
Aesthetic Quotes

Quotes tagged as "aesthetic" Showing 1-30 of 81
Jello Biafra
“Don't hate the media; become the media.”
Jello Biafra, Become the Media

James Joyce
“The mystery of esthetic like that of material creation is accomplished. The artist, like the god of the creation, remains within or behind or beyond or above his handiwork, invisible, refined out of existence, indifferent, paring his fingernails.”
James Joyce, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

“Man's first expression, like his first dream, was an aesthetic one. Speech was a poetic outcry rather than a demand for communication. Original man, shouting his consonants, did so in yells of awe and anger at his tragic state, at his own self-awareness and at his own helplessness before the void.”
Barnett Newman

Harold Bloom
“Pragmatically, aesthetic value can be recognized or experienced, but it cannot be conveyed to those who are incapable of grasping its sensations and perceptions. To quarrel on its behalf is always a blunder.”
Harold Bloom

Laura Chouette
“We were never supposed to be in love; for everything that exists inside a heart eventually dies.”
Laura Chouette, Profound Reverie

Debasish Mridha
“How easy it is
to love someone
who is like a blooming flower.”
Debasish Mridha

Laura Chouette
“We always hide something of ourselves whenever we create something.”
Laura Chouette

Laura Chouette
“I can not be a part of myself -
for everything that creates my soul
incompletes my heart.”
Laura Chouette

Christian Baloga
“The difference between a flower and a weed is perspective.”
Christian Baloga

Laura Chouette
“What we outlive
becomes our cage
Laura Chouette

Laura Chouette
“A reverie is one soul's river -
a word is one heart's vein.”
Laura Chouette

“Great beauty can be found in harmonious contrast variations, and brief uses of extremes.


Laura Chouette
“For we've all carried too much -
maybe that's why,
when we lay down something,
it feels like everything is leaving, and yet -
too much remains.”
Laura Chouette

John Cowper Powys
“Children's aesthetic sense is a deep half-animal feeling and when it is outraged it leaves a wound behind it that never quite heals up.”
John Cowper Powys, Weymouth Sands

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Most people want beautiful things merely to impress others.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Stanley Kubrick
“I've got a peculiar weakness for criminals and artists, neither takes life as it is. Any tragic story has to be in conflict with things as they are.”
Stanley Kubrick

Laura Chouette
“I dared to dance along broken lines
and I cut myself once again -
only to rewrite your words with meaning.”
Laura Chouette

Laura Chouette
“While we keep on dancing
our souls delicately embrace.”
Laura Chouette, Profound Reverie

Mohammad Hafiz Ganie
“Blinking and it's dripping, the wet eyes
The cold tears or foggy breath
Pitter patter, but the melting one
The deafening silence, shining

My amusement, my curtains
The cold, behind the landscape
The conscious of aftermath
Missing, night lamp lighting

A symbolic gesture, raising my arm
My bewilderment, this work done
The cost of life, my uneven quilts
These slurks of cold air, slowly entering

By and by grabbed, a handful of curtain
Failed to judge, the end of same
Eventually, discovered the light
Flashing my eyes, my un-dilated pupil

The pane partiality covered, but visible
The range of Bimar Narsar, like a bride
It's blanket of white, flashing everywhere
It's been snowing throughout the dark”
Mohammad Hafiz Ganie, No Book: Some Forsaken Words

Laura Chouette
“You can not create something without love and expect it to be great.”
Laura Chouette

Eve Ainsworth
“give me the light ; please take away the dark.”
Eve Ainsworth, Tender

Emily Bearn
“Hidden in the broom cupboard of Rose Cottage are two grand gates that lead to the loveliest little house you've ever seen. Nutmouse Hall. Shh, don't tell anyone... No one knows it's there...not even Arthur and Lucy who live in Rose Cottage.

This is the home of Tumtum and Nutmeg...”
Emily Bearn

Sara Desai
“If he was a car he'd be a Lamborghini Huracán Evo," Zara mused. "Pure combustive drama, traffic-stopping looks, and a wild, unfettered soul hidden beneath sensational styling." Zara loved sports cars, not only for their mouthwatering designs but also for the speeds that could take her breath away. "I think he has hidden depths. If he wasn't so grumpy, he'd be intriguing.”
Sara Desai, The Singles Table

Alastair Reynolds
“... shown beneath the map of the galaxy - was an outrageous confection of a planet: a striped marshmallow giant with a necklace of sugary rings, combed and braided by the resonant forces of a dozen glazed and candied moons.”
Alastair Reynolds, House of Suns

“You don't fail in life because you don't have a good job,
because you don't have the car or house of your dreams,
because you can't buy that outfit, that shoe
or for not doing that aesthetic procedure.
You fail in life only if you consider
that not to achieve these things is to fail in life.”
Augusto Branco

Cliff Jones Jr.
“It was something of a stylistic experiment, pushing the time-tested vaporwave aesthetic more toward stained glass and dark wood.”
Cliff Jones Jr., Dreck

“Just to think that you are killing an animal to eat, just the very idea, is unaesthetic.

I am not against it because the animal is killed... because that which is essential in the animal will live, it cannot be killed, and that which is nonessential, whether you kill it or not, is going to die. So that is irrelevant, that is not a point for me to consider.

The question is not that you have killed the animal and killing is not good, no. The question is that you have killed the animal -- you. Just to eat? While beautiful vegetarian food is available? If vegetarian food is not available, that's one thing. But the food IS available. Then why? Then why destroy a body? And if you can kill an animal, then why not be a cannibal? What is wrong with killing a man? The meat derived from a human body will be more in tune with you. Why not start eating human beings? That too is a question of aesthetics.

And the animals are brothers and sisters, because man has come from them. They are our family. To kill a man is only to kill an evolved animal, or to kill an animal is just to kill somebody who is not yet evolved but is on the way. It is the same. Whether you kill the child when he is in the first grade or whether you kill the young man when he has come to his last grade in the university, it does not make much difference. The animals are moving towards human beings, and human beings had once been animals.”
Osho, The Diamond Sutra: The Buddha Also Said...

Jhumpa Lahiri
“We don't live in a world in which a cover can reflect the sense and style of the book. Today more than ever the cover shoulders an additional weight. Its function is more commercial than aesthetic. It succeeds or fails in the market.”
Jhumpa Lahiri, The Clothing of Books: An Essay

Dan       Brown
“I'm trapped in a Salvador Dali painting”
Dan Brown, The Da Vinci Code

Dana Gioia
“Aesthetic pleasure needs no justification, because a life without such pleasure is one not worth living.”
Dana Gioia, Can Poetry Matter?: Essays on Poetry and American Culture

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