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The magic of Christmas—and a second shot at romance—is in the air in Shelter Springs this holiday season…

Amanda Taylor isn’t a fan of Christmas, but as the owner of a local soap shop, ignoring the holiday season isn’t an option. To forget the pain of Christmases past, Amanda focuses on making the season bright for her customers at the Shelter Springs Holiday Giving Market. But when her beloved grandmother, Birdie, starts dating the dashing new resident of the Shelter Inn retirement community, Amanda smells trouble. Fortunately, Rafe Arredondo, the grandson of Birdie’s charming suitor, is equally dubious of the match. Unfortunately, he's just as fiery as his grandfather—and Amanda has zero interest in getting burned.

As a single father, paramedic and assistant fire chief, Rafe has more than enough on his plate. Sure, he and Amanda share a common goal in keeping their grandparents apart. Still, that doesn’t mean he should allow himself to feel as drawn to her as he does. Even if she is great with his young son. Even if she does help the burden of his own painful past feel a little lighter… But when their paths keep crossing at the holiday market, it starts to feel like fate, prompting them both to wonder if taking a chance on love might gift them everything they’ve been wishing for.
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25 copies
From bestselling children's author Marianne Richmond comes a powerful memoir about overcoming a mother's emotional neglect and finding the courage to reclaim the story of your life.

"In her beautiful memoir, Richmond bravely finds her way through a legacy of emotional trauma, pulling us into her courageous, tender heart while bringing us closer to our own…a stunning story." -- Kelly McDaniel, author of Mother Hunger

At nine years old, Marianne Richmond's life is upended when she collapses on her kitchen floor with full-body convulsions. "Pinched nerve," says the ER doctor, a baffling explanation. But when one episode becomes many, it's clear something is wrong. Afraid to be at school, in her body and in her life, Marianne Richmond desperately hopes for help and healing. But her emotionally unavailable mother — still reeling from her own past trauma— refuses medication on Marianne's behalf, preferring to try prayer and homeopathy. 

At age 18, a full-body seizure in Marianne's dorm room leads her to a diagnosis, medication, and—at long last—neurological intervention. Physically, Marianne feels "fixed," but emotional healing proves more elusive. In the years to come, Marianne becomes a parent herself, and writes a new story for her life. She authors children's books that touch millions of lives, each of them celebrating a mother's unconditional love for her children. A love her own heart still longs to know. When her mother becomes ill, Marianne has a choice to will she be present for the mother who rarely felt present to her?

If You Were My Daughter is a story of learning to hear your own voice, of one daughter's return to wholeness, and ultimately, a story of accepting that, despite all hope and longing, a mother's "best I could" can still fall far too short. Most of all, Marianne Richmond illuminates how the stories we're born into shape the ones we tell about ourselves—and reminds us that we have the powerful permission to develop a new relationship with what is difficult in our lives, to fully choose and embody who we are meant to be.
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Happiness isn't just a state of mind. It's also a state of body.

Standing straight can give you a shot of confidence and forcing a smile might improve your mood. But do you know why? We generally believe that the brain is the big computer telling our bodies how to respond, but new research shows that the system often works in reverse. Your body reacts first, and your brain then interprets the physical signals. As you walk by a dark alley, your heart starts pounding and only then does your brain get the message I'm scared! The body can also send messages about positive emotions, allowing you to experience more happiness, love, and joy.

In What Your Body Knows About Happiness, Janice Kaplan, the New York Times bestselling author of The Gratitude Diaries, explores the startling new evidence showing that our feeling bodies are often smarter than our thinking minds. Talking to experts in a wide range of fields, she brings her distinctive brand of conversation, humor, and storytelling to scientific research, drawing unexpected links that reveal the power of body-mind connections. Learn how to use your body to be more creative and how changing your environment can improve your mood. Discover how your brain resolves bodily pain, why blue and green are the happiest colors, and even why wine tastes better when you're drinking it in Paris. You'll also get tips and strategies for knowing your body in a whole new way—leading to greater happiness and pleasure every day.
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Based on her "Modern Love" piece ("She Put Her Unspent Love in a Cardboard Box"), this extraordinary memoir tells the astonishing story of a mother's last gifts to her daughter, and the wisdom and love she bestowed upon her from beyond the grave.

Genevieve (Gwen) Kingston's mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer when Gwen was just three years old. Defying the odds, she lived another eight years—during which time she filled a chest with gifts and letters to Gwen and her brother, Jamie, for every major milestone and birthday through age thirty. The day Gwen got her driver's license. The day she graduated from high school. Gwen is now in her thirties and, when Did I Ever Tell You? begins, three unopened boxes remain: engagement, marriage, and first baby. Two decades after her passing, Gwen's mother's extraordinary efforts created a lifelong conversation beyond the grave.

Did I Ever Tell You? is Crying in H Mart meets The Bright Hour by Nina Riggs. This is not just a gorgeously written mother-daughter story. It's also the story of a family riven by grief and mental illness, and a story of a young woman's navigation through both. It's a book about family and legacy; and it's one that emphatically declares, as Gwen's mother does in a particularly powerful letter, that "Love is stronger than death."
  • Memoir
  • Contemporary
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The Never Ending Story meets The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

Logan LeVec is an over-achieving middle-schooler who struggles socially. He enjoys a strong bond with his grandfather who tells the most over-the-top imaginative stories. This is much to the dismay of Logan’s mother, who worries about her father’s detachment from reality. But when Logan’s grandfather passes away, Logan discovers that the stories were all true, and a subtle form of training to prepare him for his higher purpose.

With the help of Muggins the Elementalist, and Ginny the girl next door, Logan enters Cameria through a magic portal. Cameria is under siege because Karma is stealing the Light and wants to destroy Cameria. The Light, of course, is the force from which all things good, like kindness and compassion, are derived. Without it, a most profound darkness will descend upon Cameria.

As ill-prepared as Logan feels, he is Cameria’s last hope. He must be anointed a Keeper of the Light, defeat Karma and release the Light in order to return Cameria to its original glory. If he fails, Cameria will be lost forever.

Karma, however, is a powerful adversary, who uses an enchanted mirror to force people to “reflect” on their wrongdoings and dole out extreme Karmic punishments. Logan must overcome Karma’s wrath, the army she has assembled and his own self-doubt in order to save Cameria. But does he really have what it takes?
  • Fantasy
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