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message 1: by Ketutar (new)

Ketutar Jensen The list is Asian Fantasy and Science Fiction

I really don't think Lunar Chronicles belong to this list. It's set in "New Beijing", but it's not set in this world.

Also, Diana Wynne Jones's Castle in the Air shouldn't be here. "Far to the south of the land of Ingary, in the Sultanates of Rashpuht, in the city of Zanzib" might be inspired by the Middle East, but it is not the Middle East.

Neither of the authors is in any way Asian.

message 2: by Cherie (new)

Cherie Based on the list description, it seems the list can include books that have Asian influence and the information provided fits that criteria.

message 3: by Tanushree (new)

Tanushree Podder Please remove my book, I fell in love with a soldier. Kindle and ebook editions
ASIN - B09B5D3Y7K published by Juggernaut, July 12, 2021

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