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Calvin and Hobbes #1

Calvin and Hobbes

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This is the first collection of the popular comic strip that features Calvin, a rambunctious 6-year-old boy, and his stuffed tiger, Hobbes, who comes charmingly to life.

128 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1987

About the author

Bill Watterson

389 books4,623 followers
Bill Watterson (born William Boyd Watterson II) is an American cartoonist, and the author of the comic strip "Calvin and Hobbes". His career as a syndicated cartoonist ran from 1985 to 1995; he stopped drawing "Calvin and Hobbes" at the end of 1995 with a short statement to newspaper editors and his fans that he felt he had achieved all he could in the comic strip medium. During the early years of his career he produced several drawings and additional contributions for "Target: The Political Cartoon Quarterly". Watterson is known for his views on licensing and comic syndication, as well as for his reclusive nature.

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Profile Image for Mario the lone bookwolf.
805 reviews5,023 followers
February 5, 2023
Seeing the world through the not innocent eyes

Of a cynical kid and an ethical tiger
A perfect character combination for a comic series that lets adult life seem pretty boring, predictive, and especially extremely cognitive bias and logical fallacy fueled. No matter which aspect, work, private life, hobbies, or ideologies,

Calvin darkens while Hobbes tries to be positive
It´s close to impossible to predict which of Calvins´punchlines will be combined with Hobbess` philosophical and moral ideas, what the final big laugh will be, and also who wins. Because, depending on the readers´ ideology, one will prefer conclusions, dogmas, and standpoints that reflect different sociological, philosophical, economic, and political schools of thought. Thanks to the ingenious constellation, the comic

Delivers deeper humor that goes to the core
Readers expect something more sophisticated, so the duo has to act in situations with already inherent, underlying problems, malfunctions, and socially awkward or tabu groundings. And what could be a better start for an adults´ day than to see everything around one ridiculed and set into the only bearable, comic perspective, that let´s one laugh and think instead of cry and feel? Because that´s the only difference one personally can make.

Tropes show how literature is conceptualized and created and which mixture of elements makes works and genres unique:
Profile Image for Orsodimondo.
2,328 reviews2,257 followers
June 24, 2021


Calvin & Hobbes è geniale.
Finora avevo letto solo poche strisce sui giornali americani e questo è il primo volume che mi godo: da qui la richiesta di scuse per il ritardo.
Ma farò ammenda, ne leggerò presto altri.

Mi piace tutto: il disegno, il testo, i personaggi, le strisce di lunghezza normale e quelle che durano una pagina intera.


È irriverente come devono essere i fumetti di valore.
È divertente, anzi spassoso.

Rispetto ai mitici meravigliosi Peanuts, aggiunge il mondo degli adulti, che sono presenti e attivi, interagiscono con Calvin (perfino con Hobbes), anche loro altrettanto brillanti e graffianti.

Hobbes è indimenticabile, il tigrotto di pezza è più vivo di un umano

Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews371 followers
August 30, 2020
Calvin and Hobbes (Calvin and Hobbes #1), Bill Watterson

This is the first collection of the popular comic strip that features Calvin, a rambunctious 6-year-old boy, and his stuffed tiger, Hobbes, who comes charmingly to life.

تاریخ نخستین خوانش: روز بیست و هفتم ماه اکتبر سال 2016 میلادی

عنوان: کالوین و هابز؛ نویسنده: بیل واترسن؛ مترجم کژوان آبهشت؛ گروه ویراستاری کژوان آبهشت؛ عیاد شعبانیان؛ تهران انتشارات غنچه‏‫، 1394؛ در 34ص، مصور؛ شابک 9786007721391؛ گروه سنی ج؛ ‬موضوع: داستانهای فکاهی کودکان از نویسندگان ایالات متحده آمریکا - سده 20م

شرح‌حال ماجراهای خنده‌ دار پسربچه ی شش ساله ی خیال‌گرایی به نام «کالوین» و «ببر عروسکی» او به نام «هابز» است

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 08/06/01399هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Dan Schwent.
3,130 reviews10.7k followers
July 2, 2018
Once upon a time, I was nuts for Calvin and Hobbes. I read it every Sunday morning and bought the first six collected editions. Once Bill Watterson retired, so did my interest in reading newspaper comics. Earlier this morning, I watched the documentary Dear Mr. Watterson, which was great, and decided to check out the dog-eared, well-loved Calvin and Hobbes collections sitting on a shelf in my basement. As I write this, it's been easily 25 years since I cracked this puppy open.

The story starts as it must: Calvin catches his tiger, Hobbes, in a trap using a tuna sandwich. The first thing I notice is that Calvin looks slightly different than his iconic look. His head is shaped a little differently and his hair is a little off. Other than that, all the winning ingredients are there, right from the get-go.

Another thing I notice right off the bat is the attention to detail in the backgrounds, particularly in the larger Sunday strips. Watterson put tons of effort into some of the scenes, effort he probably didn't need to, but it seems like he wasn't willing to phone it in like so many other cartoonists when it came to the little touches.

Most of the characters that appear throughout the life of the series are introduced in this volume: Calvin's parents, of course, the principal, Mrs. Wormwood, Rosalyn the babysitter, Moe, Susie Derkins, they're all here and fully realized. No Stupendous Man yet in this volume but Spaceman Spiff is all over the place. Also, Calvin plays a character called Safari Al, something I completely forgot about. Did Safari Al make any appearances after the first year? I also didn't remember Calvin being a Cub Scout.

Calvin tackles such menaces as going to school, monsters under his bed, stifling parents, babysitters, the school bully, trying new foods, and the biggest enemy of all for a kid: boredom. Calvin's powerful imagination reminds me of simpler times, when the daily grind of going to school was the only obstacle to pure freedom.

Now that I'm decades older, Calvin's parents strike a cord with me. You know his mother and father aren't where they want to be in life. Mom's stuck being the disciplinarian while Dad's clearly coasting, making shit up as he goes along, partly to amuse himself and partly because he doesn't know what else to do.

One of my favorites of the early strips is Calvin's mom making dinner and telling Calvin they're having stewed monkey heads.

While still in its formative years in this volume, it's easy to see why Calvin and Hobbes is still revered today. The stories are timeless tales of childhood and imagination. I think part of the reason people still talk about Calvin and Hobbes is because it went out on top. Bill Watterson wasn't content to churn out strips year after year just to keep the gravy train going.

While it isn't my favorite Calvin and Hobbes collection by a long chalk, even the greatest newspaper strip of the modern era had to start somewhere. It's a great beginning and still a lot of fun over three decades after the strips were originally published. 4.5 out of 5 stars.
Profile Image for Archit.
825 reviews3,206 followers
October 8, 2020

Strip after strip after strip.

Some books just win you over.

I too sleep with the baseball bat beside my bed to kill the monster lurking down it.

I wonder I still may not be old enough to not start doing this poll manipulation thing with my dad either.

With characters sketched up as well as these, you will be going out of your way not to give this one a 5 star.

Wonderful and addictive.

Did I say 5 stars already? Make that 5 stars plus one more for the timelessness captured.
199 reviews156 followers
September 29, 2012
This is what I got in my mail box to cheer me up while I used to study late in the winter.

Too stressed with your schedule and cold??

Have a Calvin break

[image error]

Profile Image for Sarah.
237 reviews1,183 followers
October 11, 2018
I reread this book about once a year, along with the rest of the Calvin & Hobbes series, because it is simply wonderful. Nobody can balance sincere wonder and biting snark quite like Bill Watterson...

For those of you who don't know (yes, such people exist) Calvin is the kid with the wild hair, and Hobbes is his loyal stuffed tiger. Whether Hobbes comes alive by magic a la the Velveteen Rabbit, or is but a figment of Calvin's (admittedly overactive) imagination, is a question that not only never gets answered, but that Watterson isn't even interested in answering. Needless to say, the strip flirts with surrealism - to say nothing of sci-fi, superhero comics, and noir detective stories. Calvin's existential angst - a brilliant child trapped in the suburbs with no one who understands him - is hinted at here, but not as pronounced as it later becomes.

In this, the earliest collection, Watterson's drawing style is a bit more raw than it became, the characterizations are in mild flux, and the storylines and punchlines are less ambitious. But early C&H is much closer to later C&H than, say, '50s Peanuts is to '70s Peanuts. This book is probably where new fans should start, because they get introduced to Calvin's friends and family naturally, as if in the beginning of a novel.

C&H eventually gained an uncanny emotional depth for its medium, and the seeds of that are planted here. Read this book if you haven't already.
November 17, 2017

Ο Κάλβιν είναι ένας εξάχρονος διαβολάκος που ζει με τη μαμά και τον μπαμπά του, τους οποίους συνηθίζει να φέρνει στα όρια νευρικής κρίσης. Ο αγαπημένος φίλος του, ο Χομπς, είναι ένας μικρός τίγρης. Μπορεί για όλους τους άλλους να μοιάζει ως ένα απλό λούτρινο ζωάκι, αλλά μέσα από τη ζωηρή φαντασία του πιτσιρικά, ο Χομπς, είναι ένα πλάσμα ζωντανό που μιλάει και τον συνοδεύει στις αταξίες και σε όλες τις μικρές και μεγάλες περιπέτειες της ζωής του. Συχνά ο Watterson παρουσιάζει σε διπλανά καρέ τον κόσμο όπως αυτός φαίνεται στα μάτια του μικρού, γεμάτος από τέρατα, διαστημόπλοια, εξωγήινους και όπλα με λέιζερ και την πραγματικότητα η οποία είναι σαφώς πιο ασπρόμαυρη και πληκτική.

Ο Κάλβιν έχει φιλοσοφικές ανησυχίες και συχνά ο δημιουργός του τον βάζει να εκφράζεται σαν να ήταν ενήλικας. Έχει ωστόσο και τις εντελώς παιδικές στιγμές του, όταν αρνείται να φάει το βραδινό του εκτός κι αν τον βεβαιώσει η μητέρα του πως έχει μαγειρέψει μυαλά πιθήκου (οπότε τα καταβροχθίζει κι ας πρόκειται απλώς για γεμιστές πιπεριές) ή να κάνει μπάνιο (καραδοκούν δολοφονικές μπουρμπουλήθρες και καρχαρίες στην μπανιέρα), ή όταν πειράζει τη συμμαθήτριά του, την Σούσυ Ντέρκινς με την οποία είναι αθεράπευτα ερωτευμένος (και θυμωμένος συνάμα) ή όταν τρομάζει τις νύχτες από τους μπαμπούλες που κρύβονται κάτω από το κρεβ��τι του.

Δεν αγαπάει ιδιαίτερα το σχολείο και τα μαθήματα, αλλά θέλει να μάθει να οδηγεί και νευριάζει που η μαμά του αρνείται κατηγορηματικά να του παραχωρήσει, έστω και για λίγο, το τιμόνι. Οι δύο εφιάλτες του πέρα από το σχολείο και το πρωινό ξύπνημα είναι ο Μό ένας συμμαθητής του, που του παίρνει με το έτσι θέλω το χαρτζιλίκι και τον χτυπάει στο μάθημα της γυμναστικής και η μπέιμπι σίτερ του, η οποία δεν ανέχεται και πολλά.

Ο Κάλβιν έχει μια οπορτουνιστική κοσμοθεωρία, όπου όλα μπορούν να επιτευχθούν κατά την άποψή του με το χρήμα, την άνοδο στην εξουσία ή αν αυτά δεν έχουν αποτέλεσμα, τότε, με τα κλάματα και τις τσιρίδες (οι οποίες είναι μακράν το πιο αποτελεσματικό από όλα τα μέσα). Του αρέσει να εξερευνεί τον κόσμο αλλά πάνω από όλα έχει μια βαθιά επιθυμία να τον κατακτήσει. Με την μικρότερη δυνατή προσπάθεια.

Ο Χομπς, ο τιγράκος, είναι πιο ήπιος και λογικός. Είναι και πιο τυχερός γιατί δεν είναι υποχρεωμένος να πηγαίνει κάθε πρωί στο σχολείο, αν και πρέπει κατά διαστήματα να μπαίνει για μπάνιο στο πλυντήριο με την υπόλοιπη μπουγάδα, και συχνά δεν μπορεί να ακολουθεί την οικογένειά του στις εξόδους τους (μπορεί να φάει κανέναν, έτσι λέει ο μπαμπάς).

Συχνά έχει πολύ ωραίες ιδέες που ωστόσο αποτυγχάνουν στην εκτέλεσή τους, αλλά δεν πειράζει, γιατί η μαμά πάντα στον Κάλβιν θα βάζει τις φωνές.

Αυτό είναι το πρώτο κόμιξ με τον υπερκινητικό ευφάνταστο μπόμπιρα με τον χνουδωτό φιλαράκο του, που διαβάζω, και το λάτρεψα. Τρυφερές και αστείες ιστορίες και μια υπόγεια σάτιρα της σύγχρονης κοινωνίας, είναι κατά την άποψή μου μια δροσερή ανάσα μέσα σε αυτόν τον ανυπόφορο καύσωνα.
Profile Image for Shayantani.
321 reviews925 followers
January 27, 2012

Who doesn’t love Calvin, the over imaginative, mischievous child, with his imaginary tiger friends Hobbes? His antics drive his parents to the brink of insanity and he loves pondering about his Captain Spiff fantasies during class. He is always either making excuses for not having the healthy (read: disgusting) food he has been served, or advocating children’s right to vote in crucial decision like bed time hours, or irritating his friends Susie.

Every page is funnier than the last one and the illustrations are fantabulous!

Love Calvin and Hobbles always! : D

1 book done, 18 more books to enjoy!
Profile Image for Donovan.
725 reviews80 followers
July 5, 2019

I don't know if I lived in a bomb shelter as a kid or was subject to a weird mind-altering device, but I don't remember ever reading Calvin and Hobbes. Like ever. And it's fantastic. The humor is totally smart and clever, and their friendship charming. It's funny how the parents really are the bad guys from Calvin's perspective, and we're not sure if Hobbes is real or imaginary. But I suppose if he's real to Calvin then he is real, isn't he?

Recommended for re-instilling optimism after the world has failed you yet again.
Profile Image for Dea꧂.
457 reviews
February 10, 2021
I'm glad I didn't read this as a child because I wouldn't have appreciated the insightful humour of this comic strip sufficiently.
This collection is full of witty, sarcastic but also clever and brilliant thoughts about all sorts of topics. They are funny when a 6-year old kid is spouting them. However I also really pity his comic parents. Calvin is a handful.

"There's no problem so awful that you can't add some guilt to it and make it even worse."

"If you can't win by reason, go for volume."

"How come we play war and not peace.Too few role models."

"His train of thought is still boarding at the station."

Profile Image for Drew Canole.
2,521 reviews13 followers
February 10, 2023
Excellent late 80s comic strips that still feel fresh to this day.

I was never really introduced to Calvin and Hobbes as a kid, so this is pretty much all new to me. I've been slowly going through this volume (and the next volumes to come!) over a few months time - just a handful of strips per day. It's quite lovely.
Profile Image for Raquel Estebaran.
299 reviews250 followers
November 8, 2022
Una delicia de cómic en forma de tiras cómicas en el que un niño de seis años adorable, vehemente expresando sus opiniones y con una imaginación desbordante tiene aventuras con Hobbes, su tigre de peluche, que por supuesto cobra vida cuando interactúa con él y vuelve locos a sus padres, a la niñera y al resto de su entorno.

Con un dibujo sencillo pero muy expresivo, es una gran lectura que provoca sonrisas y ternura.
Profile Image for mina.
368 reviews11 followers
February 21, 2010
Love it love it love it!
One of the best comics ever!
Although it's just another story about a super hyperactive small boy and his imaginary friend, you love Calvin so much because of his hilarious "know-it-all" comments. He trashed through house, to the point that his parents hoped that they had dachsund instead.

(Heard from the doctor's examination room):
Calvin: "Hey, doc, why are you rubbing my arm with cotton? Are you going to put a leech there? ... Are you going to bleed me? You're not going to amputate , are you? ARE you? ... What's that? Is that a shot? Are you going to... AAUGHH! IT WENT CLEAR THROUGH MY ARM! Ow ow ow ow!!! I'M DYING! I hope you've paid your malpractice insurance, you quack! WHERE'S MY MOM??!"

And his tiger-doll-slash-imaginary-friend Hobbes was just so adorable and wise (although probably it was Calvin who was "wise", since it came from Calvin's imagination).

Calvin: "I need help on my homework. What's a pronoun?"
Hobbes: "A noun that lost its amateur status."
Calvin: "Maybe I can get a point for originality."

But sometimes Calvin also had his more subdued moments:
Calvin: "Uh, Hobbes? .. I forgot to get you a present. I didn't even make you a card. I'm sorry, Hobbes. I didn't mean to forget."
Hobbes: "It's okay, little buddy. I didn't get you anything, either. But here's a tiger hug for being my best friend. Merry Christmas."
Calvin: "Not so hard, you big sissy. You squeeze my tears out."

It's a must-have.

By the way, reading about imaginary friend reminds me to "Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends", in Cartoon Network. Love the show :)

Profile Image for rahul.
107 reviews269 followers
July 10, 2015

And, this is one of my favorites

Profile Image for Dee.
326 reviews
August 24, 2011
Love, love, LOVE this cartoon! Especially love Calvin's dad and his explanations!! Oh, and Hobbes when he gets on the subject of girls. <3
Profile Image for Rahul.
285 reviews19 followers
March 5, 2020
5 🌟
Bill Watterson Is A Creative Genius.
Calvin and Hobbes is truly a masterpiece.
In past, I have read this comic strip in tid bits and knew its greatness but after completing this first volume, I understood why it is a timeless cartoon it is. Looking forward to volume 2 and more fun and exciting stories in the life of Calvin and Hobbes. 5 Stars is just a rating, its worth in the world of art is invaluable.
Profile Image for ♡︎bee♡︎.
555 reviews4 followers
August 26, 2023
BRILLIANT. i am so glad i made the decision to read the compilation of this great comic strip because everything make so much sense now and almost every panel had me laughing out loud. the jokes landed so good i found myself bookmarking almost every page to reread.

pure serotonin wrapped up in a “children’s book” meant for adults.

10/10 would recommend and onto the next volume!!!
Profile Image for Paige.
371 reviews626 followers
October 1, 2018
Before I left for my year-long adventure to London, my boyfriend and I exchanged our favorite books with each other, in the hopes that we would both read them while I was gone, and it would remind us of the other person.
I gave him The Book Thief by Markus Zusak.
He gave me this one.
And I loved it. So much. I see so much of him within the comics and I see where he gets his imagination and wonder from. He's always loved Calvin and Hobbes and I totally see why. They're fun. They remind me of being a kid again and having endless summers and afternoons where I would play and play and hate doing homework and eating peas at dinnertime.
As an adult though, I also find the panels with the parents hilarious. They're so real and I see their struggles with raising an over-imaginative six-year-old (even though I'm nowhere near that stage myself).
Calvin and Hobbes comics are more than fun. They show you what life is about; living, learning, and laughing. And I loved every second of it.
Profile Image for Julia.
10 reviews14 followers
May 22, 2011
I think Calvin and Hobbes is the best comic of all time. I'm sure you've all heard of this, because Calvin and Hobbes has been around for a very long time. But for those who haven't read it, I say pick that comic book up right now! This book is comic strips about a six year old who hates school, homework, baths, his "evil" baby sitter, Rosalyn, and food his mother makes. Calvin's friend, Hobbes, is a stuffed tiger that comes to life when nobody is around except Calvin. His next door neighbor and classmate, Susie, is an A+ student, who is basically the exact opposite of Calvin. These comics are nothing but pure comedy.
Profile Image for Daniel.
804 reviews74 followers
September 4, 2015
Iskreno ne znam nikoga ko je uspeo na bolji i zabavniji nacin da prikaze psihu malog hiperaktivnog klinca bolje nego Vareson. Svaka cast.

Plus razasuto kroz celu knjigu ima i dosta interesantnih pitanja kao i konstatacija koje stvarno navode na razmisljanje.

Profile Image for Ruel.
130 reviews17 followers
August 23, 2014
It's been years since I've read any of the Calvin and Hobbes comics and when I stumbled across this first volume at the library, I couldn't help devouring it in one sitting. This book serves as an excellent reminder of why Calvin and Hobbes was so popular in its day and why it is so revered now: Bill Watterson created a brilliant and charming character in six-year-old Calvin. The little boy is hilarious and adorable, especially when his stuffed tiger Hobbes comes to life. Whether sledding in the woods at dizzying speeds or contemplating the meaning of life, Calvin and Hobbes are perfect together.

These early strips contain the characters we grew to love over the years: Susie, Moe the Bully, Calvin's teacher, and his parents. There is still plenty to come, but this initial book contains enough laughs to rekindle the joy of reading these for the first time.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,103 reviews

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