
Aiden St Delphi Quotes

Quotes tagged as "aiden-st-delphi" Showing 1-25 of 25
Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Then I should be relieved to know what I was told an hour ago is false. It wasn't you who yanked a girl--by her hair--out of chair in the common lounge area.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, Half-Blood

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Then he leaned forward and rested his cheek against mine. Hot tingles spread through me as his lips moved against my ear. "You should tell me to stop."

I didn't say a word.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, Half-Blood

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“By the way," Aiden said casting me a long look that had me totally forgetting the seriousness of our mission. "You look damn good in a Sentinel uniform."

A hot flush that had nothing to do with embarrassment spread over me. "So do you."

"I know.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, Apollyon

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“I feel it in here," she said, placing her hand against her chest and then against her stomach, "and here. It’s like there’s not enough air or room inside me. That I may… burst out of my skin or drown in it, and that wouldn’t be a bad thing. I don’t know why I feel this way, but I always have… and will." She tipped her chin up and her entire face was a rosy color. "It’s you. I… I love you.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, Elixir

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Apollo had said he knew what this kind of love was capable of. And I finally understood why Paris had risked his country and his blood for Helen. Selfish, yes, but I understood. I would burn the world if that meant Alex would be safe.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, Elixir

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“It was him—Aiden St. Delphi.
I’d never forget his name or face. The first time I’d caught a glimpse of him standing in front of the training arena, a ridiculous crush had sprung alive. I’d been fourteen and he seventeen. The fact he was a pure-blood hadn’t mattered whenever I’d spotted him around campus.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, Half-Blood

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Aiden has gone Rambo on us.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, Elixir

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“It's just... wow, I'm happy for you. I think this is great. Its love- the real kind you make sacrifices for. The kind where you scream 'screw it' to everyone else. That's envy-worthy.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, Elixir

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“I swore to you that I wouldn't let that happen, and I know I've failed you, but I'm not going to just give up, Alex. I'll never give up on you.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, Elixir

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Apollo had changed Hyacinth into a flower to protect him. I would give Alex back control so she could protect herself instead of making the decision for her. That's how we were different from the gods.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, Elixir

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“To love is not weak. Love is the strongest thing there is.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, Apollyon

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“That's not what this is." I stared at Apollo, but damn, that globe fascinated him. "If there's going to be a god gunning for my butt -"
"It is a nice butt," Aiden murmured as he studied the toes of his boots. A small grin was on his face.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, Apollyon

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Lowering my chin, I sighed. What my Seth wanted, I wanted, but... daimons? I rubbed my hands on my bent knees and sighed again - louder, like a petulant child.
Aiden's back twisted as he turned his head. "What, Alex?"
"Nothing," I mumbled.
"There's something." He leaned back, tipping his head against the bar. "You have that tone."
I frowned at the wall. "What tone?"
"The 'I have something I want to say but I shouldn't' tone" A little bit of humor seeped into his voice. "I'm well familiar with it."
Well... damn.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, Apollyon

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Aiden smirked. "Wonder what this one is called?"
The hellhound's ears twitched as the massive body lowered preparing for attack. I slid my hand to the middle of the blade, feeling my heart pound and the adrenaline kick my system into overdrive. In the pit of my stomach, the cord started to unravel.
I swallowed. "Let's call this one... Toto."
Three mouths opened in a growl that sent a cold chill down my spine, and a wave of hot, fetid breath smacked into us. Bile burned the back of my throat.
"I guess it doesn't like the name," I said, moving slowly to the right.
Aiden's powerful body tensed. "Here, Toto..." One head snapped in his direction. "That's a good Toto."
I slipped around the ancient cross, creeping up on the hellhound from the right. The middle and left head focused on me, snapping and growlying.
Aiden clucked his tongue. "Come on, Toto, I'm pretty tasty.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, Apollyon

“B-b-but who will I have cleaning marathons with?”

“Casey. I’ll be there in spirit.”

“She’s not neurotic and cranky like you.”

“You’ll miss that, ay?”

“Hell yes, I’ll miss that! When you’re obsessive and pissy, you tell those floors who’s boss. They won’t shine like that when Casey scrubs them. And don’t get me started on our Covenant Series discussions. The girl thinks Alex should pick Seth. Seth, Em. How can I clean with someone who isn’t Team Aiden? It’s like...madness. Madness on Earth. The fucking apocalypse—”

“Whitney,” I chuckled, squeezing her tighter, “I assure you, you’ll survive. The second she starts running her mouth about Aiden, just spray her with bleach. That’ll teach her a lesson.”

-Emma and Whitney”
Rachael Wade, Love and Relativity

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Aiden was gone. Like Caleb, but in a different way. I'd lost both of them.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, Pure

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“That’s okay,” Apollo replied, smiling at him in a wholly creepy' hide your kids' kind of way. “When you least expect it, I’m going to turn you into a a pink flower that smells like cat pee.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“I jerked my hand back and looked up, horrified. “The ground feels like skin!”
A slow smile crept onto Hades’ face. “Zeus got bored with the whole rock and eagle bit.”
Rock and eagle bit...? Then it hit me. “Prometheus?”
“You’re standing on him,” Hades remarked.
My stomach turned. “Oh gods, I think I’m going to vomit.”
“Perfect,” the god said.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Hissettiklerimi hissetmeme asla izin verilmemesinden korkuyorum.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, Deity

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Alex, stop staring at me and do some cardio.” He flipped another page. I blinked. “I hope that book of yours is on charm and personality skills.” ~ Aiden & Alex”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, Half-Blood

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“—No quiero saber sobre el amor.
—Pero deberías, hija mía. Tienes que saber sobre el amor. Las cosas que la gente haría por amor. Todas las verdades se acaban reduciendo al amor ¿verdad? De una forma u otra lo hacen. Sabes, hay una diferencia entre amor y necesidad. A veces, lo que sientes es inmediato y sin ton ni son —se sentó un poco más recta—. Dos personas se miran desde el otro lado de una habitación o se rozan la piel. Sus almas reconocen a esa persona como suya. No hace falta tiempo para adivinarlo. El alma siempre sabe…
si está bien o mal.
—El primero… el primero es siempre el más poderoso —cerró los ojos, suspirando— Luego hay necesidad y destino. Ese es otro tipo. La necesidad se disfraza de
amor, pero la necesidad… la necesidad nunca es amor. Ten siempre cuidado de quien te necesita. Siempre hay un querer tras una necesidad, sabes.
—A veces confundiréis necesidad con amor. Tened cuidado. El camino con necesidad nunca es justo, nunca es bueno. Tened cuidado de quien necesita.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, Pure

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Who’s Josie?” Alex asked, confused.

“Uh . . .” I looked over at Deacon. “You want to do the honors? I know how much you love awkward conversations.”

A wide smile broke out across his face. “Of course, especially when I’m not the center of the awkwardness.”

Luke snorted.

“So!” Deacon clapped his hands together as he faced Alex and Aiden. “Did you guys happen to notice a certain girl out on the quad when you did your magic doorway thing?”

Aiden glanced at Alex. She raised a shoulder. “There were a lot of people out there that I hadn’t seen before.” She paused. “I noticed Boobs, though.”

I slowly shook my head.

“Um, that’s not who I’m talking about. Anyway,” Deacon said, his gray eyes light. “She’s pretty tall. Well, taller than you and everyone is practically taller than you, Alex. Has long blondish-brown hair. Kind of weird hair.”

“Awesome hair,” Luke added.

Alexander frowned silently.

“She does. It’s like an array of colors. One moment it looks completely blonde. The next it’s long brown and then it changes again. It’s very cool,” Deacon continued, and I had to agree with him on that. “And when you see her, you’re going to think, wow, this girl looks familiar. You won’t be able to put a finger on it at first, but it’s going to nag at you and then, when it hits you, you’ll—”

“Deacon,” Aiden warned. “Who is Josie?”

His brother pouted for a second and then sighed. “Fine. She’s a demigod. Like, a born demigod. Powers unlocked and all, and she’s super-cool and really nice.” His gaze slid over to where I stood and his expression turned sly. “Isn’t that right, Seth?”

I eyed him. “Right.”

“You’re forgetting the best part.” Solos walked past the couch, sending me a long look. “Which god she came from.”

Aiden seemed to get what wasn’t being said first. His eyes closed as he rubbed his fingers along his brow. “Gods.”

“What?” Alex looked at him and then at me. “Whose kid is she?”

“Apollo’s,” Deacon answered, his smile going up a notch when Alex’s gaze flew to him. “Yep. Josie is Apollo’s daughter.”

Her mouth dropped open.

“And that kind of makes you and her cousins? I guess?” Luke frowned. “I don’t know what exactly, but it does make you two related. Somehow. I don’t know how, but she does have some of your mannerisms. It gets really weird sometimes.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, The Power

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Sirens blasted, breaking the silence and spinning me around. The shrill sound was all too familiar, and I snapped into action. Vicious excitement replaced the restlessness, and I knew just how screwed up that was, but right then? Oh yeah, I could use a fight. Yesterday in the quad had been child’s play.

Grabbing the Glock loaded with titanium bullets, I hooked it into the holster and fit it around my thigh. I snatched the daggers off the dresser and headed out the door, not even bothering with grabbing a shirt.

I came to a complete stop as Josie’s door swung open.

What in the holy fuck were Alex and Josie doing together? For just a few seconds, the three of us were literally frozen, staring at each other as the sirens blared overhead.

And then Alex broke the silence.

“Really?” she said dryly, eyeing me with a smirk. “You’re going to fight with the awesomeness of your six-pack as a weapon?”

I arched a brow. “Yeah, you know, I was going to test out the whole abs of steel theory thing. The gun attached to my thigh and the daggers in my hands are just props. Mainly for show. Don’t want to take away from the gloriousness that is my body, though.”

Her smirk flipped into a grin. “Whatever.” She started forward. Up ahead, a tall figure stepped out in the hall, and light glinted off the titanium daggers in his hands. Aiden. Of course their room had to be close to mine.

Of. Course.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, The Power

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“How did he do that?” Alex stumbled to her feet with Aiden’s aid, swaying to one side. Both looked okay. “How did he do that?”

I didn’t answer, because I didn’t know how Seth had tapped into all of us without even touching us.

My gaze finally fell on Solos. “Oh gods,” I whispered, quickly averting my gaze. What Atlas had whispered in my dream the night before had also been right. Dig a grave.

He was . . . I closed my eyes, biting down on my lower lip until I tasted blood. Pain opened in my chest, overshadowing the physical aches that bit and chewed at me.

Solos was gone.

Him falling had tipped Seth over an edge, a very precarious edge I hadn’t even realized he’d been teetering on this . . . this entire time.

I was numb, sitting between where Seth had fallen and where Solos lay. This scent of death was different than what followed the shades. This . . . this was heavier, more real.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, The Power

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“She wasn’t the only one who was overjoyed.

Deacon had launched himself at Aiden—Aiden saintly St. Delphi—nearly knocking him backward, over a fallen pure. The brothers hugged, oblivious to those fighting around them. Other than their eyes, they absolutely had nothing in common.

Which was why I liked Deacon.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, The Power