
Add Quotes

Quotes tagged as "add" Showing 1-30 of 52
Shannon L. Alder
“It is growing up different. It is extreme hypersensitivity. It is a bottomless pit of feeling you're failing, but three days later, you feel you can do anything, only to end the week where you began. It is not learning from your mistakes. It is distrusting people because you have been hurt enough. It is moments of knowing your pain is self inflicted, followed by blaming the world. It is wanting to listen, but you just can’t anymore because your life has been to full of people that have judged you. It is fighting to be right; so for once in your life someone will respect and hear you for a change. It is a tiring life of endless games with people, in order to seek stimulus. It is a hyper focus, so intense about what bothers you, that you can’t pay attention to anything else, for very long. It is a never-ending routine of forgetting things. It is a boredom and lack of contentment that keeps you running into the arms of anyone that has enough patience to stick around. It wears you out. It wears everyone out. It makes you question God’s plan. You misinterpret everything, and you allow your creative mind to fill the gaps with the same old chains that bind you. It narrows your vision of who you let into your life. It is speaking and acting without thinking. It is disconnecting from the ones you love because your mind has taken you back to what you can’t let go of. It is risk taking, thrill seeking and moodiness that never ends. You hang your hope on “signs” and abandon reason for remedy. It is devotion to the gifts and talents you have been given, that provide temporary relief. It is the latching onto the acceptance of others---like a scared child abandoned on a sidewalk. It is a drive that has no end, and without “focus” it takes you nowhere. It is the deepest anger when someone you love hurts you, and the greatest love when they don't. It is beauty when it has purpose. It is agony when it doesn’t. It is called Attention Deficit Disorder.”
Shannon L. Alder

Shannon L. Alder
“There is nothing more entertaining then leaving someone speechless. Yet, there is nothing sadder than realizing that person was incapable of retaining half of what you said, and will repeat the story all wrong to someone else.”
Shannon L. Alder

Shannon L. Alder
“You can't compare men or women with mental disorders to the normal expectations of men and women in without mental orders. Your dealing with symptoms and until you understand that you will always try to find sane explanations among insane behaviors. You will always have unreachable standards and disappointments. If you want to survive in a marriage to someone that has a disorder you have to judge their actions from a place of realistic expectations in regards to that person's upbringing and diagnosis.”
Shannon L. Alder

Jenara Nerenberg
“Despite what the words "attention deficit" imply, ADHD is not a deficit of attention, but rather a challenge of regulating it at will or on demand.”
Jenara Nerenberg, Divergent Mind: Thriving in a World That Wasn't Designed for You

Gail Carson Levine
“Rapid movement was a relief in the midst of so much feeling.”
Gail Carson Levine, Ella Enchanted

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Vulnerability creates unimaginable space to build each other up, as much as it creates ample room to tear each other down.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Edward M. Hallowell
“For all the hoopla you read and hear about the overdiagnosis of ADD and the overuse of medication-indeed, serious problems in certain places—the more costly problem is the opposite: millions of people, especially adults, have ADD but don't know about it and there fore get no help at all.”
Edward M. Hallowell, M.D., Delivered from Distraction: Getting the Most out of Life with Attention Deficit Disorder

Patricia Robin Woodruff
“I can't keep myself from creativity. Ideas flash like lightning burning my bones. It must flow out of my hands or it will burst me apart.”
Patricia Robin Woodruff

Julie Buxbaum
“Email is much like an ADD diagnosis. Guaranteed extra time on the test.”
Julie Buxbaum, Tell Me Three Things
tags: add, email

“I am the + and the = between the questions and the answers.”
Akilnathan Logeswaran

“This is me trying to bridge the gap and make a record that I’m truly proud of, I’ve got my 80s side and my indie side, my super pop slant and the electronic music that I love. I wanted to make happy, feel-good music. It all comes from an organic place”
Blake Lewis
tags: add

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“A true gift is when I give you something that I can never replace so that your life will become something that it has never been.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Michael Bassey Johnson
“You are the salt of the earth.
And you are here to season the world.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Song of a Nature Lover

Dan Pearce
“I've seen far more sunrises because I was up late than I have because I was up early.”
Dan Pearce, Single Dad Laughing: The Best of Year One

“Fire children are often told to "settle down", "be still", or - even worse - diagnosed with ADD when they may simply have a very energetic disposition from being a Fire element.”
Dondi Dahlin, The Five Elements: Understand Yourself and Enhance Your Relationships with the Wisdom of the World's Oldest Personality Type System

Deyth Banger
“IF" - I lie I am going to add the best features... the peoplea around = features will be taken to build the best character, then I am going to stick on the lie. This is the thingy which helps us to get out of...”
Deyth Banger

Richard L.  Ratliff
“Always enjoyed a smile with dimples
But time adds wrinkles to the smile”
Richard L. Ratliff

Deyth Banger
“Life is the biggest conflict

Add up few arguments.”
Deyth Banger

“Just add a 'g' before race; race with grace and success will be yours!”
Md. Ziaul Haque

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“As I live out my life, I would be wise to remember that the size of my shoe does not dictate the depth of my print.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Neil Leckman
“My friends told me you was ADD but that ain't true at all I think you're pretty!”
Neil Leckman
tags: add, pretty

“By adding new meaning, we add value.”
Jeffrey G. Duarte

Rasheed Ogunlaru
“Belief is the most fascinating equation for it can add and multiply...but equally if miscalculated it can subtract and divide.”
Rasheed Ogunlaru

Alex G. Zarate
“Never fear adversity. Every setback, struggle and storm will add to your focus, strength and wisdom.”
Alex G Zarate

Dan Pearce
“My current age is, 'if I don't write it down within three seconds, I'll forget it.”
Dan Pearce, Single Dad Laughing: The Best of Year One

Cat Marnell
“I’d been a straight-A student in elementary school—whatever that means to anyone—but as soon as I hit puberty . . . everything went downhill.”
Cat Marnell, How to Murder Your Life

Cat Marnell
“Some people just aren’t meant for the grind. I was in one of those huge public middle schools, taking seven different classes a day. I couldn’t keep up. I couldn’t even remember my locker combination! So I started shutting down—figuratively and literally, during classes. I’d been fully alert at ten years old; then I turned eleven and suddenly I couldn’t keep my eyes open. I’d fall asleep right there at my desk. And not because I wasn’t totally well rested; I totally was! It was so weird. And in the next class, I’d nod off again, at a different desk.”
Cat Marnell, How to Murder Your Life

Cat Marnell
“Half an hour later, I was downstairs at my own desk when I felt my first ever stimulant kick. My heart beat a little faster. Then my brain was, like . . . aroused. Turned on. Stimulated—like Tyga in that gross song he wrote about having sex with Kylie Jenner when she turned eighteen.”
Cat Marnell, How to Murder Your Life

Cat Marnell
“Concerta was wack—Ritalin-ish; amateur hour.”
Cat Marnell, How to Murder Your Life

“I had a conversation with myself and three other people this morning and I did the talking for all of us. The conscious committee in my head meets once again.”
Niedria Dionne Kenny

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