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message 1: by Coco (new)

Coco Ihle Gosh, I can't believe it's been almost a year since I read Ms. Dashofy's, HELPLESS!!!
Now I'm up to date with the Zoe books (all twelve) and will start on the Detective Matthias Honeywell series!!! Can't wait!!!
Coco Ihle

message 2: by Annette (new)

Annette Dashofy Coco wrote: "Gosh, I can't believe it's been almost a year since I read Ms. Dashofy's, HELPLESS!!!
Now I'm up to date with the Zoe books (all twelve) and will start on the Detective Matthias Honeywell series!!!..."

I hope you enjoy them, Coco! And Zoe #13 is coming in May!

message 3: by Coco (new)

Coco Ihle Oh, goodie!!! I LOVE the Zoe series. Hurry up May, so I can read the latest (13th) Zoe book!!!
Coco Ihle

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