larger. The light always remained artificial. The crowds of shoppers never stopped coming. The enervating elevator music never stopped playing. So it was hardly surprising that all four of the mall’s dolphins suffered from stress-related afflictions.”
Jason Hribal, Fear of the Animal Planet: The Hidden History of Animal Resistance

Crystal Cestari
“I've never understood the appeal of fur nor how it became such a status symbol. "Look at me and my financial ability to wear an animal carcass on my back! Huzzah!" Gross.”
Crystal Cestari, The Best Kind of Magic

“If you or I were to see somebody in the street beating a dog, and we said “please don’t beat your dog,” but he carried on beating the dog, we would have to use some force—which could be defined as violence—to stop that from happening. Now would that be wrong? I’d say of course it wouldn’t. And I don’t see the difference, in moral terms, between someone beating their dog in the street and somebody torturing an animal in a laboratory.
~ Ronnie Lee”
Jon Hochschartner, The Animals' Freedom Fighter: A Biography of Ronnie Lee, Founder of the Animal Liberation Front

“The excuse given by some intellectuals that the killing of animals will help in balancing the ecological balance is dim-witted because of the other and non-violent alternatives available. Yet again, if the population were to be manipulated by slaughtering, remember that humans are the first species needed to be controlled.”
Shivanshu K. Srivastava